Posts tagged ‘REAL Love’

February 13, 2016

My Father Plagiarized Victor Hugo

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

Victor Hugo To Love...

I am one of those blessed daughters … Longed for, planned for, and prayed for by both my parents. My wonderful Father wanted a daughter to complete the family with my two brothers, Sidney and Albert. I was born on his birth-date March 5th (1954). Our closeness and life together all that any child could wish for … Not any less and in some ways even more a joy in my adult life.

When my Father became ill I spent each day with him. I was his escort and company at doctor appointments and during treatment. I organized and pursued, reached out to medical experts who were friends, family members and even those known only through press and books doctors and researchers. My Mother and other family members all devoting time and energy to making those difficult years quite enjoyable and meaningful for my Father.

As Father became obviously nearing the end of his days here with us good fortune presented itself through family and friends who were physicians that made sure those last weeks were spent in a large private suite in one of our hometown, Philadelphia’s best hospitals. I moved in with my Father and despite his being very ill those days and nights were sweet. We chatted, read books, discussed the news. Family, friends, colleagues and some strangers to me that my Father [typical] had helped in one or another way visited but the majority of time it was we two together – my only leave was when I thought he and my Mother – the love of his life for fifty years – needed time alone.

One of my Father and my life long shared activities was reading. He often would choose this or that classic [one Summer the torture of War and Peace] work of literature for us to read – mind you there was no shortcut for Father expected full and detail conversations to follow and as I adored being all he hoped for I was careful to do the reading in totality. So it was that Father decided [all he had read before of course – being a lifelong voracious readers] a book by one of his favorite authors Victor Hugo … That which many of you became familiar with through the play and subsequent film, Les Miserables. I need to state here the literature in many ways is different than the play … Certainly a more broad and nuanced philosophy. Being political active and civil rights activist and supporter of unions, worker’s rights even as a business owner this book’s message very meaningful to my Father. So it was often we discussed Hugo through the years.

In hospital many sent flowers which Father seemed to enjoy and I decided to do likewise – flowers sent from me even though I was there – asking that Florist add a heart item of some sort. So it was that three dozen varied colored roses arrived with an attached small crystal heart. I need to mention here that I often ordered gourmet and other foods to be delivered in an attempt to increase Father’s appetite or at the least have him enjoy a tasty bit of his favorite food – and so it was that I was in the lobby fetching just such a food delivery when my flowers arrived one early evening. As I entered our shared hospital suite with enthusiastic glee about the goodies in hand my Father was sitting in a comfy lounge chair my brother had delivered for his comfort, next to my gifted roses with the small crystal heart in his hand. Father looked up at me with tears and said: “Daughter to be loved as I have been by you my child is to have seen the face of G-d.”.  I need not say anymore other than such words and many times in notes and letters from my Father to me were not unusual, however the time and place then made for the deepest of meanings that I carry through life and I pray into eternity.

My Father died 12 February 1987 … A few months after his passing my Mother and I were invited to a semi private showing of the play Les Miserables – lovely evening for us all in box seats. There we sat in rather formal attire – me thinking of my Father’s fondness for Hugo and wondering what both erudite men would think of this play when near the end as he sits near death Jean Valjean – Father to surrogate daughter Cossette says , “To be loved as I have been by you is to have seen the face of G-d.”. Well now I turned to my Mother nearly shouting that my Father seems to have lovingly plagiarized Victor Hugo … My Mother in her usual no nonsense fashion replied “Oh my, get over it – your Father loved you more than life itself and you should be flattered my darling Cossette!”

So I conclude this essay with a lesson taught to me by my Father and Victor Hugo: To love deeply and unselfishly anyone is to know G-d for is that not what we fragile humans need most – a connection to one another that to me equals a knowing we are that which is favored and known to be worthy!

September 18, 2014

Witnessing Love – Mary Frances and Dulce!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

… She’s a brawny girl, well built and tall and sturdy, and she will know how to keep her chin out of the mud with any knight errant .

— Sancho Panza, Don Quixote’s squire, says of Dulcinea, (namesake for the Dulce in this essay!)


Mary Francis & Dulce 2014

A beautiful intelligent vibrant woman adopts a beautiful intelligent vibrant dog and so it begins. A REAL love so evident that all who have the privilege of knowing this team are awed. Who are they you ask that seem to affect so many? Well simple and most important to me is that the woman, Mary Frances is my friend and Dulce was her companion … I hesitate to say her dog as that does not nearly describe how this relationship should be defined. Here I want to illuminate what I and so many others viscerally experienced in the company of this duo. I tell you without hesitation that my wonderful attorney gal pal Mary Frances and Dulce define the essence of love and you my many dear readers will be gladdened by reading their story.

Mary Frances Prevost is a talented California Attorney … Determined to defend those unjustly accused and one might say as Don Quixote tilt at windmills no matter the naysayers. One must not get the wrong idea here for my friend is equal part legal crusader and a woman both charming and full of life’s vigor – beautiful both in appearance and attitude Mary Frances can be that most effective of legal professionals in that the average individual full of misconceptions might think such a beauty incapable of REAL strength. Well that is the magic my dear readers. So it was that Mary Frances saw easily these same combined characteristics when choosing a dog to adopt – her name to be forever more Dulce.

Kind, watchful, smart, loving and full of  life Dulcinea “Dulce” Prevost was born 31 October 2002 and left us for heaven on 16 September 2014 as her Mother Mary Frances embraced this sweet being with the constant love that had been at the center of their relationship. Charm I tell you … Pure and simply there was charm in this sweet dog’s face and demeanor – evident in person and in photos there was no doubt Dulce had a presence that could captivate her audience. You see dog and owner alike here … Mary Frances and her beloved Dulce both charmers but there was more than just that which made Dulce unique. Soulfulness seen in Dulce’s eyes informed and instructed all who knew her that this being was full of that which G-d most loves – goodness in the deepest sense where only joy of living is the goal and therefore a gift bestowed on anyone who spent time in the company of Dulce.

Let me describe Dulce’s life … Well there was indeed the very best of everything. Home and hearth lovely and accommodating – with no expense spared. Daycare where Dulce’s other Mom as Mary Frances well describes to look after her and then weekends at the beach. The best health care, the best food, the best to be had in every single way is how Dulce lived – actually as well, if not better than many treat their human family members is the truth of the life sweet Dulce had with Mary Frances.  When illness came here too no expense nor option denied … My friend did not choose the easy way out – Dulce would be given many more good days because Mary Frances persevered at great effort and expense with treatment. These last days included extra trips to the beach and special treats and days where Mary Frances only focus was Dulce … I tell my friend that all of us wish for the same attention, devotion and care – complete and unselfish love as we face the end of our life here. We her friends all joined Mary Frances in prayers for Dulce – asking for miracles and comfort. I am proud to say that my friend made center to her life the love and concern she had for suffering Dulce these last few months … Yes pride I write because those quiet about love lessen not only their own importance but that which the world so desperately needs. There is some odd delineation – some universal dictate that fairly or not has G-d see those most cared for as a light – a gift – those who must be recognized as having special attention in life and there after. So it was and will be that Mary Frances gave such a recognition to dear Dulce.

I shared with Mary Frances a story about my Father and I during the last days of his life. This essay is about my friend and not me but for now I will explain as I did to Mary Frances that among other lovely and poignant conversations between my dear Father and I as he neared life’s end was when he looked at me and said: “To be loved as I have been loved by you my daughter, truly is to have seen the face of G-d!”  So too I believe it was that dear Dulce saw the glory and love of G-d as she looked into Mary Frances beautiful face.

So I end with what my Jewish faith teaches about eternal life. We are always here – a energy forever existing as the scientist concur matter never dissipates and dwells endlessly within the Universe. More immediate is that eternal life is given by remembrance – Dulce will never be forgotten – certainly not by Mary Frances nor we who were privileged to see these two together. Here I am going to ask my readers to do themselves a favor … Think of it as Dulce’s gift to you. Open your minds – see REAL love – witness in honest ways and without prejudice that which is love in whatever form it takes. When you view others and those they love – those they would do anything for then in honor of Dulce and to make your life better, understand that is the glory of G-d here present among us!


R.I.P.   Dulcinea “Dulce” Prevost … Thank you for your presence in all our lives. We who love your dear Mom Mary Frances will look after her for you – you can find comfort now among the angels!

May 19, 2013

Last Minutes That Matter Most!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

From the standpoint of eternity, there is hardly any difference between a “long” and a “short” life. Therefore, it’s not whether one’s life is long or short, but how one lives that is important. It is what we accomplish, the degree to which we develop our state of life, the number of people we help become happy—that is what matters.

— Daisaku Tkeda

Last moment blog photoMy life has been amazing – full of the most serendipitous blessings. So much so that my book publisher suggests that unlike other clients, my life REALLY is too full and interesting to accurately describe on the written page – at least too complex to contain in one book. For my publicist and other REAL advisers,  my  magnificently  busy  life  means “Oy Veh” type of much work to do in order to continue directing me toward a safe and happy place. As referenced in many of my previous blog posts, I have had much to be grateful for in life … many times it was material wealth, REAL love and friendship, experiences of travel and such. More important is the REAL and true connection to other people – the moments of tenderness and support, as well as, gaiety and joy. Sure much is made of almost “new age” feelings – blah, blah, blah for your fellow man but my words here are intended to invoke a REAL sense of worth in relationship to those minutes where the glory of ones existence is felt down to the core of your being.

I have shared in prior posts the multiple friendships G-d has blessed me with – the gal pals there through thick and thin – the guys who support me and I them through trial and tribulation. So grand are my relationships that I often feel almost other worldly and an almost divine presence in the magnificence of those in my life. Of course, there are the ups and downs – the lessening at times on account of this or that perceived – or should I say – misconceived – grievance. Still never am I without REAL glorified human companionship – no never – not a day has gone by since I can remember that one or more persons has not rallied to my defense or been there to guide and attend to my needs. Now mind you, this scenario has also included those who should have been there, suddenly been missing in action for one or another reason … still just when I felt daunted, another amazing person comes to be my salvation. An embarrassment of riches is mine in relationship categories – I am humbled before the L-rd with REAL and deep gratitude.

An openness and willingness to embrace those worthy of effort is paramount to expanding ones life circle. Equally important is being committed to REALLY helping those in your life – possibly even sacrificing at times in order to make good that which is bad in another’s life. If you read me regularly or certainly know me personally, then you are aware of those my dear husband and I have needed to battle against – on social media and in Court. These faux individuals who like many you probably know could never know REAL friendship nor have REALLY worthy relationships – they lie to others and to themselves over and over again. No my dear readers, a relationship based singularly on a means to attack a third party is both without quality and unhealthy [at best].  Sharing of REAL time and wealth makes for a solid base to grow, G-d willing, a life long bond – that which will sustain and bring both sustenance and REAL happiness throughout your lifetime. For me it has been multi layered  … even including folks I met through social media that not only became REAL friends but took it upon themselves to protect and shield me from enemies and interlopers. I told you mine is a almost other worldly life full of such gloried relationships – yes I tell you even casual social media acquaintanceship have rallied in my defense – many to go on to be [now] close friends. Lucky me I say and yet it is because I had – as my dear late wise Mother instructed – the eyes to see and open mind to know who was for me. My equally wise Father taught that a relationship is like a savings accounts with joint ownership .. at times one or the other deposits and at other times each or both make withdrawals and then there are those times when the process is unequal but still maintained.

The title of this post is “Last Minutes”  – I choose those words because for many years that was how I explained to those dear to me and the children in my life as a tutorial what is to be optimally the, shall we say, end game in life. Now I do not mean the feel good pop culture mantra “if only I spent more time ___, than at the office” cult like diatribe  Nope – I mean that along with all the other wonderful life experiences and achievements, you and I must attend well to the people in our life for in those last moments that is what will be of REAL meaning. So now to how I see the end game scenario – just this past week, I shared with two recent additional most amazing new friend colleagues in my life, as I have in the past with others, my life philosophy concerning this matter. It is that if G-d is so gracious to grant me a moment or two as I leave this life in order to contemplate my journey here, it will without doubt be thoughts of those I have loved – husband, children, friends, colleagues  – even pets and likewise of those singular moments when someone saved me – when a person in my life made that which was wrong and hurting, better and manageable. Those touches, words, gestures that inspired and comforted me in life will be that which is my last thought if I am lucky. If you are not religious nor believe in G-d’s REAL presence, as I do, then simply try to use REAL gratitude to define what your last conscious remembrance will and should be. I REALLY believe that if we live each and every day with that thought in mind, REAL value will define the day to day of living !!!

P.S. In my memoir, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life! I will share REAL details and names, places times of those persons and circumstances worth a “last minute” remembrance – for now, you know who you are  – at least I hope you do as I try to let each of you, in some way, know that is how grateful I REALLY am for your presence in my life, plus my promise to work each and every day to make your lives better too for my being in yours !!!

December 11, 2012

Chanukah – Defeating Enemies through G-d’s REAL Miracles!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

The Lord is my light and salvation;

Who shall I fear ?

The Lord is my stronghold of my life;

Of Whom shall I be afraid ? 

When evil doers assail me,

uttering slanders against me,

my adversaries and foes,

they shall stumble and fall . 

Though a host encamp against me,

my heart shall not fear;

Though war arise against me,

yet I will be confident . 


Yea, wait for the Lord ! 

                  — Psalm 27

Recently my dear, scholarly Roman Catholic husband decided that this Psalm (also on his Facebook page) perfectly described our personal triumph this past few years over the miscreant evil doers [including faux Christian Michigan female M.W., who dared to write that my Rabbis were “religious” leaders – yes, in quotes – as if Jewish is not a REAL religion] I write about so often. For my husband and I – as I reference in other blog posts – ours has been a life truly miraculous in that despite odds, we defeat at every turn those most viciously seeking our demise. Not claiming to be perfect but REALLY blessed by G-d’s grace – each of us individually and more so as a couple – is how this life seems to bring the best results and huge successes no matter the difficulty of the journey we face.  For myself, as a Jew, miracles are common occurrences – the very existence of my people has depended on faith, hard work, blessings and many REAL miracles. You have read in my posts about the uniqueness of how I met my husband, Chester Michael Eliasz-Solomon, how the most amazing REAL family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances have loved, supported and protected me, how modern science allowed me to become a mother so late in life and the REAL glory of my being able to appreciate what REALLY matters in this complicated world. I pray that my example inspires and comforts others struggling … the magic is in the miracle – the miracle lies in faith and determination. So as I light my eight nights of Chanukah 2012/5773 candles in my Kosher homes, determined in raising devoted Jewish children, surrounded by REAL family and friends of ALL faiths, I want everyone to remember that our festival of lights illuminate the entire world and the glow extends outward in the name of peace – for the story of the Jewish people is that of all oppressed and of all REALLY triumphant. The light of our eight nights reminds us that dialogue between cultures is possible – we Jews dwell in every nation, are of every ethnicity and hence many languages define our life … ours is not a faith determined to exclude others but instead one wanting to connect and embrace with all mankind!!!

1Dec2012 057P.S. The photo you see here  is the mantel in the first home shared by my husband and I after we married in 2003 – the items are those I described in my last blog post, The Democratization of Interior Design [1 December 2012] … the Marc Chagall print, the Tzedakah Box and gold Menorah my gracious and loving Gentile husband generously framed, bought, arranged/placed, along with the many Mezuzahs [including the sports themed one on our twin son’s nursery door] for me – his Jewish wife. Also, look closely at the Jewish/Hebrew themed books [only a few of the many more in our home library] on the mantel – some my own from a lifetime of learning and study, others gifts from my husband, family and friends (many not Jewish themselves) – two were special birth gifts to our twins from dear friend K.C. and her lovely family and another from my dear Baker family – all of whom you have read about in my previous blog posts. Easy to see how blessed and miraculous my life REALLY is – more in my soon memoir, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life!

Judas replied,

They come against us in great pride and lawlessness to destroy us and our wives and our children,                                                                                and to despoil us; but we fight for our lives and our laws. He himself will crush them before us;

as for you, do not be afraid of them.”

1 Maccabees 3: 20-22

Note: In reference to the REAL anti-Semitism of above mentioned M.W. and others of THE REAL Evil Doers Club™ – my husband INSISTED that he, I and all our REAL “team” share/notify/forward such remarks and insinuations [all REALLY saved and subpoenaed] to many who know, work with or are associated with these loathsome creatures – including the very successful Chicago Jewish community [where I have many friends and a few relatives] – this is especially important because in-law family of M.W. and her husband live/have some sort of  start up concierge [which actually seems quite bogus to myself who has used REAL similar services] in Chicago and THE REAL Devil’s Daughter™ son works and lives there as well  … this was fair play as the son-in-law and his wife (the daughter of M.W. and her REALLY short husband “Big Al”) referenced, joined in the social media harassment, libel, slander, defamation and anti-Semitic rants and needless to say the son of my husband’s ex-wife has done many slanderous and criminal [including vandalism to our home and death threat on phone to my dear husband] things to us.  By the way, this 20-something Chicago waiter is gay – my many gay [LGBT]  REAL friends and family members were outraged at this young man’s hatefulness toward myself and my husband as we are both involved in supporting their community/rights and equally upset about the REALLY crude way he insults so many on his poorly written blog. To say the least those Jewish and others with REAL faiths [Christian, Muslim, etc] and even my atheists compatriots were not amused when reading/hearing about these hateful anti-Jewish remarks. My husband, who owned a very successful business and was a well sought after tech consultant, is convinced that it will soon be difficult for these idiots to find work or continue to be employed in service industries, hospitals, tech fields, real estate (hint to idiotic acting disowned/disinherited former niece), et al. on account of Jews (doctors, CEO and entrepreneur types) and our REAL other faiths friends/family who reject such anti-Semites. Surely, once my book is published and/or possible trials begin – press coverage starts – our enemies will be put in quite uncomfortable circumstances … sadly ironic that these bottom dwellers erroneously thought it was husband and I who were ashamed of anything; We are a REALLY open book but our nemesis is definitely not prepared for the REAL exposure their misdeeds will reap. So you see, as is warned by Bible Prophecy,  G-d REALLY does punish those – whether that is the Pharaohs [hence Passover] the ancient Syrian Greeks [resulting in Chanukah] or The Miscreants™ [whose evil actions have inadvertently brought even more REAL triumph to my life] – who attempt to hurt his chosen people – we the Hebrews!