Posts tagged ‘Coincidence’

April 27, 2013

The REAL Links In Boston … continued.

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

REAL LinksLast week I wrote a post, ONLY As Strong As The Weakest Link! (24 April 2013) and left you with mention that I would further discuss why familial and community links REALLY do matter.  Yes, as I admitted before,  I am making the general personal but not without considered analysis. Those who read me regularly and certainly if you know me personally, are quite aware of just how egregious and serious such issues of connective interplay is in my and my husband’s daily life narrative. So much of what might be considered arbitrary to most, has become importantly addressed in our existence … concerns of safety paramount among the issues. Even attorneys and law enforcement – along with seasoned investigators – are struck shocked at the situations of vandalism, threats, theft, almost biblical levels of family betrayal and more that my and my husband have needed to thwart.

Links, chains, intertwined relationships and even DNA insinuate an interaction and responsibility that creates a circular presence. Children’s books teach the idea if this equals that, than that will mean another thing occurs … cause and effect are the base algorithms that define the fabric that creates or destroys an entity. So much of life is the “if only“, the “should and could haves” that a person often reflects on with regret and sorrow. Me – well I REALLY try to live so that although not without redress, there is little left unattended or pursued. So much of life is happenstance and serendipitous – frequently a simple matter of right or wrong place at a particularly opportune moment. Gloried tales of going into a store or restaurant and unexpectedly meeting your soul mate [my true story] abound and there are the tragic split second decisions that for one or another reason produce horrific tragedies. Whether by premeditated conscious decisiveness or the opposite of intuitive and unexplained reactions – all of life can turn on one decision or indecision some times. So this brings us to the Boston Marathon bombing a few weeks ago – a great deal of this tragedy was based on circumstances both consciously created by and accidentally initiated by we humans. Missed signals, ignored possibilities or deliberate actions were morphed in one singular fact of a national disaster – an act of terrorism and crime.

Immigrants arrive in America – the family Tsarnaev and the man from Costa Rica  Carlos Luis de Los Ángeles Arredondo. All seem to have promising futures in their newly arrived in country. Each progresses in effort to assimilate and succeed just as generation after generations of various ethnic groups and a multitude of nationalities have previously in the U.S.A.. No REAL problems or arisen reason for concern about any of these people – but, not all goes well and still nothing appears any way different a scenario than any citizen born here in that life narratives ebb and flow no matter the origins from which it began. For the Chechnya family there are admirable scholastic successes – their doctor Uncles financially and socially well placed. Stresses present a lessening of the trajectory toward the so called “all American” life and yet this is no different than others poorly arrived at choices – no different than my husband’s ex-wife’s 3 children criminally vandalizing our home, lies on their college/financial aid applications, high school terrorism threat charges, mental illness hospitalization, suspected recent [according to internet] involvement in retail theft, etc.. Whose to say that my nemesis continuing troublesome activities will not result in a further tragedy …. after all, one child at age 20, was already killed in what we were told was her Mother’s broken down van vehicle while traveling – no make that running away from what many believe was a bad home environment at her Mother and Step-Father’s home. There are so many other incidents that will be soon fully known through my book, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life!, trail and lawsuits media coverage and more that suggest possibility for REAL tragedy or at the very least REALLY failed lives for these enemies of mine. Suffice it to say, that the Boston Bombers were not all that different except for one or two [to date] circumstances than those who have harmed and threatened myself and my husband. What one incident made the REAL differences or could it be nothing more complicated than luck – pure and simple luck?

The other immigrant who became a U.S. citizen while protesting our involvement in Iraq is boldly proud to claim love for America …his son sacrificed fighting for it and the other so devastated by the death of his brother commits suicide. Carlos Arrendondo is at the Boston Marathon to honor our veterans, including his lost boy – trained by volunteering at the Red Cross, it is he who runs toward the injured and saves Jeff Bauman’s life  – this seriously injured man who looked into the eyes of the bombers was to later be an eye witness giving testimony to the FBI identifying the bomber he saw. What thread of interconnection – what coincidence or choice placed each there that day and what matter is it really? Surely Mr. Bauman cares little of the how or whys that placed a trained individual to stance his blood flow that day – without question grateful and probably further shaken when contemplating the if not for consequences. Predestination and free will are never REALLY separated in result, as there are without doubt part and parcel of each that creates the outcome.

Other links to the April 15th Boston tragedy are now coming to light – on 11 September 2011 3 Jewish men [Erik Weissman, Raphael Teken and Brendan Mess] were murdered in Boston and one, Brendan Mess, was the best friend of Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The Boston police now admit that for  whatever reason or lack of REAL investigatory effort, they dismissed these killings as drug related on account of the well established marijuana use by the dead men. Now and only after rethinking that conclusion on account of Tamerlan Tsarnaev being one of the two bombers, are they finally reexamining that case. Some have suggested prejudice was at play in law enforcement’s assumption – narrowing of their minds on account of life narrative, neighborhood where deaths occurred or perhaps antisemitism have left the families of the three murdered men begging for justice. Will that justice now be accomplished due to do one Tsarnaev brother being already dead and the other if not receiving the death sentence, then spending his entire life in prison? What moment one thinks makes the difference in life – a meeting, a friendship developed, a decision [which I myself have made] to train/run in a marathon – which and when is a choice thought simple grown into a life changing event? Not easy to answer and quite complicated to surmise – however we must give pause in contemplation, as the sages have for all time, as to which is in our human control and that significantly outside of our reasoned directive. Think of what links broken and which others made stronger have defined your biography – more importantly I suggest we all assert REAL effort to be sure the links that comprise our lives are those most likely to bring REAL joy and life affirmation to us all!