Posts tagged ‘Finance & Economics’

February 26, 2013

Its All About the Constitution [Stupid]!!!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

lady_justiceWe all remember – at least those of us old enough and interested in such matters – when our dear President Clinton told this nation in 1992 that it is all about the economy [stupid] and I agree – I often say if one can not feed their family, pay the rent and such, than political nuances are not going to be of any concern to them. Equally important to this great nation and even relevant to most things economic is our United States Constitution. Not just for those of us studying law or addicted to things like the latest Supreme Court decision [look I willingly admit to reading  in entirety the SCOTUS  legal decisions for fun – I know  – you are thinking how boring!!!]. Do not fool yourself my friends – this nation is only viable as long as it adheres to laws and not the dictates of each citizen’s personal passions or prejudices. Yes, as a Jew, I am fully aware of other nations that morphed their jurisprudence into an evil bastardized form to prosecute “legally” my people … the Nuremberg Race Laws are a horrific example of exactly how a legal system was perverted to do great harm. Vigilance must be constant – legal formats tweaked and changed but this does not equal allowing individual prerogatives to rule the courts of our great land. No, no, no – never should we be victims of a few self interest ideals in decisions of legal matters or rights of our citizens. The conversation today needs – make that requires – a committed and well informed involvement by each of us to assure all of us remain REALLY protected under the law. Here again, is why laws are an economic issue – one needs to be concerned that the old joke “the best justice money can buy” is not a U.S.A. reality. Lady Justice may be blindfolded but she has never been without insight. REAL justice must not be a mere academic treatise but a living and well tended to discipline. Let us examine the current present day concerns that face our legislatures and judges – you must not turn away for all of us are affected by the ruling laws in this country. I believe the extremist from all political sides are a REAL threat to modern judiciary – the imperative exist for attentive participation in relationship to all things legal. Do not fret, I will lead you down the path toward your rightful voice on such matters or at least peek your interest [I hope and pray].

Just this week Justices Sotomayer and Breyer rebuked a lawyer for racially charged “pernicious” language in a case concerning a Texas man’s drug possession conviction – this stands out specifically in relationship to my topic in that the Court declined to hear the case and yet found it necessary and warranted to admonish the prosecutor for allowing prejudicial evidence as a determinant factor. Paramount to our fair and balanced judiciary is to establish that while one may be guilty of a crime, they are not to be found guilty on account of unconstitutional factors. Justice Sotomayer was adamant that “substituting racial stereotypes for [REAL] evidence” was not to be tolerated in our Courts. Any stereotypes or the predetermined judgments about an accused individual actually nullifies the REAL power of our laws … one is always left wondering if someone is REALLY guilty or in fact, found to be on circumstantial evidence when bias exist. Him or her today could very well mean you or me tomorrow if only our fellow citizens or lawmakers preconceived notions of one or another group among us is to facilitate prosecutorial  efforts. Here we are at that proverbial “slippery slope” scenario – a steep and often quick slide down to the horror chamber of unequal and REALLY unfair court room dictates. What is called enforcement discretion – that which allows law enforcement and prosecutors to selectively decide on what is or not to be proceeded against is in need of constant oversight. We all have prejudices, we all have preconceived ideas and notions about others but what we all do not have is the ability to enforce and proceed legally against other citizens – hence the absolutely necessitous attitude toward those with such life altering responsibilities. Most do their work with “due diligence” but when a few become a threat to the very structure of our constitutionally established laws, all effort must be taken to seize the reigns in order to pull back the attempts that might very well destroy our nation’s legal system.

My heart and mind were gladdened by the amicus brief of 75 prominent GOP members – including President George W. Bush – filed this week to the Supreme Court in support of the constitutionality to allow gay Americans to have the equal right to marry under our civil laws. I and those like minded will defend all religions to do as their conscious see fit in this realm – no one will be forced to marry anyone in their faith but all must be allowed civil matrimonial equality. As the highest court in this land will review that legal matter during this year’s session, the Republicans who signed that legal brief are stating that despite rather conservative ideas about matters important to our country, they feel that the constitution is not the place to decide the right or wrong of that which all citizens are legally entitled. What is confusing to some is why moral issues like civil rights are the purview of courts and legislation but not who can or cannot be allowed to marry. It is really quite simple – the former is a REAL delineation from our Founders desire to have all  equal under the law and the latter exactly the opposite.

I see our United States Constitution as a sort of secular bible – our jointly held and guiding life in America legal manual. I am the benefactor of my wise Father who paraphrased often Blackstone’s formulation stating that “better ten guilty men go free, then one innocent fellow be punished or imprisoned“. This mandate broadens to civil areas as well criminal under our United States legal system and we must be attentive guardians in perpetuity or lose our way.  To allow personal prejudices to get in between our national community and those laws that govern us all would be not only destructive but a reactionary nightmare. Neither liberalism nor conservative constructs should be our ultimate defining national template – we absolutely must adhere to the REAL ideals of our Founders – that is to hold fast to the promise of REAL and complete equality. No matter your status, your background or your self perceived place in the American mosaic – you and I are the REAL gatekeepers of that most magnificent of human documents, The United States Of America Constitution!!!

Happy me = 2013!!!
P.S. Someone asked me what I would do if after finishing law school, etc. I somehow managed to be nominated & confirmed to sit on the Supreme Court … well I first suggested I could never get past the confirmation hearings, as I would never tolerate being so disrespected. However, should I make it to SCOTUS – my first task I explained would be to go to a REALLY good tailor. My attorney friend obviously was confused – why a tailor he wanted to know. I explained to have my robe shorten, tightened & neck lowered … still confusing my legal buddy, I further explained because I want to be known as the “babe justice“. Why I was asked, as I am such a confirmed feminist & wouldn’t that be antithetical to such a life philosophy. Not at all I insisted because you use what you have – all of it I told my pal – to get REAL justice for ALL. Well there will REALLY be more about that and other REAL life facts in my memoir, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life!

February 24, 2013

Every February I Fall in Love with the GOP … Grand OSCAR Product!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

Oscar-2013Money makes the world go around”  the song in Cabaret begins … yes indeed it is, happily, Oscar money generating time again. We should all be REALLY grateful that the U.S.A. entertainment industry provides a yearly venue that creates jobs, distributes contracts, does massive hires and creates wealth for so many varied vendors, artists, workers, etc.. You have those employed directly in the film industry – the actors, producers, directors, agents, scenery and makeup/costume designers, audio experts and more. The accessory and support areas of food, travel, car service, fashion, hair stylist +++ are REALLY too numerous to list. All are benefactors of Oscar time economy  but more relevant is the year round economic benefits to so many that our America film business creates. Along with this grandeur once yearly film business economic stimulus is the day to day movie tickets, refreshment concessions, DVD sales and attached product promotion licensees that all pay salaries to small business owners and average workers. Even the fashion and jewelry industries benefit from red carpet events … copies galore are instantly produced after each star studded couture viewing – sold to the waiting minions for much more reasonably priced aspired to attires. Reason enough to support this industry but there is more and you my dear readers/followers just know that I am itching and ready to explain it all to you here.

Shall we start with one of my favorite subjects – the law; in this instance Intellectual Property Laws. My brilliant husband, Chester Michael Eliasz-Solomon and I (jointly) own 30 trademarks and are forever watchful, as are our advisers of infringements on these products of our creation. The entertainment industry is and should REALLY be vigilant over their produced works – whether tangible like actual movies or an idea – all should be the sole property of those who had  developed, imagined and produced that thing. When you copy – engage in piracy [warez] – you are stealing from many people. Theft is theft … no delineation from you breaking into a home to rob from another person. All of you who know or follow me realize by now that I tolerate no such action – you try to take my ideas, my repudiation  or my right to be productive – I will sue your miscreant evil doer ass immediately. Why should Hollywood, et al. be any less determined to protect their property? Remember not only the REALLY few high paid stars are effected by such thievery – there are multitudes of workers whose livelihoods are lessened and even permanently destroyed from piracy theft. Trust me – you should REALLY care about this issue for yourself, loved ones and communities because all lose revenue from such egregious actions. Listen folks – I fully admit to being a purist on this topic; my late Father, who was a successful entrepreneur capitalist pro-union/labor activist [yes – all that and more] would admonish us/his  children and grandchildren for looking through a magazine or book too extensively before purchasing. Abe Solomon’s  well thought out theory was by doing that – deciding not to buy only after consuming the contents – we were taking away jobs – that is correct, using without paying destroys the economy – period. So you see I was born and bred to be REALLY involved in the legal world of economic rights and protection – it affects each of us no matter your locale, career or financial status. It is not just Hollywood that suffers from piracy theft.

Now – the REALLY glam  fun stuff plus a wee bit of sociology. I adore the arts, the creators, the skills, the fashion and the glitz. So very American are all the Oscar details. Where else can a just a year ago unknown actor be championed as the greatest star on earth? Up by the proverbial boot straps has always been the true grit of movie land – indeed we of modernity just love to build folks up, just to tear them down and yet, still inspiring each of us to see an upstart youngster or seasoned working actor make it big. Hollywood and Vine – the corner of stardom and obscurity present all possibilities as equals. Films inspire, comfort, teach, entertain and much more – salvation is found, direction shown and often much needed momentary escape given by going to the movies. Wow – who could ask for anything more? Us mere mortals copy speech, lifestyles, dress, seduction methods from what we see and hear at the movies – television as well but more so the big screen in that it REALLY is a bigger than life venue and as such morphs we watchers into its temporarily staged world ideal. Many REALLY important historical social issues have been addressed and affected by the movies … wars detailed, patriotism defined, civil rights situations made clear. Can we not therefore think of film as the world’s tutor – our modern day Socratic teacher is how I see the shared communal movie watching experience and resulting national and even international conversational debates. Communication made accessible is what the film industry gives the world – we can know one another more easily because a story is told and unfolded before our eyes when we go to the movies.

So here I am at a hotel blogging event – at an “undisclosed location” [not joking about that] – writing this blog post, enjoying events and looking forward to having a REALLY lively Twitter @HeiressMommy [Teréza Eliasz-Solomon] peripatetic chat with all of you as the Academy Award Oscars are presented live tonight!!!

P.S. Hubby and I and our “team” are thrilled that discussions are beginning for my memoir Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life! to be made into a motion picture … now what to wear on the Red Carpet – thinking my much admired Marchesa  [hello Mrs. Harvey Weinstein] would be a REALLY great choice for me and of course, jewels by the iconic Harry Winston. Stay tuned – my life is always REALLY getting more and more interesting. Enjoy the evening!

February 1, 2013

Climate Change Anyone???

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

Sandy_LibertyContemplating land purchases is now and forever more fraught with speculation and analysis as to what the weather conditions will be in the future. No longer are we United States land of pick up and move on a whim types … no more easily made or impulsive decisions concerning a beach house or coastal homestead. Oh no, you argue – just the natural course of nature and not at all different from our previous generations choices on where to live. You are saying that only if ignorant or determined to avoid the obvious – recent catastrophic weather patterns like Hurricane Sandy means times they are a changing and not in a positive sense in relationship to our planet’s environment.

Personally I REALLY do not care if you believe in the facts as they relate to man made damaging environmental factors … the non science types among us are hell bent on denying the truth, which is our weather systems are worsening. The most egregious factors are from the profit at all costs scenarios – you know the story by hearing repetitive and demonstrative explanations on things like “safefracking. Never mind that the exact process used to retrieve natural gas from shell is admitted to be a tedious and complicated process nor acknowledge the sink water catching on fire where homes are logistically close to fracking sites … these issues should be quite enough to tread cautiously into this territory of energy production. The impetus to create and develop remains a positive human endeavor but never should the dangers that are inherit in progress be ignored or marginalized. There is no doubt that mankind’s expansion and glorious inventions have changed/altered our planet’s climate – not always avoidable but definitely needed to be addressed.

In the last few decades most areas of the United States have experienced a higher frequency of storms and weather related disasters than ever before in recorded history. Likewise, global weather patterns are becoming more volatile and unpredictable – polar ice caps melting at an alarming rate, sea levels rising, tornadoes/hurricanes happening where previously unheard of – all this and much more is the norm in recent times.  Our planet’s entire ecosystem is morphing into an unrecognizable pattern – species and plant life disappearing at a disturbing rate. All this and yet, even though scientific sound empirical data has shown REAL proof, there are naysayer types attempting to thwart all efforts to correct course to stabilize ecological matters. Why the partisan almost religious anti-environmental fervor?  Obviously some financial issues abound – those profiting from status quo and others seeing too much future expenditures occurring to right environmental problems. Population growth and modernization of previously undeveloped countries is adding to pollution and further straining resources – the ever increasing national and international competition for natural resources [like water] will undoubtedly present global strife. The simple solution must lie in the amazing technological advances of the last thirty years – computers and internet brilliance can allow interactions among disciplines needed to solve our planet’s ecology dilemmas. No political or self interest group should be allowed to warrant delineation from the critical task at hand – there is REAL climate change and yes, I am going to state, REAL global warming. Political correctness nor fear of alienation should keep we humans from forging ahead to a REAL and practical/sustainable plan to save our ecology from doom.

All politics is local” the saying goes – but any part of our nation affected by weather disasters must be considered a crisis for the entire country. I say both the extreme left with their all corporations are evil attitude and their opposite extreme right who think unbridled and self  monitor capitalism should define environmental controls are equally ridiculous. The stunning  Congressional Republicans refusal to fund Hurricane Sandy New York  area disaster relief was madness – the idea that regional proximity was the determinant for help with federal funds was not only alienating but radically and dangerously divisive. For years the standard operating procedure has been to allocate $$$ for all natural disasters – no matter where in the U.S.A.. Truth is those funds usually were needed and appropriately given to particular States where repeated weather circumstances caused damage. Not to go unmentioned is Katrina in 2005 – horrific neglect and slowness to respond highlighted the blind eye attitude toward certain groups … minority and poor citizens were marginalized and even lost their life on account of New Orleans government ineptness and the then Bush administration denial of federal responsibility. Lessons were surely learned and indeed responses to such happenings made better – yet here we are in 2013 still bickering in D.C. as to how and how much relief for the New York and New Jersey area is to be distributed.  The October 2012 hurricane caused damage in the Caribbean, mid Atlantic areas, the North East and into Canada – surely testimony that large and otherwise not related locations are then bounded together by a weather pattern. The environment is a inter-connective situation … what effects one part of the country – in fact the world, affects all its inhabitants. What school child has not heard the idea that a butterfly’s wings flapping can cause a breeze across a continent? We are REALLY our brothers and sisters keepers – as well as the stewards of all living creatures on Earth. Benign neglect will not be acceptable and it is up to each and every one of us to “bully up” and address the inevitable climate change problems … difficult, complicated but certainly not impossible a task – we must and can continue to grow, prosper and still save our planet from ecological disasters. G-d gave us this amazing gift of a world full of glorious resources and we are obligated to sustain it or reap the ultimate wrath – not by the L-rd but by our own wrong doings!!!

P.S. PLEASE join me in supporting Hurricane Sandy Relief Funds … my own choice is through The Jewish Federation Relief Fund but there are many to choose from – we Americans are a charitable bunch and we help when the going gets tough. Hoping to soon share details of the reasons my dear husband, Chester M. Eliasz-Solomon and I have designed/are developing our own “Caring & Sharing” program.

January 24, 2013

Me and Davos

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

World Economic Forum in DavosMany gals dream of traveling to luxury resorts … which I have REALLY frequently done. Other ladies dream of dining in fine bistros … which I most definitely REALLY have done. Still others of the female gender dream of shopping in the best and most glamorous stores … which I have also REALLY often done. Quite a few women dream of having a REAL full time hairdresser … which you my dear readers know I definitely am thrilled with REALLY having. Of course, most women – I included – dream of a good marriage and children … which I have been blessed to REALLY being able to have achieved. For me, one of the to date not yet realized dreams has been (for many years) to be attending the Davos World Economic Forum that occurs annually in the Alpine beauty of Davos, Switzerland during the month of January. I believe my desire to participate in this important event probably first began in the mid 1980’s but at that time it was mostly the purview of government officials and economist types. Fortunately for me, recent years have opened Davos to other disciplines and individuals from varied spheres of influence. My dear father, Abraham, thought I might consider a post graduate degree at our Philadelphia iconic Wharton School because my interest in world economy and its affects on humanity seemed evident. But alas, except for a few Temple University undergraduate courses [statistics, econ 101, etc.] and peripheral non-credit graduate school participation, I did not pursue a degree in finance. Choosing medicine and law was a tried and true chosen pursuit instead for a nice Jewish girl like me … and yet I never waned from desires to participate in Davos and other similar events because I REALLY believe all things human are economic in one or another sense. I have morphed into sort of “renaissance” type – for this much credit is owed to my wise erudite parents who promoted an eclectic life. Never resting on ones laurels so to speak was the tonality of the household I was raised in and me likewise with my own. So it is with new found opportunities [book deal, et al.] that I asked my dear publicist to include Davos in my life “bucket list” asap. Allow me to enlighten and inform you on the why and wherefore – the REAL importance to all humanity – that venues like Davos present. Who knows maybe you and me will be meeting up in the great halls where such weighty matters are discussed … besides, I have been to Switzerland and I can assure you that the skiing there is marvelous.

I find the 2013 theme of this annual forum interesting – “Resilient Dynamism” that was described by Klaus Schwab, executive chairman of the event as “the ability to respond to the many global risks we currently face, and to seize the opportunities it provides.”. It is this broadly stated task that the 2,655 academics, business leaders, government officials, politicians, artist types and want to be world shapers will be discussing this year in Switzerland. The world truly has become one in economic terms – it used to be said that “when the United States sneezes, the world caught a cold” but now it is equally a truism that all nations get ill on account of one small corner of the globes bad health. Unkemptness in one local market can result in a worldwide economic pandemic. Modernity denotes that we all are REALLY our brothers and sisters keepers – no going back folks – we are in this global market together forever and we must address the good and bad as such. Now there is no need for some of you to get xenophobic at this point … I am NOT in any way suggesting that neither our nor any other nation suspend its individual currency or singular economy. Instead I am insisting we all grow up – the current and permanent world economy denotes a shared and interactive planetary effort. Surely, we Americans realize that fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere entails a global effort … our embassies being attacked equally denoting of the need to engage outside the U.S. borders in all venues. Not only humanitarian imperatives but economics necessitates world involvement – after all, we REALLY need trading partners. Simply put – if other nations are stable and prosper, they can buy our stuff – then we have more employment and entrepreneurial stability. Yes, I know – sounds selfish and a bit predatory but it is simply math … all countries when vital in economic terms will be good partners on the international stage. One only need examine the post WWII Marshall Plan to understand we prosperous nations would and did fund the economies of even previously sworn enemy nations – it was not a purely humanitarian selfless act that led America to rebuild Europe and Japan after WWII. What post war U.S.A. and our allies realized was the undeniable fact that only by improving the economic status of other nations would the world ever be REALLY stable again – defeating the ultimate evil of Nazi fascism was not going to be enough to restore the global populace to productivity. It is fully a compatible scenario with the current fight against global radical terrorism that we prosperous nations be forward thinking and actively supporting building other countries and our own economies … Germany is the perfect offspring example of what we did post WWII to ensure a vital European economy that would then affect positively America’s and the world financial markets. In an upcoming blog post I discuss the idea that “charity REALLY does begin at home” but not with full success if the larger community suffers.

JP Morgan Chase CEO, Jamie Dimon, addressed perfectly the banking situation during an opening panel discussion at Davos this week.. Dimon said that what the banking industry needs “is not more regulation or less: you need good, strong and proper regulation.”. I agree – the stupefying argument from extremist on the very liberal left and the very conservative right sides of political diatribe both suffer from too much tunnel vision and self interest motives. Still the adage “too big to fail” that banks invoked four to five years ago when begging for U.S. Federal bail outs is ridiculous … if you are so large as to be without self regulation or discipline, then maybe your business structure is outdated or possibly too burdensome for society. Reasonable legislation and strong oversight must rule the day – serious and sophisticated discourse is only avenue toward proper administration of the world’s economy. Some liken a national budget to a family money plan … yes and no – there is definitely the salient point that one needs to set aside funds for all eventualities whether a family or nation. The comparisons the groups like America’s so called Tea Party in their insistence that we not raise our U.S.A. debt ceiling in order to force budget cuts – as they suggest families do in order to pay necessitated bills – is quite absurd. The REAL fact is a national budget is much more like a business than a family – it is the need to spend money to make money that companies know to be true that is more similar on account of a nation’s need to fund growth to develop their economies. No need to look further than Greece to understand that austerity measures REALLY do not work … it is simply math – persons receiving subsidies spend those funds on goods and so businesses thrive and money circulates. See – simple – right? Well not really a simplistic theory but still proven to be a historical truism.  Anyway, I will definitely be putting my opinions into play when I finally get that dream to come true … me at Davos World Economic Forum by 2016 or 2017 – surely doable after my memoir, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life!   is published. You must trust me – my being there will be no more an oddity than this year’s included Major League Baseball star Derek Jeter being a guest at a Davos luncheon sponsored by Pepsi!

P.S. What no mention of The Miscreants™ you say … all right – listen: There is no possible way those idiots know what Davos even is and I REALLY know they have never read my favorite generalist periodical The Economist, which by the way is NOT a economics tome but instead a world wide and multiple topic amazing erudite and REALLY enjoyable magazine. On a REALLY serious note, folks in the know have shared with my very protective husband and I that Davos is a secured venue … which reassures us members of THE REAL Evil Doers Club™ would not be a threat during my attendance. Stay tuned – obviously I will be blogging about my eventual Davos invite, as well as the entire swell group of attendees, great food and skiing there. Question now is – what shall I wear???

November 12, 2012

Falling Off a Fiscal Cliff … Again???

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

Give me a break – why the hell are GOP House members not getting it? Election Day, Tuesday, 6 November 2012, was a loud and REALLY clear message that Americans do NOT want the indiscriminate cut, cut, cut of programs for the many at the expense of no revenue increase via those of us able to pay more taxes. It must be asked – are the Republicans so delusional as to deny a mandate that defines reality through the electorate? Debt crisis will be our undoing shout the Republicans – repeatedly suggesting that old mantra of theirs is truly the spoken word of G-d. No matter the etymology, the result is a serious issue of there being disconnects between what the American public REALLY wants and what the D.C. right wing political class insist is needed.

Déjà vu all over again”,  Yogi Berra cleverly quipped. In 2011 I was near hysteria – constantly social media posting, calling and emailing Representatives, waking even earlier than usual 4:30 a.m. to listen to foreign markets and such – all due to the prospect of so called Tea Party types hijacking our and the world’s economy by not raising the U.S. debt ceiling. Their ignorance of all things financial was stunning and quite frightening  … their insistence that by raising our debt ceiling a sort of  “blank check” would be allotted for government expenditures was so misleading and so distorted as to be near treason in tonality. The REAL fact is that raising the debt ceiling is only a means to cover that which has been already spent and to repay that already borrowed. Of course, why let intelligent discourse ruin a vitriolic diatribe needed to foster ones viewpoint – that is exactly what the GOP did then and are now again. Damn them  – our nation was “downgraded” by Standards & Poor’s – laughable that we the wealthiest economy on the planet was taken to the proverbial international finance woodshed on account of stupid operatives working in our legislative body. Now we are facing yet another stalemate – childish prank in my opinion – with GOP still insisting that no new tax revenue is needed to offset our national debt and they will not take us off the “fiscal cliff”  until our newly reelected President Obama gives into their special interest. I say an executive order is needed – take over Barack Obama and show them who is REALLY in charge because the entire world is watching.

While the largest and wealthiest [second to US being China] our U.S. economy is still subject to international concerns and to some extent dictates. After all, we and all other nations are intertwined and codependent through commerce, banking, security issues, etc.. “No man is an island” nor any country in modernity – all affect the others and so it is indeed the entire world’s business what and how the U.S.A. economy functions. Why anyone – no matter how xenophobic – would believe our nation is a singular and isolated financial entity is beyond me but wait, I forgot that the answer must be that so many of our citizens and our leaders are completely ignorant of economic issues. Excusable for the common man but NOT acceptable for those selected to govern … ignorance is NOT bliss when our very economic existence depends on an educated and knowledgeable decision making process. It is not cute to stand firm in opposition to that which is logical and best for our nation – enough is enough – stop the madness and deal intelligently with this critical fiscal matter. No child like antics should be tolerated when our country is standing on a precipice that if not attended to correctly will collapse the economy and lead to another recession – economists of all disciplines agree that this would be a dangerous scenario. Wake up Washington D.C. – we are on the proverbial “slippery slope” again but each time that slope gets steeper because sooner or later the international financial community will begin to dismiss America as unreliable and then seek solace elsewhere rendering our nation somewhat irrelevant.

Reducing the deficit should not – no make that must not – mean only cutting spending. The only sane way to reduce our national debt is to raise revenue. You have heard that old adage “spend money to make money” – it is definitely apropos to our current national conundrum and as such the U.S. government should invest in job creation in order to spur our economy and thus create a new revenue source via taxes on those incomes. In my pre election 2012 on 1 November 2012 blog post Why Billy and Susie REALLY Want You to Vote for Obama!” I sarcastically described how cutting a family or national debt at all costs is not the solution … while my tone was meant as humorous, my intention was very seriously toward the inverted logic that GOP promotes that suggest cutting everything no matter consequences is the answer. You must understand that hardly anyone will better off – not now nor in the future if the U.S. does not avoid the fiscal cliff we are currently facing. There are no options – we need revenue increases and that means more taxes for some and more government spending to create tax paying employment opportunities for others. Obviously, forcing corporations to pay their fair share of taxes is also necessary … I am NOT at all in favor of “redistribution of wealth” but only in a fair and balanced percentage contribution through taxes. What I am totally in favor of is everyone being allowed to keep what they honestly earn but with the caveat that those most advantaged pay a little more on that earned. Other possibilities are not allowing people like the miscreant ex wife of my husband to lie on her daughter’s college application – affording this so called student low interest loans and grants despite receiving and not admitting to substantial child support during her part time college years … you must see that this sort of “stealing” costs all of we taxpayers, as do other similar scenarios. Simple solution is to collect all REALLY owed taxes and eliminate fraud like the government school funds theft I just referenced. Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner claims he wants to close tax loopholes and broaden the tax base but how exactly? The only REALLY egregious tax avoidance is from those his party favors – the few who do not REALLY want to contribute their fair share – no not all wealthy people fall into this category but those who do must be brought to task now. One must ask why the GOP is so hell bent on punishing the least among us with program budget cuts but not interested in developing a system where everyone pays their fair share toward the greater good. Wish I knew the REAL answer because that which is becoming apparent concerning special interests as the reason is unseemly and not the sign of a REAL democracy!

Note: Call, email, text, Twitter your Representative in D.C. – no matter your party political affiliation, PLEASE insist that he or she vote for stabilizing our economy – vote to keep our great nation from falling off the “fiscal cliff”!

P.S.In my 2013 memoir Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life! I will include the why and how I became so interested in all things financial +++ every other topic in this REALLY interesting world!!!

You think I am attacking them for talking nonsense?

Not a bit! I like them to talk nonsense. That’s man’s one privilege over all creation.

Through error you come to the truth!

                          — Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment

… Message to husband & mine nemesis, who I am quite sure NEVER read that book!

BTW:  Speaking of “cliffs” – as in The Miscreants™ I and my husband are litigating against causing themselves to fall off a proverbial one:  Notice how I managed to mention those loathsome bottom dweller miscreants even here [see above school fund fraud reference] … yes indeed – Hubby and I have REAL [subpoenaed from Drexel University] legal documents that prove “theft by deception” was perpetrated on college financial aid application and more by [ex-wife] THE REAL Devil’s Daughter™ and her criminal (according to REAL 2003 police report) vandal daughter and so much more about ALL the evil doer miscreants and their accomplices. My husband’s high school graduate ex-wife surely must realize by now that I produce a REALLY great subpoena [I mention this high school issue because, as you darling followers must have read by now in my previous posts, this delusional creature lied orally in multiple Court hearings that she had a Masters Degree and again wrote that same lie on her daughter’s Drexel University application – only finally admitting under oath to graduating high school as her highest education level]. Being a wee bit braggart I want to mention that even my own world famous attorneys seem quite impressed with how well I performed that particular legal task of writing a subpoena and the depth of my successful discovery efforts that I/my husband then turned over to these seasoned legal professionals. As self admitted ever increasingly fat in size legally disowned/disinherited Disney obsessed Michigan nurse sister-in-law recently commented [paraphrasing because her verbiage so “sub-par”] “it is amazing what one can find out on the internet” – of course, you have to study law like myself or be REALLY brilliant computer scientist like my husband to get the REAL facts and not bogus or slanderous lies from internet sources; the fact is that one needs to REALLY understand what is true or false from internet searches and thus only repeat that which will not get them sued or arrested.. I am hoping these Michigan, Chicago and Pennsylvania anti-Semites finally realize that they F**ked with the wrong Jew (moi) – I and my REAL support team believe in REAL justice and as such we demand full financial restitution/public apology from + the full measure of legal prosecution against and lifetime protection from these loathsome creatures.  They started this and we/the legal system will end it – to our benefit only. There will be NO forgiveness nor sympathy for their actions against me and my REAL family – their deeds are so egregious as to warrant NO leniency. Whatever the results – they losing jobs, homes, friends and more is by their own evil doings – my side is only defending and correcting the matter. To date, those we have shared this situation with are to say the least not amused and most expressing they are disgusted, while stating they would never want to work with or associate these perpetrators; my husband is especially interested in how each of the miscreants will be treated once news stories become abundant and easily available about these horrid people in their local and national press. Their hateful and predatory actions will NOT be left unaddressed by us – however, the difference between these bottom dwellers and us is that my husband and I will precede ONLY 100% legally against our nemesis. By their own misdeeds, their already small insular lives are about to get even smaller. My husband, who knows them his entire life REALLY believes they will never recover from this situation – as they are pretenders, with no real faith nor substance in their pitiful life – each could have gone on living their pathetic existences if not having attempted harm to us – the question my advisers ask and are investigating is why such actions by these individuals? That will be answered in Court very soon – we have our suspicions and now suspect what at least a few of charges prosecutors are considering are. These idiots think they can sully my life with made up misinformation – think about it – why would a publisher give me a REAL book deal if I was not willing to tell ALL? With nothing to hide, my husband and I sleep quite soundly each night – may I suggest the miscreant types should therefore be restless these days. Whereas my life is REALLY an open book – these miscreant types have much to hide and lots to be ashamed of – trust me, all will be made public soon. They must foolishly believe that myself and especially my husband who knows them a lifetime have some sort of “amnesia” – for why else would they delude themselves into the idea that their REAL truths will not now be exposed?  My REAL pray is that our (my husband and I) strength and determination to thwart such evilness will help all of you set upon by jealous, greedy and dangerous interlopers. Stay tuned – all REAL facts soon available in my book, my and my husband’s blogs, Facebook and Twitter pages and newspaper articles, interviews, etc.. We will also share all from upcoming copyright and REAL trademark theft and infringement litigation, multiple slander/defamation/libel/harassment lawsuits we are filing and possible civil criminal trials. Our plan – at my husband’s, Chester Michael Eliasz-Solomon, insistence is to post and share with the world EVERYTHING – court reports, legal charges/findings and articles referencing these issues/events, as well as [when our advisers decide it is appropriate time] each and every legal document and correspondence and social media rants/threats (all saved), phone voicemail threats, our sworn depositions as to that which they spoke to us in the past and names/photos of ALL the often referred to THE REAL Evil Doers Club™ and each/every single person that conspired with them against us … this must truly be why they say ”payback is a bitch” – in this case it is mostly so that ALL the REAL truth will finally be known – in other words REAL transparency at last [but surely their self proclaimed Arizona “exhibitionist” cohort will enjoy that nakedness]!!!

August 19, 2012

See You In September – Now Lets … Vogue!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

And now back to our regular programming … that is done – miscreants [who I sincerely doubt read Vogue and if so surely NEVER shop its pages] addressed and warned. Once again,  I can be the sweet, intelligent, beautiful, sexy, stylish, kind, loving, loyal and faithful woman [my husband’s description of me, not mine] that G-d REALLY intended me to be. So as I wait for my 120th Anniversary Vogue September Issue with Lady Gaga gracing its cover, I decided to pontificate on the meaning of the month Septem – which was really the seventh month in the Roman calendar until 46 B.C.E. .

I am sitting here in my study writing and listening to that old song, See You In  September … yes we all look forward to summer but also the promise that comes with September’s chance to start a new school, various fall holidays and the harvest. No surprise that life cycles and nature seem to evolve in and around this time of year. Who doesn’t have a  “in September” memory, hope or plan? What will you be doing when the summer is through and what change will this fall season bring in your life? At the very least, the bathing suits, shorts and sandals will go back in the storage closet, making room for sweaters and such. The smell of the beach and picnic foods are soon to be replaced with apple cider and pumpkin flavors. September is an anticipatory type of month, even if predictable!

As a Jewish person, for myself September begins a move toward ending one year and beginning a new one – Rosh  Hashanah and Yom Kippur informs me in that renewal and a new calendar are at hand come each fall. Soon I and my family will reflect on this passing 5772 and contemplate the new year 5773 we are entering – the task for us Jews each fall is to repent and begin anew. For my family and friends this is an amazing time – so much good has happened and so much evil has been shed this past year from our blessed life. Our hope and pray is that this new year will bring only the best we can create in our home full of joy, days of adventure and great experiences shared with those we love and who have loved and protected us so well. My readers and followers, as well as my personal friends, colleagues, etc. know this fall also includes a few difficult situations but that justice at last seems appropriate as the year in my Jewish calendar morphs into another. As the book of life closes on the most highest of holy days for we Jews each fall, all wrongs must be righted and all obligations completed and so it as it should be for me in that September 2012/5772 will finally begin the REAL road to REAL justice and redemption. Never able to share all here on my blog posts – I apologize once again and again promise ALL will be told in due time and shared with those of you so dear and supportive in my life.

In a more humorous tone, being Jewish so defines me that once hearing my Mother discuss a possible evening gown for New Year’s with a lady friend in early September, I felt compelled to ask why so formal for synagogue services?  With her typical clever eye rolling repartee, Mother responded, “December 31st – the gentile New Year my dear“. So you see it is not odd that I often write the Jewish year on correspondence for a bit of time each fall. Equally interesting in my line of new year tales is when I spent December 31st in Israel in the morning and then at a party that evening in Egypt’s newly acquired via peace treaty Sinai. In my ancestral homeland the day was like any other as the Jewish state while acknowledging the Gregorian calender and of course, the usual festivities occurring, do not really consider January 1st the beginning of [our] Jewish New Year. So it was that I was a wee bit conflicted that day – ending with myself and a group climbing Mount Sinai on 1 January 1980. My point is September is a month filled with so much meaning – so much hope and so much promise in so many ways. – as much or more than the month of January.

Perpetual student is how I am often described … having a REAL [yes, I know another tease to the miscreants] four year college degree and others from REAL schools – returning 2013 for legal studies when our twins settled in our NY home with their stay at home Daddy makes me very attuned to the new school year ritual that begins each September. The anticipation – new school attire, books and such make for a sense of new beginnings and endless possibilities. I love the book store experience – purchasing everything on a syllabus while  a bit taunting, is still very exciting. Crisp fall air and new pages to be turned – all an inspiration to forge ahead.

Fashion, fashion, fashion is not only a matter of style but of definition – to define ones self for the world by choices of clothes and accessories is historical. I wrote a blog on 19 May 2012, Why it is Only Cool to be a Fashionista If You Have REAL Substance & Brains Too!!!, explaining just that issue and the relevance of design to living. Each fall there are  fashion shows /a week for couture and ready to wear that take place in New York, Milan, London and Paris . These Fashion Week shows are actually spring and summer for the next calender year and yet give definition to September. Even children define themselves by what they wear  – in every part of the world families ready the heavier clothing as fall approaches. Of course, I like to do more than get warm by design – great fun awaits me as I decide what pieces to add to my wardrobe each season and none more than September as I plot and strategically decide my look as summer ends. Of course, when able I have and soon will again be doing this the spring before as the fall lines are presented but still there is the little additions that lure one to Neiman Marcus and such. In my life, my dear husband, C. Michael Eliasz-Solomon loves to and almost insist on accompanying me to select my attire – I am his JAP barbie doll and never mind his input because he has a great sense of style and color and definitely knows what he likes to see on me, his lady love. Even this shared seasonal excursion – both fall and others – is an excited rendezvous and so another September notation is entered into the must dos of life.

Watching the documentary The September Issue brings to the fore that fashion is about REAL life – jobs , economics, holidays, function and form. As it opens the marvelous American Vogue editor-in-chief, Anna Wintour [who I pray to G-d my publicist convinces to invite me to the Met Costume Gala in 2013 when my 2nd book/memoir, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life! is published] makes a very profound statement and one that all my nearly 4,000 readers and followers know I can surely relate to these days. It is something akin to just because REAL fashion frightens people they should not demean those wanting REAL fashion and REAL style in their life [nor may I add visa verse – unless the lesser types insist we of normality respond – wink, wink]. To this point, someone last year posted as a suggestion to me about something or other they were obviously insecure about with a Twitter photo of three unkempt, wash & wear hair, cheap quite ugly shoe wearing and not very attractive women noting the suggestion that these are REAL women – well now, need I say more? To be sure, if so blessed to meet Anna Wintour, I will definitely regal her with this humorous tale [think hubby still has that ridiculous Twitter photo in our legal file]. I must save that diatribe for another time but needless to say there are those who do and can dress well and then there is everyone else. Let me state that this is in no way a noblest  put down on account of anyone’s financial inability, etc. but instead as Anna might express a push back to those so hell bent on ignoring REAL fashions place in this complicated world we live in today.

The history making 916 pages that I will devour once my September 2012 American Vogue arrives will almost assuredly offer example and instruction on life, style, design and fashion, of course. The others I read online and otherwise, the European Vogues like British and Italian will also be forever part of my fall  ritual – especially this specific September 2012 that will make EVERYTHING in my new life so Vogue!!!

P.S. My husband insisted that as it has become apparent that my “fan base” now includes self proclaimed “evil doers”, we should provide [in hubby’s words] photographic evidence of why he LOVES to see my face first thing every morning – oh no, will darling husband now be accused of object [me] narcissistic love???

Thank you my darling brilliant and talented husband for this wonderful Vogue compilation of your favorite photos of me/your artistic talents amaze me – I am flattered and grateful that you think I am so beautiful – I LOVE YOU my husband forever and always!!!