Posts tagged ‘Judaism’

August 5, 2014

My Personal Hamas Enemy!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

JewishTearI am a proud American Jewish Zionist   … As most of my people I am instructed by our faith that details all areas of life, even addressing our enemies. From the beginning the burden of compromise is on us – simply put that we must attempt to thwart the conflict between us as individuals or a nation and those seeking argument and conflict. However NOT at all cost and never at the risk of our own demise. So it is that my husband and I of late have felt and had knowing others in our life compare our personal nemesis to Hamas as we are to Israel in their efforts to malign, harass and some well placed believe actually destroy our very existence. This essay is merely an attempt to give clarity as our personal enemies claim by means of subterfuge being victim after years of attacking us and after we had no choice but to seek a decisive route to defend and [legally] see punished they, our sworn enemy … All as Israel has done not necessarily for punitive reasons but instead as neither our nemesis nor Hamas was willing to admit guilt and reform their actions in effort to leave all involved as before. My hope and that of my dear husband is that by seeing the personal an example of the bigger picture that Israel deals with, you the readers will somehow come to understand the reality of our and Israel circumstances.

Some of you my regular readers are aware – some more detailed than others – of the horrible stalking, harassment, slander, defamation and worse, including sexually toned threats, all in the last few years and preceeded by our home being criminally vandalized 2003 and even a phone death threat that my husband and I have been forced to deal with. A Los Angeles Attorney friend describes what has happened to us as a deliberate “reign of terror” [all timeline documented] – additionally some of these well known to us individuals are anti-semitic. Our wonderful lawyer has and is addressing this matter with his usual brilliance and affectionate devotion. Hopefully the legal system will appropriately punish them and my books will expose them and help others faced with similar bullying situations. My point here is would anyone ask myself or my husband to allow these individuals, some who have never met me or seen my husband in over twenty years to go unchallenged or have them be allowed to continue the attacks on us without legal recourse that we seek? Surely no one one would wish on us or another such horrors and constant barrage – often daily – to go on to the point of causing great harm and depletion of all worked for in life. So much the Courts have now insisted we remain silent on as the process toward justice comes closer to fruition, yet still I can assure you [all documented] their multi aspect attacks were without precedence. Seems they felt our own life story would allow room for their misleading representations and so much worse. We like Israel with G-d’s grace lived a full productive life while still addressing at each and every turn their evil deeds. You see Israel flourishes among enemies and we have as well … Of course admittedly with amazing supportive professionals and friends at our side. Too often the enemy hopes by mere weight and depth of their actions retreat is their targets only recourse. This is not to be an acceptable option if survival and prosperity is to be had by those of  us while not perfect still entitled to exist contently in peace.

So what is our personal comparison you may ask to Israel’s current conflict? It is actually not difficult when seeing the many tunnels built into Israel by Hamas and their shameful admittance that they want to destroy Israel. When Israel responded as only possible of course the horrors of battle were the result. In my life quite possibly loss of property and employment as we seek damages and our nemesis are publicly exposed will be their result; Some may think [who do not know the full REAL details] that was too much a punishment but those knowledgeable have agreed it is only fair compensation. If any criminal charges result in incarcerations that too will be simply as the justice system determines is rightful remedy. My husband and I, like Israel, did nothing to provoke such vile attempts against us … Nothing that is but make decisions best for our life and future. Many educated in such issues believe our enemies REALLY believed they could go unpunished by convincing others it was my husband and I unworthy of dignity. Does that not sound very much like Hamas toward Israel? No need to extrapolate each analogy to an exact point of comparison … No not at all but only to see each of your personal opposing forces as mine and my husband’s, as well as Israel’s … That is a force often out of envy or misperceived ideas determined to destroy forever the object they have targeted.

Let me conclude with what I deeply feel not only as a Jewish woman but as a citizen of the world: This is on you Hamas … My heart is broken as my Israel has now been involved in a war you the evil of this world began and resulted in the innocent deaths of Jews and others. We Jews are being asked by the world to become complacent and thus be destroyed. You Hamas lie and cause many of the deaths now attributed to Israel. Even those Israel responsible for your doing as your attempts to destroy Israel caused ALL this. Still we Jews are broken hearted … I scream out in sorrow for the death of innocent children no matter their parents decisions and I plead to G-d that all find a permanent truce. This is not who we Jews are or wish to be, as we  have saved and healed in hospital many of Israeĺs enemies. I have been to Israel fourteen times and can confirm that all who seek to live peacefully there do so quite happily. Hamas and the world MUST accept Israel’s right to exist and as we Jews MUST now again defend that right, somehow find a way to end ALL the deaths resulting. I trust Israel’s leaders but I am nearly paralyzed by grieve as the innocent while possibly among my enemy die needlessly. Please G-d bring Israel and our neighbors peace … I am here in America crying out to you. I beg to see this end L-rd and I am made helpless by my own fear and confusion – I pray for direction for myself and all involved. Please G-d bless us with peace!!!


P.S. Thank you all for the ongoing support … Many of you close and personal who care for me daily through this horror and still others only known to me through my writing and such.  I appreciate you all. With G-d’s grace my husband and I will not only remain triumph but champion the cause of other victims!

June 12, 2014

Update: Why I Hope Eric Cantor Converts!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

Eric-CantorOy Veh  … Dear G-d” is admittedly my more than not usual dismayed reaction when [as of today former] Republican Virginia Congressman and House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor gets to pontificating. He, like myself, is Jewish and when he speaks I cringe – for Cantor is so not of the standard ilk that defines our Liberal progressive tribes. This past week has presented Cantor and company, especially Speaker of the House John Boehner with plenty of opportunity to bellow their faux concerns about issues of press freedom, IRS over reach and foreign relations. Yes indeed,  here we go – puffery and preening abound as the GOP protest the Obama Administration handling of various crisis situations, as well as, day to day governance issues. For me, Cantor, is a personal issue – when he proposes programs that are antithetical to Judaism tenets I feel REAL concern. Of course, we Jews have every right to be members of either or no political party – however, the REAL fact is that as a whole being Democrats suits our philosophy the best. Discuss I will on the whys and the hows my people. despite being so successful, still feel more kin to those struggling than others in our nation. A little guilt perhaps or as I frequently suggest, a REAL sense of remembering where we have been or could be again … you know, them today, us tomorrow scenario at play.

Surely the situations most recently causing Cantor and the other GOP operatives to go nearly mad are to be examined and reviewed. The oddity is that IRS intrusion into people and organizations is a Liberal preoccupation, so are issues like AP reporters having phone logs subpoenas and most definitely is the idea that an administration delineated facts on subject of national security like the Benghazi attack that resulted in our U.S. Ambassador and other Americans deaths. Think about it – the controversial news stories we are currently discussing are nearly identical to those the left side of the political isle fretted over during the eight year Bush Administration. When I read or hear a Jewish man like Eric Cantor attempt analytic compensatory explanations condemning President Obama, there is much hand wringing for me as I feel his insincerity defining the moment. No REAL logic or scholarship is presented to support why anyone, especially a person who studied Talmudic justice, could profess ideas of so little realistic consequences. See why I am embarrassed that me and Eric share a faith? I worry that when an American Jewish politician joins in with the extremist either left or right side, they take the risk of alienating the entire nation from support of our minority and more importantly of Israel. We  Jews have been scapegoats before in many countries and we could very well be again here if things go badly on the suggestive policies of Eric Cantor’s current extremist GOP Tea Party group.

So now that Mr. Cantor has been defeated by a frighteningly extremist Tea Party candidate, I will no longer need to think “How could you say such a thing or vote that way when you are Jewish?” Obviously I wish him well and do find him a decent man in many ways. Here I must add that no I do not think all my people are perfect but I do want them to carry the banner of our glorious faith – our singular and original template of REAL justice for all the world. In the book, Why Jews Are Liberal? much is made of the REAL fact that we being so financially accomplished oft times vote against our own best interest – true in even our championing groups that are not our natural allies has come to not REAL benefit for we Jews. Still we proceed in a manner befitting our uniqueness in this world and for that I remain proud. I have and will continue to proudly share many REAL facts on my own background and family involvement in politics and social causes that defined us as Liberal – maybe Eric Cantor will read it and come back to the fold or maybe he will convert – nu?

May 17, 2013

Why I Hope Eric Cantor Converts!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

Eric-CantorOy Veh  … Dear G-d” is my usual reaction when Republican Virginia Congressman and House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor gets to pontificating. He, like myself, is Jewish and when he speaks I cringe – for Cantor is so not of the standard ilk that defines our Liberal progressive tribes. This past week has presented Cantor and company, especially Speaker of the House John Boehner with plenty of opportunity to bellow their faux concerns about issues of press freedom, IRS over reach and foreign relations. Yes indeed,  here we go – puffery and preening abound as the GOP protest the Obama Administration handling of various crisis situations, as well as, day to day governance issues. For me, Cantor, is a personal issue – when he proposes programs that are antithetical to Judaism tenets I feel REAL concern. Of course, we Jews have every right to be members of either or no political party – however, the REAL fact is that as a whole being Democrats suits our philosophy the best. Discuss I will on the whys and the hows my people. despite being so successful, still feel more kin to those struggling than others in our nation. A little guilt perhaps or as I frequently suggest, a REAL sense of remembering where we have been or could be again … you know, them today, us tomorrow scenario at play.

Surely the situations most recently causing Cantor and the other GOP operatives to go nearly mad are to be examined and reviewed. The oddity is that IRS intrusion into people and organizations is a Liberal preoccupation, so are issues like AP reporters having phone logs subpoenas and most definitely is the idea that an administration delineated facts on subject of national security like the Benghazi attack that resulted in our U.S. Ambassador and other Americans deaths. Think about it – the controversial news stories we are currently discussing are nearly identical to those the left side of the political isle fretted over during the eight year Bush Administration. When I read or hear a Jewish man like Eric Cantor attempt analytic compensatory explanations condemning President Obama, there is much hand wringing for me as I feel his insincerity defining the moment. No REAL logic or scholarship is presented to support why anyone, especially a person who studied Talmudic justice, could profess ideas of so little realistic consequences. See why I am embarrassed that me and Eric share a faith? I worry that when an American Jewish politician joins in with the extremist either left or right side, they take the risk of alienating the entire nation from support of our minority and more importantly of Israel. We  Jews have been scapegoats before in many countries and we could very well be again here if things go badly on the suggestive policies of Eric Cantor’s current extremist GOP Tea Party group.

Anyway, I have left many messages on Eric Cantor’s office voice mail … more Jewish Mother in tone , than outraged citizen. My message something like, “How could you say such a thing or vote that way when you are Jewish?” No I do not think all my people re perfect but I do want them to carry the banner of our glorious faith – our singular and original template of REAL justice for all the world. In the book, Why Jews Are Liberal? much is made of the REAL fact that we being so financially accomplished oft times vote against our own best interest – true in even our championing groups that are not our natural allies has come to not REAL benefit for we Jews. Still we proceed in a manner befitting our uniqueness in this world and for that I remain proud. In my year end memoir, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life! I will share many REAL facts on my own background and family involvement in politics and social causes that defined us as Liberal – maybe Eric Cantor will read it and come back to the fold or maybe he will convert – nu?

April 6, 2013

Holocaust Remembrance Days

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)


Born post Holocaust – in the 1950’s meant for me and other Jewish children an almost etched in DNA early knowledge of the Holocaust. Parents and teachers anxiously compelled to both inform and protect our youthful minds. No escaping the REAL facts that just a few years before our births there were those determined to annihilate our kind. So even today – as a Mother, Aunt and a friend to others children, I ask “What do we tell them and when?” Jew and gentile alike are to be informed, warned and learned in the scholarship of this singular horror because to forget or ignore is to allow a repeat of such despicable actions amongst our fellow human beings. Surely without comparison but not without similar occurrences, THE Holocaust has been morphed into other tragedies for other peoples and this must not be left unpressed by those of us able and willing to act in defense of those suffering. As we begin Yom Hashoah on 7 April – 8 April 2013 [27th of Nissan in my Hebrew calendar] which began in 1953 as an observance in memory of those perished, I ask you to read my words, feel the pain and pledge that no people shall suffer the same!

In the Jewish faith, life is valued above all else … no false idolatry of the dead is allowed and yet we honor and give eternal life through remembrances of those passed. Our Judaism informs and directs on all matters concerning life, death and mourning. Each year on the anniversary of a death, our loved ones light a Yahrzeit candle – which means a “soul candle“. I do this for many – grandparents, parents, my deceased brother, Albert and first husband, David who converted to Judaism in order for us to marry. Others are there too – Aunts, Uncles, cousins  and friends – all gone but never forgotten. Generation after generation through our Jewish ritual of naming children for those deceased and annual ritual remembrances, those gone before remain present in our life. A legacy to be boldly proud of and life stories to never be forgotten – this my dear readers is the way to defeat the haters – the Nazis who thought they could destroy our people. Each Jewish child born is a “slap” in the faces of our enemies. We are and will be here – triumphant despite the sorrows!

My own parents – especially my father, Abraham, explained that having already feared for my two brothers born at the start of Shoah in America still would having been born Jewish perished and so bringing another child [me] into the world after the end of WWII in 1954 was an act of almost joyful rebellion. Very clearly it was also explained that Israel existing was one of the main reasons my parents felt safe – even though living here as from birth U.S. citizens – in the  decision to have me. Trust me that as a Jewish Mother myself this is not extremist paranoia – oh no my friends, for when I decided to become a Mother again late in life with my second husband, Chester Michael Eliasz-Solomon, I even now thought these same ideas. My husband, just like my own maternal family is not Jewish [my Mother converted but my second husband has not] – still he legally took my Jewish last name, agreed to have our Jewish children do the same, keeps kosher and observes all Jewish holidays, rituals, etc.. My husband for many reasons but one main one being his biological Michigan family being hatefully and dangerously anti-Semitic legally disowned and disinherited them and others.  If you follow me or know me personally then you are aware of the REAL horror and depth of Antisemitism my husband’s disgraceful family and equally G-dless couple in Michigan he grew up with and their family is guilty of concerning Jews. Fortunately, as I have in my life – he too has  REALLY amazing and wonderful Christian cousins who are REAL family to us. To that point, please know that conversely my/our  life is full and so richly blessed with many who are considered “Righteous Gentiles” – these REAL people of faith – my many and a few of my husband’s relatives, friends and colleagues who are those that defend and support the rights of my Jewish people, the existence of Israel and I have no doubt would risk fortune and life to save us should that “knock on the door” ever come again [G-d forbid]!

There are no words to REALLY and completely define the depths of my personal pain concerning the 6 million Jews murdered during the Holocaust – none I tell you. I carry each and every day that pain – the knowledge of that horror where regular citizens of nations who lived, worked, schooled, participated fully were then slaughtered for NO OTHER REASON than they were Jewish. Imagine you today ignoring on account of not wanting to believe it possible that an extremist group here in United States [or wherever you are reading this] existing similar to the Nazis and then that entity rising suddenly to power. Next step to imagine is laws being passed in order to take your long held rights away – yes REAL laws just like those that some in America want to establish in order to marginalize certain demographics today. After that you need to conjure up REAL fear that anytime now they will come for first your business, your law or medical license, have you dismissed at University where you taught for years, fire you from a years long worked at job, confiscated your bank accounts and properties and finally think of that minute when they come to your home and take you and your family away. THINK IT NOW – FEEL IT – BE REALLY AFRAID … it happened to us Jews just that way and I am still angry but no longer fearful because when we say NEVER AGAIN  we REALLY mean NEVER AGAIN – not for we Jews nor anyone else – the genocides must stop everywhere for everyone or humanity is doomed!!!

Note: In my memoir, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life! among so many REAL life stories, will be the full details and REAL facts – even quotes by those my husband decided to call and we legally trademarked The Miscreants™ concerning their hateful antisemitism, their threats and more. One incident that will surely sicken you is that these members of THE REAL Evil Doers Club™  wished my Jewish babies dead by not acknowledging they existed and by mocking our REAL pregnancies on social media sites, etc..  There is worse if you can imagine anything more egregious than mocking a REAL Jewish baby being born. One of these criminal cyberterrorists – a Michigan IBM employee among other threats wished me silenced by gas (leak). So much more will be made public in soon civil & criminal legal cases against these people & even lawsuit against IBM. For now you should know that along with the slander, defamation and harassment lawsuits soon to be filed and possible civil criminal charges, our attorneys and law enforcement are considering charges of hate crimes – yes my dear readers – a REALLY serious matter!!!


March 27, 2013

Nuremberg Laws REALLY Equal U.S.A. DOMA!!!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

LadyJustice My “mixed” parents adored one another … odd coupling they were but amazing together. They were a heterosexual Jewish and gentile mix; my father Jewish and Mother of Albanian Muslim and Italian Catholic family – who later converted to Judaism, making me very Jewish [you know how converts become zealots and WOW was Mother a REAL Zionist]. They married after – here is the REALLY cute part – after my Jewish Father, walked into a Temple University Christmas dance and picked up my part Albanian Muslim Mother in the late 1930’s – sounds like one of those Rabbi and Priest walk into a bar jokes, doesn’t it? No joking here because despite the odds against this union, they married, had children, became business owners, grand and great grandparents, politically and socially active – spending the next fifty years being absolutely spectacular together.

As many of you who follow me or know me personally are aware of – my second husband [I was widowed at 21 years of marriage in 2001] legally took my last name of Solomon – Chester Michael Eliasz-Solomon, for among other reasons, wanted to honor my REALLY special parents by becoming a Solomon in January 2012 – quite a legacy I am sure you will all agree. Oh yes, let me mention here that my husband is Catholic, I am an observant Jew and we agreed to raise our children Jewish, keep homes Kosher and respect both faiths at all times.

Now you ask – what does this lovely family biography have to do with U.S. DOMA  – the rights for ALL Americans to marry? You probably know already that I am very willing to tell you – so sit back and prepare to do the OMG stuff because I assure you that my words will inform you as to why REAL marriage equality for everyone in this great nation is the only REAL solution and the only REAL faith based option.

Berlin in the winter of 1943 was the witness to a non violent demonstration that has come to be known as the Rosenstrasse Protest. This effort by the non-Jewish [“Aryan“] wives and in law relatives of Jewish men who were arrested and being deported on account of being married to gentile women was only part of the experiences that so called “mixed” couples were dealing with in Nazi Germany. Prior to this in 1935 at a Nuremberg rally, the Nazi party announced laws – yes REALLY , government administrated, legal and formalized Court stipulated dictates – stating that Jews could not marry nor have children with gentile German citizens. Here in the great United States of America we had Anti-Miscegenation Laws that segregated who could marry according to race – legal in some states until 1967. I know what you are thinking: “Oh no – surely, these horrible situations are not comparable to not allowing gay people to legally marry in U.S.A.!” – really I say in response – it is the same I assure you because civil laws are not to be subjugated to anyone’s prejudice and if they are, then you have Nazi rule or segregated pre-civil rights law America. On Tuesday 26 March 2013 the United States Supreme Court began hearing Hollingsworth v. Perry – they will need to decide if this great nation continues to deny equal marriage rights to all our citizens or do we follow REAL precedence law already decided and make equal REALLY mean equal once and for all. In 1954, which many have heard and seen my reference in this blog was what my civil rights activist Father, Abraham H. Solomon thought to be a REALLY good year … you see I, his long wanted only daughter was born that year on his March 5th birthday and Brown v. Board of Education was decided correctly in his opinion. Yes indeed – that is my unique family tonality – my birth and a civil rights SCOTUS decision on par – I love it. Anyway, that legal case decided once and for all time that separate is NOT equal in this country and so today asking that we allow gay citizens only civil unions and not full marriage rights is a legal affront and a waste of valuable time and money. To this point, I can not fully express my shock – despite thinking myself well informed on such matters – when I learned in a Villanova Law class that sexual preference is not a “protected class” in this nation … why dear G-d should a thing like being a part of LGBT community be any less a right than faith or race? Do NOT give me that bogus argument that sexual preference is a “choice” and religion and race is not. Does not one decide to be a certain religion? Indeed if you profess that sexual orientation is a choice, then religious prejudice is not illegal and if like myself, you agree it is akin to race in that you are born that way – well then my dear readers, we agree – no choice and hence needs to have full protection under the laws of this land.

So now – lets just all calm down and allow ALL Americans REALLY equal rights to marry, divorce, fight over custody of the children and all that REALLY fun stuff. If I am to appeal to your softer selves – a bit of tugging at your heart strings – please learn about the Love couple of Virginia [see Loving v. Virginia] … this black woman and white man were arrested and sentenced to a year in jail for being married because even in the 1960’s some in our nation thought that was a crime. In my memoir, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life! I REALLY will share each and every REAL fact about why issues concerning freedom of all sorts tugs at my heart strings, occupies my thoughts and motivates me to speak out so often. In the mean while, we supporting equal marriage assure all of you that no religious institution – not my synagogue, your church or mosque will ever be forced to marry same sex couples – only City Hall will be sharing in these REALLY joyous occasions!!!

March 4, 2013

My REAL Birthday Connections!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

IMG_0865Having two sons – Sidney (nearly 20) and Albert (nearly 14) – Abraham and Mary Solomon, after getting to a place they considered accomplished and secure, decided it was time for that baby girl they always wanted. Yes, that baby girl would be me. Despite being in their early forties and I laughingly always said, my Mother probably thinking this will never happen but going along with my Father’s desires to have a daughter, got pregnant. Indeed I was the girl child they and my two brothers had hoped for – smart me came early  – being born 5 March 1954 on my dear Father’s 42nd birthday … I was much wanted, much adored and always REALLY happy to be in the Solomon family. That multiple cultural, multiple ethnic, many faiths family was a REALLY interesting and exciting place to grow up. I give thanks to G-d each and every day for the happenstance of my birth … grateful am I that I was blessed to be born a Solomon. There are not many who do not already know that my amazing husband legally took my last name January 2012 – agreeing – no make that insisting that our children have that legally hyphenated last name as well … so we are the unique Eliasz-Solomon™ family now and forever more. What is REALLY in a name it is often asked – everything I assure you but that legal and moral tutorial has been already discussed in my previous posts and most probably will be again. Here though on the occasion of my 2013 birthday, if you will so kindly indulge me, I would like to  share with you my dear readers only a few of the reasons why my REAL birthday connections are so REALLY amazing.

IMG_0843The Hebrew/Jewish calendar has my birth date different than my father’s … ours is a not a set in time but instead lunar solar determined placement of dates. As such only in the widely accepted Gregorian calendar am I my Dad’s birthday buddy – that is just perfect because we two shared yearly celebrations plus a denotation of our Hebrew birth dates separately. I tell everyone when asked how to best describe my childhood  is that it was a “thinking person’s upbringing” … by that I mean, while great fun and much laughter plus many, many REAL excursions and such – there was a constant aspect of scholarship and learning – what many call “teaching moments“. This familial detail is resonant for the topic of my shared with father birthday on account of even that being a venue for lessons – the whys and wherefores of accepted dates in human history, as well as the poignancy and recognition of a life begun always taught and meant to be REALLY understood in our family.

Mine was a large, multi-generational extended family … many aunts, uncles and cousins. We all were REAL family – never a specification of 2nd, 3rd, half or whatever – just REAL family. It is interesting that the much referenced THE REAL Evil Doers Club™/The Miscreants™ one member [legally disowned/disinherited Michigan nurse] I am told recently posted on Facebook that she never even knew she had a paternal family until accidentally finding out at sixteen … one must wonder if such dysfunctional upbringing and lack of familial continuity is reason for her obvious [in my and others opinions] mental health issues – her jealously and hatefulness of those like myself,  who unlike her, are so blessed with REAL families. Proof that if not addressed one will certainly develop REAL life long relationship problems on account of family childhood issues. As Tolstoy stated, “Happy families are all alike; unhappy family in its own way.” – while I believe all families, no matter happy or not, are unique, I too – like the great Tolstoy – see that REAL happiness like that of my family is surely that of similar others – for we while different know the absoluteness of love and comfort, and of the glorious connections that devoted family affords one in life. If you follow me on Facebook or know my personally, then you would have seen the massive amounts of cousins, et al. photos I keep dear to me – birthday parties and more settings are abundant with REAL family and friends from all the 59 years of my life. Likewise, you all know by now that I consider close friends to be my “extended family” and many have been nearly my lifelong companions – those more recent no less important and equally precious to those from biological determination.

TerezaConnieWell now, I found a lovely lady friend – member of my Goddess Crew™ for a few years now, who shares my birthday. This great looking gal started out as my brow designer – we clicked and then one day while Connie R. chatted with my hubby, it came to her realization that we two were birthday “sisters” – both born March 5th [different years]. Since that day, we have shared great joys – her daughter weddings, my baby showers, dinners and luncheons, laughter and tears, professional accomplishments, her engagement/upcoming May 2013 wedding to dear Mike G. and some sorrows – her beloved Mother’s death last year, her fiance’s health scares, my dealing with REALLY evil nemesis, etc., etc.. The picture here was taken at her bridal shower fete just this past Sunday [3 March 2013] and the joy you see is REAL friendship. This REAL birthday connection makes a place holder that manifest a reality that a birth date is what we begin our life with – a marker that can be daunting for some but for me a glorious recognition that I am here – I am REAL and I am still living each day fully. To have others close to me that also came to be on March 5th allows a broadening of my REAL self, as I embrace their presence in my life, I am enriched and made more sturdy. As Beyonce sings in her song I Was Here – I have and will leave my mark – each of you, in your own way, should insist on the same!!!

P.S. Must remind you my dear followers and readers that my end year 2013 memoir, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life! will be full of REAL and interesting details – the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me G-d – about all my birthdays and so much more. Stay tuned – the years are getting better and better and REALLY better for me – all great fodder for a REALLY good read!!!

Note: One more thing … seeing as the REALLY evil & REALLY obsessed with moi loser nemesis seem to still be taking a peek at my writings & such, I inform them that the photo of me seen here [at top of this blog] is NOT photoshopped, NOT retouched & taken just a few days before my 59th Birthday – on Friday, 1 March 2013 – this is what a REAL woman who is REALLY loved looks like – so there!

February 5, 2013

My Favorite Abrahams; What REAL Honesty Looks Like

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

LincolnThoughtfulBeing REALLY honest … lets say and agree that means not telling untruths, not cheating, stealing nor [as the Bible states clearly] never being slanderous or defaming. Jurist Prudence defines “shedding a false light” as dishonestly misrepresenting as if fact issues concerning another person and hence subject for litigatory initiations. Yes my dear readers – all relevant to my/my husband’s ongoing issues with The Miscreants™. Truly astonishing is the fact that these individuals, like so many I am sure each of you know personally, are guilty of REAL lies and yet accuse others without proof of falsehoods; oh well, that is for upcoming trials and my end 2013 memoir Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life! to detail. This post however is not about those dishonest, hateful and delusional nemesis we are REALLY suing/having law enforcement investigate but instead about my wonderful Father, Abraham H. Solomon and President Abraham Lincoln, as well as the patriarch of my [Jewish]  people, Abraham.

All who knew my dear Father made frequent quipped reference to “honest Abe” … Abe Solomon, like Abe Lincoln thought REAL truth [not faux postured too often pretense of truth] paramount to a life well lived. As the wonderful Spielberg movie, Lincoln, examines our 16th President’s ability to know what is honest and what only a guise for nefarious underpinnings, so did my Father. For is not REAL honesty that which is not only truth based but equally without self delusional and oft times dangerously evil intentional effort? Neither my Father nor Lincoln were naive in thinking one could be blatant in truth telling in the face of REAL evil doers – more subtle and sophisticated honesty made a must by ones nemesis. Of course, we all know that [as my very erudite Mother often said] old adage, “those who are REAL lie tellers, always think others are as well”; so true as is proven often when investigating the REAL underpinnings of ones accusers.   Being REALLY truthful, as Lincoln and Abe Solomon were, is a mindful task. This does not equal statements that are false or obfuscating  but instead adherence to REAL facts that best form a coherent and positive tonality. Fortunately – as I reference often in my blog – not only moral biblical dictates but modernity legal systems present recourse to those so sorely dishonest among us. How my own amazing Father and President Lincoln managed to deal with the REALLY loathsome lie tellers who posture as otherwise, is a lesson I gleam from daily.

Judaism has as its founding father, Abraham. A man not perfect nor without failure and still the person who birth a nation – we Hebrews who gave the world monotheism and REAL codified law. The Jewish patriarch, like my Father and Lincoln, had many troublesome lessers to deal with – honesty always at the forefront of all these men’s efforts and yet each had amazing and REAL success on account of their innate ability to recognize and properly deal with the unseemly enemies they faced. I am REALLY blessed – so many REALLY honest men in my life  … my own husband Chester M. Eliasz-Solomon is unique in his own [now legally disowned/disinherited] family as he and his dear Father are the ONLY truly honest males in that group of individuals. I and others are often rendered bewildered as to how my husband came from such dysfunction but then was not Abraham singularly blessed among the early Hebrews as well. I do not reach too far in my comparable analysis that REALLY good men like my Father, President Lincoln and my husband are similar to the Hebrew patriarch in their fortitude and determination to thwart all REAL evil doers, whilst maintaining their integrity.

P.S. It was not lost on myself or my siblings that our Father being compared to Abe Lincoln and our dear Mother’s name being Mary was interesting. However, even though I am convinced Mary Todd Lincoln was misunderstood and unfairly maligned, my feminist amazing equal partner to my Father in all things, Mother was the opposite in personality to our 16th First Lady. Oh yes, one last thing  – in my opinion, the Oscar should go to Spielberg, Daniel Day-Lewis and all nominated for the movie Lincoln!!!

December 11, 2012

Chanukah – Defeating Enemies through G-d’s REAL Miracles!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

The Lord is my light and salvation;

Who shall I fear ?

The Lord is my stronghold of my life;

Of Whom shall I be afraid ? 

When evil doers assail me,

uttering slanders against me,

my adversaries and foes,

they shall stumble and fall . 

Though a host encamp against me,

my heart shall not fear;

Though war arise against me,

yet I will be confident . 


Yea, wait for the Lord ! 

                  — Psalm 27

Recently my dear, scholarly Roman Catholic husband decided that this Psalm (also on his Facebook page) perfectly described our personal triumph this past few years over the miscreant evil doers [including faux Christian Michigan female M.W., who dared to write that my Rabbis were “religious” leaders – yes, in quotes – as if Jewish is not a REAL religion] I write about so often. For my husband and I – as I reference in other blog posts – ours has been a life truly miraculous in that despite odds, we defeat at every turn those most viciously seeking our demise. Not claiming to be perfect but REALLY blessed by G-d’s grace – each of us individually and more so as a couple – is how this life seems to bring the best results and huge successes no matter the difficulty of the journey we face.  For myself, as a Jew, miracles are common occurrences – the very existence of my people has depended on faith, hard work, blessings and many REAL miracles. You have read in my posts about the uniqueness of how I met my husband, Chester Michael Eliasz-Solomon, how the most amazing REAL family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances have loved, supported and protected me, how modern science allowed me to become a mother so late in life and the REAL glory of my being able to appreciate what REALLY matters in this complicated world. I pray that my example inspires and comforts others struggling … the magic is in the miracle – the miracle lies in faith and determination. So as I light my eight nights of Chanukah 2012/5773 candles in my Kosher homes, determined in raising devoted Jewish children, surrounded by REAL family and friends of ALL faiths, I want everyone to remember that our festival of lights illuminate the entire world and the glow extends outward in the name of peace – for the story of the Jewish people is that of all oppressed and of all REALLY triumphant. The light of our eight nights reminds us that dialogue between cultures is possible – we Jews dwell in every nation, are of every ethnicity and hence many languages define our life … ours is not a faith determined to exclude others but instead one wanting to connect and embrace with all mankind!!!

1Dec2012 057P.S. The photo you see here  is the mantel in the first home shared by my husband and I after we married in 2003 – the items are those I described in my last blog post, The Democratization of Interior Design [1 December 2012] … the Marc Chagall print, the Tzedakah Box and gold Menorah my gracious and loving Gentile husband generously framed, bought, arranged/placed, along with the many Mezuzahs [including the sports themed one on our twin son’s nursery door] for me – his Jewish wife. Also, look closely at the Jewish/Hebrew themed books [only a few of the many more in our home library] on the mantel – some my own from a lifetime of learning and study, others gifts from my husband, family and friends (many not Jewish themselves) – two were special birth gifts to our twins from dear friend K.C. and her lovely family and another from my dear Baker family – all of whom you have read about in my previous blog posts. Easy to see how blessed and miraculous my life REALLY is – more in my soon memoir, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life!

Judas replied,

They come against us in great pride and lawlessness to destroy us and our wives and our children,                                                                                and to despoil us; but we fight for our lives and our laws. He himself will crush them before us;

as for you, do not be afraid of them.”

1 Maccabees 3: 20-22

Note: In reference to the REAL anti-Semitism of above mentioned M.W. and others of THE REAL Evil Doers Club™ – my husband INSISTED that he, I and all our REAL “team” share/notify/forward such remarks and insinuations [all REALLY saved and subpoenaed] to many who know, work with or are associated with these loathsome creatures – including the very successful Chicago Jewish community [where I have many friends and a few relatives] – this is especially important because in-law family of M.W. and her husband live/have some sort of  start up concierge [which actually seems quite bogus to myself who has used REAL similar services] in Chicago and THE REAL Devil’s Daughter™ son works and lives there as well  … this was fair play as the son-in-law and his wife (the daughter of M.W. and her REALLY short husband “Big Al”) referenced, joined in the social media harassment, libel, slander, defamation and anti-Semitic rants and needless to say the son of my husband’s ex-wife has done many slanderous and criminal [including vandalism to our home and death threat on phone to my dear husband] things to us.  By the way, this 20-something Chicago waiter is gay – my many gay [LGBT]  REAL friends and family members were outraged at this young man’s hatefulness toward myself and my husband as we are both involved in supporting their community/rights and equally upset about the REALLY crude way he insults so many on his poorly written blog. To say the least those Jewish and others with REAL faiths [Christian, Muslim, etc] and even my atheists compatriots were not amused when reading/hearing about these hateful anti-Jewish remarks. My husband, who owned a very successful business and was a well sought after tech consultant, is convinced that it will soon be difficult for these idiots to find work or continue to be employed in service industries, hospitals, tech fields, real estate (hint to idiotic acting disowned/disinherited former niece), et al. on account of Jews (doctors, CEO and entrepreneur types) and our REAL other faiths friends/family who reject such anti-Semites. Surely, once my book is published and/or possible trials begin – press coverage starts – our enemies will be put in quite uncomfortable circumstances … sadly ironic that these bottom dwellers erroneously thought it was husband and I who were ashamed of anything; We are a REALLY open book but our nemesis is definitely not prepared for the REAL exposure their misdeeds will reap. So you see, as is warned by Bible Prophecy,  G-d REALLY does punish those – whether that is the Pharaohs [hence Passover] the ancient Syrian Greeks [resulting in Chanukah] or The Miscreants™ [whose evil actions have inadvertently brought even more REAL triumph to my life] – who attempt to hurt his chosen people – we the Hebrews!

September 16, 2012

Happy New Year 5776 Baby!!!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

L’ Shanah Tovah 5776!!! Seems like only yesterday it was 5770 (lol) … yes, for we, the Jewish people calendar years are quite different than the Gregorian one the entire world [including us] has agreed to adhere to. We the ancient and first monotheistic organized group of people have been calculating the days of the year for now 5776 years as of this Fall 2015. I assure you the Hebrew calendar  [Lunisolar] is a logical and sturdy application of time passing – one REALLY determined by G-d’s plan of nature cycles – as the moon surely rises, so the day comes to be. No need to bicker nor convince the excellence of mine versus yours – only to acknowledge what I feel you will agree is a glorious ideal of what a new year means for everyone.

As I tell non Jews – mine is a faith not easy to practice – a bit of shall we say, heavy lifting involved. There are many tasks and dictates in order to REALLY fulfill the obligations of a Jewish life. Of course, not every Jewish person completes all or even many of the requirements – that is not a deal breaker, as each day G-d allows for another try to achieve the best of what one can be and each new year a path to renewal by acting on and tending to certain issues. Mere window dressing – attendance at religious services nor faux posturing will suffice – it takes true and REAL effort to establish presence in G-d’s world as a worthy person. I told you – it is not easy to be one of G-d’s chosen people – not for the faint of heart or the lazy person in my opinion. Ours is not a religion of false forgiveness either – even though one must attempt reconciliation as each new year approaches, there is no requirement to forgive all – in fact, the opposite is true in that those of evil intentions [miscreants and misanthropes] must certainly be denied G-d’s grace … a sort of “outing” of evil doer types you might say. Wiping the slate clean in order to start anew does NOT equal accepting nor condoning the evil deeds of others – as one must recognize and correct their own short comings as the new year approaches, so it is to be with those around you. Complicated to be sure but magnificent in its honesty – for do we not too often and far too easily accept the obvious wrong doings of those so much less than G-d intended in order to not make waves? Even though it is only G-d who may decide the ultimate punishment – it is us here that must not turn a blind eye to evil or hurtful persons. As the year closes, we Jews attempt a cleansing of our own missteps – a correction of course as best possible and likewise an acceptance and awareness of others both good and bad deeds. Justice is paramount to my Jewish faith – one must not let delusion or comfort soften the task of thwarting those determined to do harm and that makes for a very determined and directed effort as we enter a new calendar year.

So much to do in preparation for the new year … feasts being prepared or ordered for REAL family and friends, new attire to be bought/selected for synagogue attendance and above all, contemplation and reflection to be completed – reaching out to ask and give forgiveness where appropriate. One must repay debts and set right the wrongs against others in an attempt to be worthy of inscription into the new year’s book of life – told you my faith, Judaism, not easy nor without challenges. My gentile extended family and dear supportive REALLY special non Jewish friends continually express admiration for  and of my determination to complete so many rituals. I am thrilled when those in my life who are not Jewish reach out – with calls and cards expressing new year wishes at this time of year – even gifts arrive from many. Adorable are the attempts to say greetings in my Jewish language from those unfamiliar with its pronunciation. A communal sharing with persons of ALL faiths  has become my Jewish New Year template – inviting to join the celebratory meals and chat about its meaning.  My heart swells with gratitude and my soul is comforted by the amazing amount of love and honor so many bestow on myself and my family during this very important time in the Jewish calendar. This is a true glory in my life.

The holiday journey begins with Rosh Hashanah  – literally “head of the year” – our “Days Of Awe” and concludes with the most important date in the Jewish calendar – Yom Kippur – the Day Of Atonement. What I believe is one of the most poignant [yet/still controversial] aspects included in the prayers is Kol Nidre – a certain acceptance and way in of any and all – even those who have strayed from our vows. This is a time where G-d is asking us, his creation, to do a sort of recreation of our world – a renewing. As I explain and discuss in other blog posts and recently when I as interviewed, Judaism is an active faith – one of doing for G-d and taking active responsibility. During this important New Year holiday the sovereignty of G-d … the recognition of G-d’s ultimate role in all things is at the fore. Very right brain/left brain thinking for we Jews – we acknowledge G-d’s prominence, while accepting our own human tasks. So you see, it is a religion both quite wondrous and also somewhat demanding. I adore being Jewish – without slight to others  – I find my faith magnificent in its lifestyle instructive tone. One must be attentive to so many aspects of living in order to be a REALLY good Jew that idleness is never an option. Of course, as with all faiths, not every Jew is adherent nor observant and therefore not all are leading a life as inscribed by our faith. However, I do find that even the most secular Jew has somehow morphed attributes of Judaism into their every day life and choices.  So it is – give or take a bit – the tone of a Jewish family is most often informed by the rules so important during the New Year holiday.

All faiths celebrate their milestones – we Jews are no different. There are festive meals each night of Rosh Hasahnah and then again at the start – for us means sundown on the date Yom Kippur begins, followed by a day of fasting and prayer except for the young, infirmed or pregnant. This whole thing ends with a break fast huge dinner at sundown the next day as the new year finally begins. I was not kidding about my faith being very complicated – a true thinkers faith, don’t you agree? Must admit to having a chuckle now and then when a non Jew asks. “Why are you having breakfast after sundown to end the fast?” – no it is breaking the fast my dears I reply. We are an erudite bookish bunch of folks – we the Jews of the world are demanded much of in our practices and so although not simple nor as fun filled as let us say the Easter Bunny scenario, still full of gaiety and joy each Fall.  As we clear away the debris of the past year and look forward to the promise of a New Year – and as we blow the ceremonial Shofar in homes and synagogues, I wish all G-d’s blessings to those repented and as such deemed worthy!

P.S. I will share again a story I referenced in a previous Jewish themed blog post … once while at Nan Duskin’s in Philadelphia [an upscale store] I overheard my Mother discussing with a rather well known socialite acquaintance she had bumped into that a certain gown or formal dress would be her New Year choice that year – mind you this was September. So when dear Mother and I were en route home, I turned to her in the car asking why so formal for synagogue New Year services, to which clever Mother offered, “No darling, the gentile’s New Year end of December [is where I am wearing a gown]!“. So you see I think Yiddish – seriously, I often need to remember not to date checks or correspondence with the Jewish year. Oy veh, well more of those personal tidbits in my now REALLY soon book, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life!. Until later – Shalom & Happy New Year   5776 to EVERYONE!!!

… one more thing – I have included a Rosh Hashanah Rock Anthem video here for your entertainment – oh yeah, we Jews can rock it out!!!

August 19, 2012

See You In September – Now Lets … Vogue!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

And now back to our regular programming … that is done – miscreants [who I sincerely doubt read Vogue and if so surely NEVER shop its pages] addressed and warned. Once again,  I can be the sweet, intelligent, beautiful, sexy, stylish, kind, loving, loyal and faithful woman [my husband’s description of me, not mine] that G-d REALLY intended me to be. So as I wait for my 120th Anniversary Vogue September Issue with Lady Gaga gracing its cover, I decided to pontificate on the meaning of the month Septem – which was really the seventh month in the Roman calendar until 46 B.C.E. .

I am sitting here in my study writing and listening to that old song, See You In  September … yes we all look forward to summer but also the promise that comes with September’s chance to start a new school, various fall holidays and the harvest. No surprise that life cycles and nature seem to evolve in and around this time of year. Who doesn’t have a  “in September” memory, hope or plan? What will you be doing when the summer is through and what change will this fall season bring in your life? At the very least, the bathing suits, shorts and sandals will go back in the storage closet, making room for sweaters and such. The smell of the beach and picnic foods are soon to be replaced with apple cider and pumpkin flavors. September is an anticipatory type of month, even if predictable!

As a Jewish person, for myself September begins a move toward ending one year and beginning a new one – Rosh  Hashanah and Yom Kippur informs me in that renewal and a new calendar are at hand come each fall. Soon I and my family will reflect on this passing 5772 and contemplate the new year 5773 we are entering – the task for us Jews each fall is to repent and begin anew. For my family and friends this is an amazing time – so much good has happened and so much evil has been shed this past year from our blessed life. Our hope and pray is that this new year will bring only the best we can create in our home full of joy, days of adventure and great experiences shared with those we love and who have loved and protected us so well. My readers and followers, as well as my personal friends, colleagues, etc. know this fall also includes a few difficult situations but that justice at last seems appropriate as the year in my Jewish calendar morphs into another. As the book of life closes on the most highest of holy days for we Jews each fall, all wrongs must be righted and all obligations completed and so it as it should be for me in that September 2012/5772 will finally begin the REAL road to REAL justice and redemption. Never able to share all here on my blog posts – I apologize once again and again promise ALL will be told in due time and shared with those of you so dear and supportive in my life.

In a more humorous tone, being Jewish so defines me that once hearing my Mother discuss a possible evening gown for New Year’s with a lady friend in early September, I felt compelled to ask why so formal for synagogue services?  With her typical clever eye rolling repartee, Mother responded, “December 31st – the gentile New Year my dear“. So you see it is not odd that I often write the Jewish year on correspondence for a bit of time each fall. Equally interesting in my line of new year tales is when I spent December 31st in Israel in the morning and then at a party that evening in Egypt’s newly acquired via peace treaty Sinai. In my ancestral homeland the day was like any other as the Jewish state while acknowledging the Gregorian calender and of course, the usual festivities occurring, do not really consider January 1st the beginning of [our] Jewish New Year. So it was that I was a wee bit conflicted that day – ending with myself and a group climbing Mount Sinai on 1 January 1980. My point is September is a month filled with so much meaning – so much hope and so much promise in so many ways. – as much or more than the month of January.

Perpetual student is how I am often described … having a REAL [yes, I know another tease to the miscreants] four year college degree and others from REAL schools – returning 2013 for legal studies when our twins settled in our NY home with their stay at home Daddy makes me very attuned to the new school year ritual that begins each September. The anticipation – new school attire, books and such make for a sense of new beginnings and endless possibilities. I love the book store experience – purchasing everything on a syllabus while  a bit taunting, is still very exciting. Crisp fall air and new pages to be turned – all an inspiration to forge ahead.

Fashion, fashion, fashion is not only a matter of style but of definition – to define ones self for the world by choices of clothes and accessories is historical. I wrote a blog on 19 May 2012, Why it is Only Cool to be a Fashionista If You Have REAL Substance & Brains Too!!!, explaining just that issue and the relevance of design to living. Each fall there are  fashion shows /a week for couture and ready to wear that take place in New York, Milan, London and Paris . These Fashion Week shows are actually spring and summer for the next calender year and yet give definition to September. Even children define themselves by what they wear  – in every part of the world families ready the heavier clothing as fall approaches. Of course, I like to do more than get warm by design – great fun awaits me as I decide what pieces to add to my wardrobe each season and none more than September as I plot and strategically decide my look as summer ends. Of course, when able I have and soon will again be doing this the spring before as the fall lines are presented but still there is the little additions that lure one to Neiman Marcus and such. In my life, my dear husband, C. Michael Eliasz-Solomon loves to and almost insist on accompanying me to select my attire – I am his JAP barbie doll and never mind his input because he has a great sense of style and color and definitely knows what he likes to see on me, his lady love. Even this shared seasonal excursion – both fall and others – is an excited rendezvous and so another September notation is entered into the must dos of life.

Watching the documentary The September Issue brings to the fore that fashion is about REAL life – jobs , economics, holidays, function and form. As it opens the marvelous American Vogue editor-in-chief, Anna Wintour [who I pray to G-d my publicist convinces to invite me to the Met Costume Gala in 2013 when my 2nd book/memoir, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life! is published] makes a very profound statement and one that all my nearly 4,000 readers and followers know I can surely relate to these days. It is something akin to just because REAL fashion frightens people they should not demean those wanting REAL fashion and REAL style in their life [nor may I add visa verse – unless the lesser types insist we of normality respond – wink, wink]. To this point, someone last year posted as a suggestion to me about something or other they were obviously insecure about with a Twitter photo of three unkempt, wash & wear hair, cheap quite ugly shoe wearing and not very attractive women noting the suggestion that these are REAL women – well now, need I say more? To be sure, if so blessed to meet Anna Wintour, I will definitely regal her with this humorous tale [think hubby still has that ridiculous Twitter photo in our legal file]. I must save that diatribe for another time but needless to say there are those who do and can dress well and then there is everyone else. Let me state that this is in no way a noblest  put down on account of anyone’s financial inability, etc. but instead as Anna might express a push back to those so hell bent on ignoring REAL fashions place in this complicated world we live in today.

The history making 916 pages that I will devour once my September 2012 American Vogue arrives will almost assuredly offer example and instruction on life, style, design and fashion, of course. The others I read online and otherwise, the European Vogues like British and Italian will also be forever part of my fall  ritual – especially this specific September 2012 that will make EVERYTHING in my new life so Vogue!!!

P.S. My husband insisted that as it has become apparent that my “fan base” now includes self proclaimed “evil doers”, we should provide [in hubby’s words] photographic evidence of why he LOVES to see my face first thing every morning – oh no, will darling husband now be accused of object [me] narcissistic love???

Thank you my darling brilliant and talented husband for this wonderful Vogue compilation of your favorite photos of me/your artistic talents amaze me – I am flattered and grateful that you think I am so beautiful – I LOVE YOU my husband forever and always!!!