Archive for February 9th, 2014

February 9, 2014

Thug Nation

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

You can pour holy oil and holy water on a thug until you have emptied buckets of both; but at the end he will be a consecrated thug, but a thug all the same unless interior intentions and a disciplined man are present.

— William H. O’Connell

Look around– they are everywhere, there are many thugs among us who seem otherwise, both male and female thugs. They can and do often appear as everyday ordinary and in some cases even exceptionally accomplished individuals. This is the problem my dear readers for they and the sadly delusional cohorts of the thug actually believe that they are other than brut predatory and dangerous persons. Modernity presents a ready revue but one need only study history in order to learn the landscape of humanity has been carpeted with thuggery.

It matters little if the issue, the opinion includes small parts where actual real facts are part of the spewed rants of someone acting in a thuggery manner is saying, posting, promoting. The harm done to everyone, to those involved and people assisting the thug, to innocent bystanders are equal. We are all victims of any and all thugs among us.

The solution is to stay vigilant, to not promote nor champion bullies even when the subject matter is one you support. Bullies are thugs and thugs are bullies!

Those of you my regular readers and certainly those who personally know me are all too familiar with the very REAL and present thug characters my husband and I have been forced to deal with these past few years. So here I am once again unfortunately able to present description and argument that as much of life creates a narrative where the general becomes the personal. Not at all a stretch of intellect for not is all of humanity a continuance of basically a few and REAL actions that define the human condition?

To insist another caputulate or surrender because you threaten with either REAL or projected and even non existent facts is a form of thuggery … no matter the form of action, the very act of harsh pressure tactics becomes a form of thuggery. Nations have been controlled and manipulated into submission and often ultimate destruction by such individuals. Stalin used these means in the Soviet Union and that land is rich with tales of horror as a result. Too many historical examples to reference here but suffice it to say it is far too plentiful a matter to accept as unique that which has burdened human history by the thugs. The faux self-righteousness and subsequent hypocrisy exposes thugs for their true and evil character – no REAL effort to make better the world is their true impetus in reality. Power and attempts to elevate their own insecure status is the REAL basis for people who use thuggish means. Seeking power or recognition and other times nothing more than self congratulations can be seen in such individuals pathology.

Recently New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s staff were found to have used thuggery type tactics to close the very busy and vitally important George Washington Bridge; this action was done in a retaliation for perceived campaign slight by a Democratic Mayor during the last election cycle. The Governor’s claim of ignorance harder to believe because he is indeed proud – make that almost boastful – about his well known and documented bully like reproach to REAL and perceived enemies. Most everyone has watched or heard Chris Christie address others in a bully like fashion … some thought it brave and yet most grew weary of these antics as it appeared often a disproportionately demonstrated reaction to the circumstances. So you see even when one might agree, the level of vitriol the Governor’s tonality produced said much more about his REAL character than his opponent.

It is no secret and certainly I have written about here before that my husband and I were victims of thugs – people once related to my husband and his childhood Michigan one time friends who for no reason understandable decided to pursue what one L.A. attorney adviser describes as a “reign of terror” against us. They spent years – well documented and shared with law enforcement – of posting erroneous and even when relatively true exaggerated references to us on social media. Many of the comments were anti-semitic [they are all aware that I am Jewish] – these individuals being Catholic, I decided to consult a Catholic Monsignor friend of mine and he fully agreed. They planned gatherings announcing the singular intent to address our life. One man we are pursuing lawsuits against and law enforcement is actively investigating pretended to fly to Pennsylvania – our primary State of residence – to meet with persons and legal officials relating to my life [all undoable in fact due to legal standards]. As with Governor Christie supporters, these miscreants brought their friends – total strangers to both myself and my husband – into the scenario. The result was multiple strangers in what the law calls “shedding a false light” on us via Facebook [also all well documented and being prepared for lawsuits]. Additionally, the same Michigan man who pretended travel to our State, insinuated locating us at our new home via Twitter and more threats that caused us to increase our already substantial security system and notify all part of our life of this REAL concern for our family safety. There were two fake Twitter accounts – one posing as me and the other with only Tweets about myself and my husband that included actual illegal activity involving fund raising. The later was referenced on FB by Michigan nurse in the group of miscreants and followed by her daughter and my husband’s ex-wife’s son. Fortunate for me my brilliant attorney [one of my dearest friends] is well versed in such matters and convinced Twitter to fully cooperate in taking both down and helping us trace the source. There is much more but as I have often needed to say in previous blog essays, the ongoing legal investigations, lawsuits preparations and my book contracts limit my ability to discuss everything here just now. We have been blessed that the result has been our being supported in often unexpected ways by many both personally and as professional legal entities. My REAL effort here is to demonstrate that thugs – bullies – while dangerous, are in the end shown to be of the most loathsome character and therefore usually destroyed and ostracized by their own efforts to hurt others. Interesting is that thugs and bullies project and become accusatory when we their REAL victims respond and defend ourselves … a pattern to be sure not uncommon on the world, national nor personal level. You nor I are to be deterred or daunted for the world is now full of such thuggery – no matter through social media or one to one interaction we of REALLY good intention must stand up and say no!


P.S. In all my previous blog essays I referenced  first book, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life! – well it is finished but due to additions to its ending – that which introduces what publishers are calling my “big” book Life Journey of Heiress Mommy – we delayed the launch a bit. Announcements have been made on the internet and in the following months ads will appear in many venues, followed by book stores and online availability. Curious what the additions are … fact is some are the lawsuits and possible prosecutions of above reference miscreants and the other reason is a blessed very important family event. Stay tuned for that announcement here and everywhere!!!

Note: The above referenced Michigan man posing as having traveled to Pennsylvania, etc. received a detailed warning letter from my attorney – despite that and due to his and his wife’s apparent ignorance concerning a typo [which does NOT in any way change the law] he and his cohort miscreants not only continued their internet threats but in may ways increased activity against myself and my husband. G-d willing news reports and my second book will be able to help others by covering the planned lawsuits and hoped for prosecutions against these individuals. My husband and I wish on no one what we have suffered – rest assured we remain victorious with the help of many good people and the blessings of G-d!