Archive for October, 2012

October 28, 2012

Witches In My Halloween

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

Boo, Boo, Boo – have my blog posts about evil types, misanthropes, miscreants and all those other slimy creatures that go trolling for us REALLY good people scared you yet? No – oh well, think this witch themed Halloween post might finally do the trick – here is yet another treat from me to you on the occasion of All Saints Eve and Day 2012. Going to grab my broom – who am I kidding – I do not know how to sweep unless you count sweeping out REALLY bad people from my REALLY great life … read my darlings and learn because evil types dwell among us not just on Halloween but each and every day of the year. Grab your candy, lock your doors and enjoy my tutorial and instruction on thwarting goblins and such – I hope when you are done only REAL Halloween frivolity greets you this 31 October 2012!

Surely by now all my readers/followers know I suffer the presence of REAL evil witches – no make that REAL loathsome bitches in my life … sad really for me to say as I, a confirmed feminist, reject completely witch and bitch as negative terms in denotations of a woman’s worth or status. Of course, if you know me personally or are a regular viewer of my blog, then you will agree the often referred to females of that miscreant group which hubby and I have been forced to deal with are exactly what most of us conjure up in our minds during Halloween season as ugly and scary creatures. Funny thing is that we were told/shown that one of them has a Disney [this 50+ nurse’s apparent REALLY favorite cultural venue] quite attractive witch as her Facebook timeline photo – one of my darling five year old previously written about mini-goddess acquired nieces tells me it is the wicked Queen of the Snow White fable and all my dear lady friends agree this idiot nurse probably meant it as a reference to moi but you see I envy NO ONE (never have and never will) and certainly none of miscreant females have qualities or a life that anyone would desire for themselves but all in my world appreciated yet another guffaw at this meager attempt for cleverness. By the way, there are seriously cute “original bad girl” items with image of that particular sexy and beautiful Disney witch that simple minded disowned sister-in-law has as Facebook timeline photo – I simply MUST have at least a coffee mug ASAP. Another humorous related story is about my having gifted the DVD of the 1993 film Hocus Pocus to a gal pal’s adorable children a few years ago for Halloween – when calling to thank me they suggested in their usual kindly innocent manner that my husband’s ex-wife [now divorced nearly 20 years] looked very much like Bette Midler in that film and shortly after that conversation an attorney who had the unpleasant experience of meeting the ex said exactly the same thing but I personally think only somewhat as Midler actually looks more attractive than the woman my husband made what he calls the worse mistake of his life to wed as a youth. Although truth be told, when seeing a side by side most who have seen in person or ex-wife’s photos agree that the similarity is striking. Funnier and even more ironic is that our chubby Disney loving now legally disowned and disinherited Michigan sister-in-law, who is ex-wife’s new found unholy alliance buddy that I often write about, looks very much – although also less attractive – like the other Hocus Pocus witch played by Kathy Najimy. Who knows – maybe these two fine actresses can play those miscreant females in the movie version of my memoir Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life!. Now the third miscreant woman cohort of their self proclaimed “evil doer and insanity club” [yes I am serious –  that is how we were told they recently self titled their group on Facebook] while at least attempting some personal grooming appears in photos shown me a bit – shall we say – not of good genetics [oops – just my and my husband’s “opinion”]; this third anti-Semitic [according to items directed toward me on her Facebook page] witch miscreant might be compared to my darling Jewish “sister” Sarah Jessica Parker’s character in Hocus Pocus in ONLY the way that film denotes SJP as being a little more acceptable to the eyes of the audience and as the foil of the two others. Not having watched this movie for some time, I admit to only the hilarity and OMG that my friends and I experience when the obvious combined similarities of appearances to the three evil doer miscreant females is noticed. On a side note – I do a laugh out loud imitation of hubby’s long nosed, nasal sounding, lower class tonality, snorting voiced ex-wife – so beneath me but friends and colleagues seem to get a great chuckle and all who have heard this bottom dweller speak agree my mocking of her voice is absolute perfection … I do a great routine of her demanding child support for her one 20+ dead and other NOT full time college [per divorce agreement] student twin daughters, along with other nasal pronouncements like the times she claimed in court to have a Masters degree, be a Minister and more and then finally under oath admitted to only having a high school diploma despite writing Masters degree on her daughter’s Drexel University application. If you are lucky, maybe I will do a bit of this very unpleasant woman’s voice for the audience during my 2013 book reading near you. Definitely not humorous is the seething, plotting, stealing, cheating, lie spewing, jealous, ugly, simple minded, delusional, narcissistic, common, ignorant, immoral, unsuccessful, unimpressive, insignificant, evil thinking and more of how most in my life (both personal and professional) REALLY see in part or of varying forms these disgraceful miscreant witch creatures I often reference. Their hatefulness is almost evocative of those processed by REAL demons – as my nearly saintly husband remembers years of incidents, utterances and occurrences concerning these individuals, it becomes more apparent they are nonredeemable.  Oh well, so be it and rest assured that G-d and the legal system plus my REALLY protective husband, friends and associates makes myself and REAL family safe from them this Halloween and all days of the year. Here I want to share tales of how, when and why the witch idea – both good [like myself and my darling Goddess Crew™ gal pals] and bad or evil [like THE Miscreants™ females] came to be.

The word witch is defined more or less as a woman supposedly possessing supernatural powers via a pact with evil spirits and an ugly shrew, as well as a fascinating female. Wow – truly a conflict of thought considering the word “fascinating” implies certain femme fatale attractiveness not usually associated with evil spirits nor shrew ugliness. So you see that we women have been both damned and championed for our witch like qualities – in there lays the REAL problem. Females of our species have been said to bewitch men and lure and corrupt – all with our witchcraft powers. But this charge has lead to alienation, marginalization and even death for women throughout history – a tool of the male establishment and tragically women against other women in efforts to rid their world of women they deem evil or they fear. For me today the use of witch against my enemy female miscreants is filled with humor for I think these particular women are not even worthy of the REAL strength and power those women accused of witch status probably had in historical references. In other words, the legally and REALLY officially trademarked by myself and my husband, THE Evil Doers Club™ female members do not even rank amongst the women accused of sorcery as they are too simple minded and “sub par” [inside joke – more in my book darling readers]. Do I suggest all accused and often condemned for being witches were of great and REALLY good character – no – not at all but I do believe, as a student of history, that many, if not most, were characterized as witches only because they were superior and hence a perceived threat to their community. Let me assure you 100% +++ that the evil doer female miscreants are ALL of REALLY inferior character and intellect – in my, my husband’s (who knows everything about them since birth), my friend’s and colleague’s REALLY educated opinions. As usual, I must apologize as I am still unable to fully detail all the REAL facts here – ongoing/soon to be filed lawsuits, still active law enforcement investigations and of course, my book contractual constrains. One interesting thing my readers should know – husband and I were shown Facebook rants by these bottom dwellers accusing me/us of evilness when we all know I/we only respond and defend against evil doers – we see here the loathsome accusing a powerful woman like myself, my amazing husband and my REALLY classy gal pals, family, friends and associates of that which they are REALLY guilty of and so I will examine how that lie against other women like myself has been evident throughout history. Hope those of you following me who are female can relate to the trials and triumphs of good witch types – the REALLY attractive, smart, clever and successful women of this world.

We must ask why witchcraft has so easily been given as an explanation for the accomplishments of the  powerful among our female gender and we also must ask why so many of both gender so readily accepted such a pronouncement as factual. In Exodus 22:18 we are instructed not to suffer witches and the Old Testament speaks ill of Jezebel. In Kabbalah, the woman Lilith is Seducer (Zohar 1:196) – we are warned about her as a night dweller who steals men’s seed [that one the oddest as men so willing to give it away]. Are these warnings to be theoretical or actual in form concerning a female sorcerer? Even the heroic Joan Of Arc was accused of being a witch – this brave girl thus never given the substantiation for her acts of courage.  Is it a denotation more or less subjective to content or a literal directive on how to deal with women who are sinful? Either or all answers still leave us with biblical awareness that there are evil women to take note of and yes fear. I guess one can readily admit that guile, wit and charm have a supernatural component but must one also then admit that those characteristics are derivatives of witchcraft or a REAL blessing and good fortune of women’s talents? This question infers that the former leaves room for blame from those less talented or lucky. All in all the charge of witchcraft is no different than the false claims made by any woman’s nemesis that she succeeds where other fail by some dubious or nefarious method. Again, I ask for you darling readers to trust me on this topic – for I know personally of what I write here and hope – actually I  pray my own life story will act as instruction as to what it takes to thwart those lesser and jealous of no more than others G-d given and hard worked for blessings. Unlike the Slavic witch Baba Yaga I and you who are of REAL goodness must always triumph over our evil adversaries. – If we of REALLY worthy blessings are accused of sorcery it is to be remembered that Slavic life did NOT perceive that as evil practice but a special gift. Like those from my sworn enemies that type of accusation and other similar are born from their own insecurity and unhappiness – still NEVER to be tolerated by us, their intended victims. Remember the very definition of witch-hunt makes clear that what is claimed to ostensibly be an investigation to uncover subversive activities is really a path toward harassing and undermining those with differing views – this is exactly what the miscreants attempted by falsehoods and intimation against myself and my husband but I and my REAL support team thwarted them at every turn – all REALLY good folks who read this should be likewise firm in your own dynastic quest against such evil persons.

Too easily men like the otherwise benevolent and some say even kind King Henry VIII charge a woman they come to disdain – Anne Boleyn – with sorcery and witchcraft to explain the original lore and appeal of such a woman. While no Saint, Anne has been rethought to neither be the vixen nor lustful witch like whore so charged, put on trial and executor for either – seems rather easy to defame, slander and libel any woman in order to punish her as England did Boleyn. As I read the award winning Hilary Mantel’s Bring Up The Bodies this past month my mind was full of the stunning similarities to that which I and others experience through the distortion and obsessive insistence of  those insignificant but at the ready to condemn. Happily modernity presents us – of which I take full advantage of – with laws and legal recourse against the slanderous, the libelous and the defamers. Call a woman witch if you like but never think false charges against her as proof can or should be easily tolerated. My husband and I am firm in our commitment to litigation for every such offense against us – men and women alike should not allow false accusations, postured as if truth, that can lead to horrendous consequences. As I detail in a few previous blog posts that are REALLY legal tutorials – innocent gossip, teasing, clever repartee, REAL opinions not presented as facts, chiding, argument nor insult are reasons for lawsuits but false statements and lies are REALLY a reason for taking the accuser to Court and reaping $$$ as compensation for the slander and “shedding of false light” on your person. Simply put: you may call me or any woman a witch, THE REAL Devil’s Daughter™ [as my husband does the ex-wife and which trademark we plan to profit from greatly] and such but you can NOT say we were fraudulent in gain or faked a truth or forged something. I often think once I complete my law school studies I would love to reopen Anne Boleyn’s case and that of our own American Salem Witch Trials as well. The defense of these supposed witches would be simple and magnificent on account of their accusers being so readily proven dishonest … both the weak minded and the sophisticate used the charge of witchcraft against the women and girls of Massachusetts in 1692/93. Mere rumor and panic lead to the unholy occurrences of prosecution and punishment in Salem – the bizarre idea that if a female drowned she was innocent and not a witch but if able to surface than guilty and of course burn at stake is ludicrous. How well our brilliant Jewish American play write Arthur Miller highlights this America shame is his 1952 play The Crucible – frightening to think present day extremists throughout the world are doing the same thing to women they deem too uppity or not as they see fit in attitude and life choices. The moral here is that the accuser more often than not is the REALLY guilty party and is using charges of witchcraft, etc. to obfuscate their own evil doing. Most frustrating is when the less capable, the most inferior are the accusers and propagators against the supposed offenders. Lie filled, exaggerated and misconstrued tales offered as reasons were the undoing of many deemed witches, etc. but I say to you all of REAL decency – NEVER accept this and do as I do – fight with REAL facts and REAL intelligence against those of nefarious motives. History is full of false charges – “witch” they cry when envy and greed causes the evil types to be determined on destruction of those better, different or more special then themselves. Halloween is not nearly as frightening as this REAL truth.

Converse to the bad witch idea is the opposite who are the lovely, good and magical witch … Glinda in Oz is easily brought to mind and then we of course have the seductress vixen whose beauty tames men. Yes these prototypes bestow blessings on children and sexual pleasures on men – both apparently tolerable witch status to the world. So what are we to conclude about witches – power and strength bad witch attributes and benevolent love of children and sex for their men are fine and admirable witch talents. Songs, like Witchy Woman by my buddy Don Henley’s Eagles, denote a somewhat nonsensical admiration for evil women … love/hate complex at play for sure. Why one needs to only look at Halloween costume choices that include black pointed hat and scantily pieced trick or treat attire for adult woman to understand the duplicity and the conflict of the world view of witch status. Aren’t we females therefore damned if we do and equally if we don’t show our witch craft self … to be both admired and admonished for the same trait is confusing but one I readily embrace. As with many aspects of life, the source of a comment must always be taken into consideration and so if the juvenile jealous types brand a lady as evil or a witch, then a true compliment has been professed in my opinion. If the unwashed call me a witch –  I say “thank you” – for are they not REALLY saying I go where others can not and I achieve what others envy or maybe they, being so small minded common, need to defame as their only means of self comfort as they REALLY know deep down that they are useless creatures. Of course, possibly they just do not REALLY like me, lol. Anyway my darling readers/followers – I am hoping you and yours have a safe and fun filled Halloween 2012!!!

P.S. Along with my own Halloween 2012 photos, I have included here [below] the Hocus Pocus depiction of the three miscreants … believe me when I say the similarities are striking [remember the REAL evil witches in my life appear far less attractive than these actresses film characters]. By the way, if my publicist and publisher’s attorneys agree – REAL names of ALL miscreants and their commenting/participating family members and friends names, even their Facebook buddies, will be included in my memoir – after all fair is fair as they dared to use ours, they inserted themselves into our life uninvited, it is suspected that  one of them or someone they know has sent lie filled messages to my REAL family and friends, etc. and as such the law allows us to respond in kind; besides, we were told, one of the females of this distasteful group suggested she could withstand our “insults” [of course, she used less appropriate verbiage and poor grammar/sentence structure in that Facebook posting]. It is hysterically funny that this middle of middle of middle female feels “insulted”– surely a sign of delusional personality type as it was singularly our nemesis miscreants [including her] and NOT my dear husband and I but ONLY the self described evil doer club who posted fake websites with false accusations – including one against judge who oversaw my husband’s/my January 2012 name change [short Michigan male posted fake website on his Facebook page that was traced back to a self proclaimed “exhibitionist” as possible generator of this link – OMG – still being investigated but one must ask how did Michigan loser guy get this only hours after created and no one else except my REAL “internet ninja” found in order to notify us and does he have a possible association with this 20 something scantily clothed sex club female or are he/his cohorts involved with the actual creation of this illegal trademarked infringed, lie filled, threatening my safety link?]. These obsessed individuals although no relationship with my husband and myself any longer or ever in my case have continued to spread untruths, harassed us on social media sites and [we saved] multiple private Facebook messages from disown/disinherited niece [even after her idiot father sent us a leave them alone threatening type email – it is them & NOT us who must be left alone] … this daughter of chubby miscreants was described by my now also legally disowned/disinherited North Carolina step sister-in-law, Jane, to my husband and I has having been born 20+ years ago with some sort of developmental problems [we have sworn notarized testimony on record about what she said to us concerning this young woman and ex step sister-in-law will be subpoenaed], plus this same legally disowned/disinherited Michigan niece suggested a sort of extortion on Twitter by insinuating I prove my wealth by paying off her school loans [also saved by my husband for data legal timeline he brilliantly created for our attorneys, REAL publicist and law enforcement]. Then there are the many but one in particular ridiculous, juvenile, poorly written email – which my husband responded to after he first notified EVERY individual his legally disowned/disinherited brother threatened to contact with bogus information and having my REAL publicist assist with before sending as warning to this fat idiot. Miscreants all have admitted to conspirator cheap restaurant gatherings in order to discuss us – complete with titles like “treasurer” and “sergeant at arms” – they have posted threatening and suggestive group photos on their Facebook pages, including a profile picture of one female Michigan miscreant holding and shooting a automatic weapon – posted after suggestive profile picture saying “more to come in 2013, 2014…” [each saved], et al.. All this has caused us to respond, defend, notify law enforcement and attorneys; as always, I and husband and colleagues have/will continue to fully document/save and subpoena EVERYTHING – we will NEVER end as Boleyn or those Salem ladies did as the result of THE REAL Evil Doers Club™ lies. Stay tune – should be REALLY interesting very soon!!!

Note: Something else very IMPORTANT that I need to include that I feel relates to above subject matter in some way on account of REAL issues that are scary  – a closing thought that many who read and advise me have mentioned and I/my husband agree with about the miscreant losers. These enemies are so “sub-par” and unsophisticated we are all quite convinced that they definitely do not understand my level of writing; in fact, we know they misread and get wrong my statements, my husband’s, etc. for we have been shown their own postings that prove they have misunderstood references to that which I write and how things like my genealogist husband’s work with, etc. REALLY works. One example forwarded to us is when I wrote in a previous blog [have saved Facebook posting with her own harsh words as to what her mother thought of her] that chubby disowned Michigan sister-in-law said her mother had “accused” her of being a “bad girl” [must paraphrase because the REAL quite vulgar words from her own Facebook posting concerning what her now deceased mother thought of her are being used in lawsuit as a character reference] –  this creature posted to my husband’s ex-wife that I wrote her deceased mother “approved”. This is VERY frightening as this woman is a nurse of some sort and even claims to have students – if one can not understand the difference between “accuse” and “approve”, then how would she be able to correctly read differences in medication levels ordered by physicians at hospital where she is employed; for instance could someone who confuses such simply words like “approve” and “accuse” also confuse “bid with tid” on a prescription order? Let me not waste too much more of your time describing in detail how this nurse and her compatriot who works as some sort of community college trained surgical technologist [which a REAL doctor friend of mine describes as nothing more than an “equipment cleaner” for surgeons] misunderstand how websites like function nor – this is REALLY upsetting considering both work in the medical field – neither apparently understand how DNA denotation function [according to their own written words on Facebook that was shared with myself & my husband]. So here you see that England’s Thomas Cromwell would have loved imbeciles like disowned/disinherited sister-in-law and her Michigan “manic” looking [most agree in photos of her they have seen] gal pal in his trial preparation against Anne Boleyn who he slandered with lies from the least intelligent, those green with jealous envy and such but be assured my dear readers that I have much better lawyers to prevent such usury of bottom dwellers misstatements than that unfortunate Queen. Another Facebook comment we were shown is from ex-wife to her Michigan fellow evil doer club members stating we send “threatening” emails and certified letters – no NEVER, NEVER, NEVER  threatening but only, as my husband says, intelligent legally and REALLY research backed statements of actions – promises as to our, attorneys, publicist and law enforcement and courts intent; actually the  last “refused’ letter was directed by police sergeant when threatening phone call voice mail was received [recorded, saved and given to law enforcement, etc.] to our old home # – that call was immediately traced by Verizon and believed/swore to police as being convinced  by my husband to be his now legally disowned/disinherited Michigan younger brother. Then, on the same day, the local police instructed us to send a letter both via certified mail and email [my husband smartly decided to also copy email send to his also legally disowned/disinherited half-siblings as a means to establish witnesses for any possible trial]; we were instructed to then notify the detective/sergeant if returned or responded to (which of course we immediately did). Why these individuals who have relatives, who went to some sort of law school we are told, do not realize the seriousness of refusing certified legal mail is beyond everyone on my REAL team – the police were shocked as well and recently when I told the sergeant about their lol on Facebook concerning his directed letter – let us just say, he was NOT amused. For some reason they think erasing/deleting what they already posted on social media will exclude them from lawsuits or possible prosecution is confusing – all can/has and will be saved and I REALLY have Facebook law enforcement and subpoena departments on speed dial [gave my REAL attorneys and law professors a chuckle when I first showed them that on my iphone directory]; besides these stupid people seem to forget that my husband is a well known award winning Data Architect who can find and save anything [unlike miscreants – he does this ONLY with that legally available and with REAL facts]. My husband is so talented at retrieving REAL information that my computer class Villanova law professor when realizing who I was married to, insisted I give my husband his card and asked for me to please have my husband contact him – REALLY impressive is how everyone describes my husband’s skills – how the hell my superior man came from that Michigan trash is a REAL DNA quandary [although my sweet 80+ father-in-law is a decent sort but the rest – OMG!] and it is quite understandable why my dear husband gets so upset when anyone mistakenly refers to these low lifers as his family. Quite troubling is that these miscreants are even more dangerous in the misinterpretation of words, deeds and situation that they present and the fact that they so botch my and my husband’s words render them equally dangerous to Boleyn or Salem false lying accusers. Also – dam it – on account of their “sub-par” minds and obvious poorly educated “sub-par” intellects, they are probably not getting the full REAL measure of insult or instruction I intend for them as they have such limited knowledge of the English language and certainly none of what I write in other languages [French, Italian, Hebrew, etc.]. Oh well, more gainful employment for attorneys from hubby and I … guess this means Romney [hoping you all vote Obama November 2012] types should love that we are in the 1% job creators they so champion, lol!!!

October 24, 2012

My Italian Walton Family !!!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

 Il sogno americano è VERO quello che il mio caro amico, il Interrantes hanno creato … yes these amazing friends -more REAL extended family to me – embody the true essence of the great American dream. Surely you will all recognize the lady of this home if you follow/read my blog, are a Facebook friend or know me personally – my Marina – goddess gal pal and most talented hair dresser in the world [the reason I look good]. Darling Marina is referenced often in my writing – part of my Goddess Crew™ for sure and a confidant and supportive friend for nine years as of this past August 2012. Marina was mentioned in more than one of my other blog posts … she is my friend that often reminds me while comfortingly holding my hand during my thwarting of miscreants and such that what Dr. Seuss said is true, “Those that mind, do not matter and those that matter do not mind! “. The entire Interrante family has been there for me – through thick and thin, no matter the circumstances and at times against difficult forces. A tale of courage and persistence – faith and decency – these define this American Italian Family’s saga and in these times of doubt about the REAL American dream –  no matter your political party – the Interrante story should be a guide and a beacon for everyone.

Yes,  I am prejudiced – I REALLY love this Italian Catholic all American Walton style family. My first thought that the Interrantes = Waltons was when clever Marina shared with me [I, who is TV challenged – never having watch much] that show was one of her favorites. Our usual back and forth witty repartee found me with my usual tone – my reply was something like “What do you mean like the Waltons, you are the Italian Waltons” – not a put down in any sense as my quip was meant as a compliment and appreciation of style and manner that is part of REALLY good family structure. Odd thing is I once had the pleasure of meeting the creator of the Waltons – Earl Hammer, Jr. – who was an acquaintance of my late husband’s parents. What I believe he thought and what I humbly say I agree with is that the image of families like the Waltons is not true to the grandeur nor REAL meaning of such  wonderful  people. It is this need to fantasize – make 100% pure and without fault that actually detracts from what is REALLY valuable about families like Waltons or my darlings, the Interrantes. As all who follow me know by now, I have zero tolerance for faux miscreant types- whose subterfuge and farce belies their true motives and less than admirable intentions – my friends are the opposite in that this family I love dearly is clear and directed toward honorable goals. There is no pretense with the Interrantes – never a alienation from their base values and never a detour for ill gotten gains. My friends do not profess perfection but REALLY live their faith by deeds and actions – not boastful and not braggart either. There is a REAL continuity throughout the fabric of the Interrantes family life – those threads that bind are evident to all that know them and benefits those of us in their company. How you are asking are this Italian American family like the iconic Waltons – easy answer is they REALLY love one another and they REALLY are decent, good and valuable people.

Obviously not all families are the same and yet in the varied structures still lies love and commitment but there are many where outward appearances obfuscate quite unseemly attitudes and nefarious story lines – NOT the case with my friends and we know not with the Waltons either . The Interrante family has the honorable intentions and G-d inspired platform that makes for REAL value and REAL worthwhile contributions to their own and others. While liking and having nice things – a REALLY lovely home and appreciation for fine things – this family does not denominate their achievements through money nor acquisitions.  So you see I have a Interrnate crush indeed – let me share a few reasons and  tales that make it so – I know my readers will agree that these folks are Bella, Bella, Bella and REAL Americans to be proud of. By the way, they are Catholic and Republican – I am Jewish and Democrat … this friendship definitely proves that all that matters is respect and affection in the end. So here is a part of my Interrante story – ALL will be told in my 2013 memoir Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life! – I know everyone will find it REALLY interesting.

Let me start and share here how this blessed relationship began in my life – being a bit of a hair snob where I met my darling Marina is unique and the other circumstances surrounding our coming together is – shall we say – REALLY interesting. I needed to find a hairdresser stat – in suburbs of Philadelphia, in an area not my usual stomping grounds … one recommended I was unable to find and a colleague suggested that a near by strip mall had a well talked about salon. Oy Veh – strip mall hair salon … so Tereza walked into  – sounds like a joke set up but is not because there she was and so we met – Marina and I have been together since August 2003 and I am sure that even though I will not be having her do my almost daily hair styling once I am full time NYC resident, we two will be forever together friends. So much of my last nine years have been shared with this wonderful woman – so many ups and downs and so much deep involvement in my life that our narrative defines REAL friendship without question. Back to the Marina/Tereza timeline … I go to this small salon – get my hair colored and coiffed by others there, then brilliant Marina and a few months later she does my wedding up do on 29 November 2003 – we continue this professional relationship with a now and again coffee at salon until it closes. Of course, we exchanged telephone numbers and a short time later I get the great news that my sweet friend will be opening her own salon – until then I am an almost daily visitor to her home – sometime staying nearly all day to chat and get myself looking fine, with the extra benefit of getting to know her wonderful and adorable, very admirable husband Charles and their nearly perfect four daughters and one son. Yes five Interrante children  for me to love. Such joy – such fun – so much love for me to experience with this lovely family … little Gaspare [then just a small boy] and I would play board games and smart fellow that he is would somehow always win but darling would assure me I should not feel badly as he was well practiced at each game. I was blessed to spend time with and grow close to all the members of this amazing group of people … Angelica, Juliana the youngest girls and so it was they that I spent most time with. Chats and cuddles and later being a guest with my husband in 2010 when the oldest beautiful daughter Marialena married my handsome and very erudite buddy Clayton – seeing them becoming parents the next year to Princess Grace an equal joy in my life. Not just fun though – this family has defended and comforted me more than once … giving sage wise advise when I am troubled by misanthropes, evil doers and miscreants. The REAL truth is this family knows everything – all REAL truths and despite the now and again disagreement/disappointment remain steadfast friends – people my husband and I will share blessings with and ALWAYS love.

The Interrantes are successful and productive … achieving REAL success – having all their children go to college and be contributing members of society. NEVER a vulgar social media photo or suggestion from the Interrante children will be found … they are fun loving, adventurous – well traveled young people but NOT of the usual commonly found in today’s  world disrespectful disenfranchised attitude. No the Interrante offspring REALLY represent the best of us – the REAL people of faith and products of their parents REAL values and hard work. This family is of the finest character – that I and my husband so desperately want to influence our own children … in fact I often joke about dropping our twins off – leaving $$$ – picking them up in eighteen years from the Interrantes because that is how REALLY well raised their children are. Marina says not perfect but I say dam near so. This family is a template for the REAL American dream – I am honored and privileged to call them friend and to love them as REAL extended family … with G-d’s grace to share blessings and REAL good times for many more years to come. who knows – if you darling readers/followers are lucky, maybe you can meet my Italian Walton family some day too – at least read more about them in my 2013 memoir. Until then Ragazzo Buonanotte John!

P.S. By the way, did I mention that the entire Interrante family is REALLY good looking too … even the now and soon to be son-in-laws !!!

October 11, 2012

Bakers And Me !!!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

The family story goes something like this: My opera loving Zeide Benjamin Solomon courted my beautiful smart Bubbe Rebecca Wolf with, among other things, baking – yes he was working as a baker and supposedly made a heart shape large cookie to win over his lady love. It worked because they were married – had many children and us, their grandchildren – the most adorable couple ever, who lived as husband and wife for 70 +years. How honored and proud they would be that my gentile husband legally took our family Sir name of Solomon and had our children do the same [middle name of one of our twins Benjamin]. Now you ask,  do I bake – well a bit yes and my feminist hubby a REAL wiz in that department. This piece however is not about pastries or cakes and such but instead about a couple, whose last name is Baker – two REALLY great parents, grandparents, friends and more!

In a few previous posts my dear goddess gal pal Anna B. was referenced and then her granddaughters – my mini goddess darlings, Danaya and Javonna. More REAL family then friends at this point – the entire Baker family rallying and protecting myself, my husband,  babies and even sweet Lab, Princess Java Argus from those pest miscreants and all others, no matter the time or energy required. Each and every day – from our homes or even when either of us REALLY travel – my darling Anna and I speak around 5 a.m. – not joking – my sweet lady went so far as to be sure when she was last in Italy on holiday that her schedule allowed for that daily occurrence. Now the fact that my ringtone on her iphone is T-Pain/Wiz/Lily Allen 5’oclock in the morning [video]  – not sure how cute I think this is – no it is very adorable and a REAL sign of our mutual affection. By the way – if you are thinking 5 is a bit early – my family wakes daily at 4:30 a.m. – no miscreant Farmville, SongPop game playing slackers at our homes. Anyway – back to Bakers and moi – these two wonderful people never let me down – as the Kronberger family I write about so often has done for 35 years, the Bakers for over 5 years have as well … they all are REAL friends – extended REAL family that are there for us no matter the difficulty or nature of the problems involved. Ours is a tell everything – 100% truth at all times friendship  and so the good, the bad and the ugly never an issue of shame. Unlike those of self proclaimed evil doer group mentality and now we are told self denoted insanity club [yes – someone shared that these idiots actually write that about themselves on Facebook – I know – OMG!], our friendship is REAL and pure – not based on subterfuge nor determination to defeat others. Now do not get me wrong – these friends are at the ready to thwart all enemies of mine – no matter the consequences – both Anna and Jim are the people you know REALLY have your back and as such we share ALL with them about those we need protection from and all those who lie and cheat and steal from us and others … in other words, this is a REAL bonding and not just a made up recently formed on account of  we have a common jealousy angst grouping [I know more obvious references to losers]. You see I must contrast with the faux friendships miscreants profess – for by doing that, you my dear readers can see the specificity of what bogus lives produce compared to my and my husband’s genuine ones. My Anna B. and her husband, my James B. are both of unchallenged character – REALLY special, very learned and sophisticated – REALLY well traveled and quite bookish as well. A pure joy in our life to be in their company – both my husband and I gladdened by their daily presence. Lucky, lucky, lucky babies are mine that these two people are REAL Auntie and Uncle to them.

“Sister”, confidant, guidance counselor, teacher, playmate, et al. is how I describe my sweet Anna B. – we are 100% type of friends – no break in continuity despite any differences or disagreements. As my blog posts Real friends I Have Known And Loved!!! [18 July 2012] and Goddess Crew™  !!! [26 August 2012] detailed. She, like a lot of my REAL friends know it all and love all of me – as I do them. With Anna it is the every day aspect that makes our relationship so special … each morning and every evening at least a few minutes of chat time and often in between as well. We listen, we argue, we comfort and complain but we never end a talk without an I love you adieu. Poor Anna has gone nearly mad discussing the horrid evil miscreants with me; In fact, it was she who came to fetch me from Court when the daughter of devil husband’s ex-wife saw my beautiful, well coiffed and couture pregnant self – only to later that day post lie filled slander Facebook item claiming otherwise … first issue of soon to be filed lawsuit and here is the best part – the idiot ex-wife used a UK website item and so we are suing her there as well – important because British law much more favorable [more of her $$$ for me] against slander and defamation. Oh yes, almost forgot – I spend a lot of time in Great Britain and one of my REAL Jewish gal pal lawyers is a Barrister there – needless to say, she and I are REALLY going to enjoy that day in Court. Now back to darling bestie Anna B. – after coming to fetch me at that bogus child support hearing where ex-wife wanted money for a dead child and one who lied about being full time college student, we all, hubby included, had lunch [by the way, NOT at a burger joint]. Anna asked why ex-wife was not there – I said she was and when I described what she looked like my kind never gossipy Anna innocently said she thought that person was Courthouse cleaning woman. Oh no, I insisted – I know the cleaning lady, liked that fine hardworking woman and felt badly that anyone would compare my husband’s ex to her. It is sad because for REAL women like Anna B. and myself [who by the way has REALLY worthwhile children & grandchildren + wears REALLY great shoes] there has NEVER been a need to demean nor insult other women … we two most resent that the miscreants have forced a scenario where our verbiage is so harsh – not to fret wise Anna assures me, G-d will punish them and we shall live happily for many, many years – plus a little lawsuit money hubby/I reap and possible jail time for various acts now being investigated surely will help G-d teach the miscreants well deserved lessons. The REAL fact is despite the efforts to thwart evil types – Anna B. and I REALLY know how to live … fine dining, museums, plays and such a constant shared must do on our list.

Each year on Anna’s birthday we do a women thing – yes some event honoring, relating to and/or about women … one year is was The Cleopatra Exhibit, another Diana Princess Of Wales Exhibit and so on  – each a full day begun with a gourmet breakfast and followed by a grand elegant lunch or dinner at an 5 star restaurant – of course these annual events always includes my gifts from that year’s chosen venue and so my Anna has Cleopatra items, Diana collectibles and more. Because reading and books a great part of both our lives – every birthday includes those as well. Rituals are important – a main stay of REAL relationships – no pretend we are buddies cheap restaurant get together for goddess Anna B. and me – never that – only fine dining and the best cuisine will do for our REAL shared celebrations. Equally wonderful are the shared my and her home soirees – my dear friend is an excellent hostess and her tables REAL masterpieces … glassware, china, linens par excellence for the Baker’s is rule not exception. Then there are the ad hoc coffees and such – a early morning garden fete, a quick bookstore venture that includes a warm beverage and snack after we purview the shelves. I can not forget to mention the holidays get together celebrations … my Jewish and their Christian – especially the Xmas I played Mrs. Claus arriving at 6 a.m. laden with gifts at the Bakers home to surprise then 4 year old Princess Danaya. I love that my Anna has REALLY great taste … in clothes, jewelry, food, furniture and of course, friends [why there is me is obvious – surely all agree – yes?]. We share the appreciation of the REALLY finer things in life – pouring over Architectural Digest, W, Town & Country with page markers in hand – at the ready to make sure to buy/to do lists complete. No it is certainly not that these expensive and object loving issues are the total sum by far of this friendship – so much more to our bond but still it is a great and REAL pleasure to have such a REALLY classy and connoisseur of finer things in life gal pal. Erudite Anna B. is a Pride & Prejudice devotee – so much so that she REALLY wore out more than one DVD of that book’s film version and of course, needless to say the current PBS Downton Abbey is her must see [yes has that series DVD as well] – my classy lady friend loves all the classics and we who love her tease that her REAL place is among the aristocratic times of Edith Wharton and such. Interesting is the fact that Anna B. also loves a bit of more eccentric innovative art and definitely creative non classical jewelry items … myself and our other Goddess Crew™ members are always saying this or that is sooo Anna. My sweet friend adores shopping – I not so much and so hubby and I often joke that Anna B. will have to be our new personal shopper [actually not really joking as she has very good taste and we trust her with all things]. A very cute story is about as we often do – Anna and I were at a Barnes & Noble bookstore and after buying books/magazines we sat down for a coffee – I thought I was going into labor, called my OB, hubby and then throw my car keys to her – as we left with myself holding Anna’s arm, my darling gal pal stopped en route to door to check out the the gift table – see shopping pro [by the way, that was a false alarm – no babies that night].

On more serious matters – Anna B. and I have gone through and supported one another during illnesses, my fertility treatments/pregnancy, legal matters, family highs and lows, my law school studies, etc.  – most of my doctors and attorneys – rest of “team” knows my Anna. When I say support – it means being present – REALLY there for ALL tasks required … driving to and fro, feeding, dressing, coiffing and more. This woman has been my companion at OB exams, attorneys meetings, Court visits, school tasks and other events – willing and able to do it all for me, as I am for her. Her latest title of Nonna to my babies seems odd as we are truly like sisters but she volunteered [ok I insisted] for that important role as my husband and I sadly have both our mothers no longer living. My children will thank me for choosing a REALLY special lady like Anna B., to love and guide them along with those others my husband and I have “adopted” – making a REAL family for our precious children. Let me be clear – as with all those I REALLY respect in my life and am REALLY close to – Anna does not believe in being my YES person – no ass kissing here but just REAL 100% honest commitment  to each other. Can not ever imagine my life without Anna B., – there are certainly disagreements but NEVER a break in our friendship – like so many REALLY good people in my life – she knows EVERYTHING and loves me completely. See why I keep writing that I am REALLY the luckiest woman in the world.

Now we MUST chat about the other half of this amazing and REALLY special couple – James V. – my and my husband’s friend and definitely confidant and so much more. This smart educated and well read man gives and gives and gives of himself – to family, friends like us and The Boy Scouts Of America. Yes, my Jim B., is a prominent presence in the Boy Scout organization – years of devoted service to help guide boys – some who I have been privileged to meet that are now grown men who still rely on Jim for console and more. Jim and I and my husband, C. Michael Eliasz-Solomon spend a great deal of time together … because of soon to be filed lawsuits against the miscreants my husband was thrilled that our friend Jim B., would drive me to meetings, appointments, errands and more – as I stated in another blog post, this strong fellow is shall we say, quite capable of protecting me. You see my husband fears for my safety on account of criminal vandalism to our old home, internet threats and bogus social media references to us -by the often referred to miscreants –  my husband and others feel now that miscreants are finally being legally brought to task they might be foolish enough to retaliate [as they did before]. So it is that my buddy Jim B., and I spend a great deal of time together – in the car and elsewhere … in fact most of my doctors, lawyers, hairdressers and others have come to know him as they do his beautiful wife Anna B.. I love being in the car with Jim – we discuss weighty issues, we confide, laugh  – Jim brings me a candy or two so I can be uncharacteristically naughty by not being my usual organic fruit and veggie consuming self. Jim accompanied my husband and I to Court the day we went before the judge in January 2012 to LEGALLY have our name changed/hubby and babies take my last Sir name of Solomon. It will be American Polish Jim B., who travels to Poland next year with my genealogy husband in order for Chester Michael Eliasz-Solomon to finish his book research [yes – most probably by private plane. FYI: for self proclaimed “bus” driving miscreants who are reading this]. By the way, maybe that special Harley will be a some time soon gift to show our appreciation [sharing my REAL book and movie royalties] to motorcycle loving Jim B. because not everything in our friendship is serious – lots of fun included too. I can not find the words – and we all know I can always find words – to fully explain the comfort having Jim B. in my life has brought to me. I feel safe with this dear friend and know he will always do his best to help me in anyway possible. Men like this are rare and I have been blessed with more than one –  an embarrassment of riches for me by having Jim B. as well as other fine gentleman to support and care for me. Like the amazing REAL family/our friends the Kronbergers, the Bakers come when called – no matter what the situation nor the time to our aid. These and other REAL friends are definitely 24/7 types – no bogus newly established one issue get together for us – only REAL and true life long companions with these folks. We are so looking forward – as with others I write about – to great adventures and sharing our blessings … hubby and I NEVER leave REALLY worthwhile people behind – NEVER. Besides we are thrilled to have the company of these simply decent, good, REALLY faith based people – at nightly dinner grace my husband and I thank G-d for so much and that includes by name our REAL friends and REAL family – along with each other and our REAL children and our Lab, Princess Java Argus – our REAL life blessings!

P.S. Must tell you my darling readers/followers that Anna and I first bonded when she drove/accompanied me to my brilliant plastic surgeon and dear friend Richard Glunk’s office for my facial Thermage treatment four years ago – never taking drugs, the small post op medication for pain rendered me incapable of grown up conversation … darling Anna brought me home, placed me in bed & telephoned hubby. Next day flowers arrived at Anna’s – with a big Thank You note from me and so began this never ending REAL friendship. Next “fix up” will be we two together [stay tune – more in my 2013 memoir Heiress Mommy .. A Modern Super Woman Life!].

October 8, 2012

Everybody Loves A REALLY Big Bird – Then Why Does Mitt Romney Want to Pink Slip PBS?

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

I understand Big Bird’s feathers were a bit ruffled on account of Mitt Romney’s Presidential debate reference last week – too bad – don’t be sad – just get glad you are so damn important in 2012. It is not just about you Bird but all those U.S. jobs that your kind generates that Romney and company want to eliminate because, well I guess, we taxpayers just can’t afford it anymore …what?

Look I get it … the extremist right wing can not tolerate a neighborhood like Sesame Street any longer. It is quite understandable because after all we have two obviously gay guys, Bert and Ernie living together – come on, those single twin beds are not REALLY fooling anyone, we have that homeless begging pest Oscar Grouch, unhealthy eating fat Cookie Monster, a Hispanic neighbor lady, African American men and then the damn Big Bird [who the hell knows what gender that thing is] plus a sundry of other very non-standard not REAL American types.

It makes perfect sense to me that the GOP wants to cut PBS funding and along with it that intelligentsia,  bookish NPR. Because we, the American people, can no longer support the obvious left wing brain washing that these venues are producing with all that tax payer money – STOP the madness now – kill the f***king bird!

Of course we also have to stop funding Head Start, Planned Parenthood, Pell Grants, Public Libraries, U.S. Post Office, Public Transportation and so many more of those supportive programs who are determined to help educate, make healthy and keep mainstreamed most citizens in our society because before you know it everyone will want a part of the American dream. It is just that simple – if you do not have a trust fund for private school nor a car to get you to and from book stores and money for concierge physicians – then why the hell do you think you are entitled to those things anyway? Get real America – the GOP says get off your ass now – get two or three minimum wage jobs and save damn you – then you too can be REALLY successful and finally be REAL Americans.

Now Tereza, what you are saying – that is cute rhetoric you write here but its just hyperbole – that is not REALLY what GOP wants for our great nation. Oh no – isn’t it I ask you? Maybe not cognitively but oh baby this scenario I describe is what will be the result if these extremist Republicans rule the day – I personally cannot explain because it is just too crazy an idea that anyone of any political party would want to diminish our nation to such an extent – why, why, why is the perplexing and truly unanswerable thoughts in my head concerning their plan. The answer must be fear – fear of an educated electorate and I suppose a real philosophy that only private ventures – money making corporations are the way for REAL  American success. Conservatives seem to have an irrational ,visceral hatred of all public sector venues … be it the arts, science or education – it seems antithetical to me that one can rally round our U.S.A. flag and yet be so against attempts to inform the whole American society via public broadcasting – that being the REAL inclusive America.

Now I truly believe the intelligent members of current GOP, like their more normal and logical precursors – as the type my very Liberal parents had as friends and admired and as some of my best friends who are Republican can be described as being – these folks are not anti PBS/NPR, etc.. What I do believe is present day GOP is catering – throwing so called “red meat” topics and ideas out to their lesser members – the unwashed who see things like intellectualism to be a threat and somehow anti-American. Shameful – would the great Republican U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt had allowed right wing evangelical extremists to stop his national park efforts – certainly not. Would hero General U.S. President Eisenhower allowed his fellow Republicans to force him to war monger against the Communist post WWII threat – no way – in fact he lectured against the military complex having too much power in our country. So why then are the leaders in today’s Republican party allowing themselves to be the so called Tea Party bitches – defunding things like Big Bird for G-d’s sake? Why indeed we must ask – the first most blatant answer is they want the masses [who are so often real asses] to elect them and the smart ones are quite willing to stoop to the ignorant, hateful, narrow minded level to do just that – get that base to the polls with promises of ending all perceived progressive, minority helping, liberal idea based government sponsored programs – even if these very folks are the ones who would most benefit from those exact plans. Listen – I sure as hell do not need free access for my children … blessed to be able to afford private educations, etc. but I and my wise husband are not stupid enough to think our opportunity to give our children an elite education will insulate us or them from a diminished populace. My babies are Au pair privileged – an educated woman who like myself and their Father guides them and exposes them to literature, the arts and more. I want all American children to have similar advantages – maybe not a well paid Au pair or governess or private school educations but still the very best public tax payer funding can offer. This desire is not totally nor singularly altruistic and certainly not bleeding heart Liberal on my and my husband’s part – while yes we both feel it is the moral thing to do, it is also because our privileged children must and will live in a nation with others less so and we want those others to be well  educated and productive as well – for our desire is that we and our children benefit from the greater good and to do that we do not mind – no we actually want to contribute to that goal via our tax dollars, as well as charitable contributions. No American citizen should have to depend on the largess of those of us able to be charitable – as wonderful and as beneficial as organization funded through charitable contribution are, the real fair and really equal set up must be a taxed based across the board community structure that our wise Founders envisioned in this grand scheme. Public education was a founding American principal and of course modernity means that must be expanded to more complete venues involving health care, higher education, arts, et al.. When did the GOP decide to break away from the lifting all boats theory that this great nation was based on for so long – are we not our brothers and sisters keepers any longer? Ask yourself – what good it does any of us to not have PBS, Sesame Street and such – those things that some among us have as their only free available entertainment and educational viewing opportunities. I am sad – heart broken that Big Bird is on the chopping block – yes even though I allow no one under three, except our Labrador, to ever watch TV.

Admittedly, I am a devoted lifelong Democrat – so surely I would only want you to vote for Democrat candidates no matter the issues but this is a do or die election because I REALLY believe not only is the big yellow bird’s life on the line if Romney and other like minded Republicans win in November 2012 but all our very existences. So PLEASE be a REALLY good neighbor & friend – sing it out loud like Telly & Ben Stiller did on Sesame Street – elect Obama for a 2nd term and help him help us by voting straight Democrat this year – ALL the birds will be tweeting a lot happier if you do – even our Republican kind I assure you!!!

P.S. In my 2013 memoir, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life! there will be a REAL explanation of how both PBS and NPR helped shape me – gave me hope & comfort during some very difficult times – so you see these things REALLY do matter!!!

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October 7, 2012

The REAL Meaning Of DNA …Yep – Another Miscreant Tutorial !!!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

It is very important that before I begin this post, the REAL facts about my husband, Chester Michael Eliasz-Solomon’s input to my blog posts are detailed FYI for miscreants especially: my husband not only fully 100% approves and agrees with EVERYTHING I write – he helps edit and design each and every post … as the political candidates say, he REALLY approves this blog. First I write the entire piece and list links I would like included –  then my very erudite husband and partner in ALL things – reviews my words and links – often suggesting an addition or two, then my husband attaches links and bolds/highlights/colors as appropriate plus attaches any images I have chosen – every word and every image is approved by my husband – as well as, at times attorneys, publicist and book publisher.Unlike many marriages, ours is a FULL and equal and very REAL partnership – so for anyone [yes miscreants] who might think my husband is not in full agreement with my thoughts – you are wrong. Same as when those receiving my husband’s emails, wrongly assumed they were from me … grant it – neither my husband nor I ever send anything without checking with the other first. Likewise Facebook and Twitter – we are privy to each others there as well. Our REALLY wonderful marriage is fully transparent – nothing hidden – not ever. It is truly and REALLY as if my wonderful husband and I are one person – we agree on ALL things and as such are convinced G-d created us to be together. As I have written before – my husband is REALLY my Web MASTER!!!

Now back to the subject at hand, I am getting exhausted teaching these idiots REAL facts but oh well – so be it – here goes. On the topic of REAL legal disownment and 100% full legal disinheritanceDNA does NOT matter [no “dispute” here ignorant Michigan godmother – who by the way my husband assures me NEVER had contact with the dead girl while she was living – go figure – postmortem relationship I guess – may I remind you NO ONE DIED ON MY HUSBAND’S WATCH – yes when he had custody no one died but when your good friend, that wonderful mother of your late goddaughter was in charge a child died and many believe that mother is at least partly to blame as I, my husband and our REAL friends/family have all agreed that none of us would have allowed a daughter to drive that distance in such a apparently unsafe vehicle  … in fact I have bought cars for friends and family, loaned them my own and rented for others just so these people would be safe when going on such a long distance trip – why did this mother not do the same for her now dead child? – State Trooper explained to me that poor girl was attempting to restart that vehicle when killed – that guilt must be a terrible thing for your friend to live with but then again she never seems remorseful about anything]. Now I must return to DNA/disowning/disinheriting instruction – you see one can or not be found percentage wise to have been related to someone through DNA and still have no legal familial obligations under the law. As my husband decided to do – at great expense and effort with the three children of his ex-wife, there has been a REAL 100% legal full permanent specific and detailed disinheritance/disownment – not just leaving them out of his will but going to full extent by naming them individually as fully disinherited,  which as my law school estate professor and our major law firm attorney as well explained REALLY means REAL disinheriting – with zero room for a challenge. No need to reiterate the whys as so many of my previous blog posts delineated their crimes, threats, as well as my husband’s REAL suspicions as to his paternity. One other issue, possibly missed in my previous posts, that needed to be mentioned are ex-wife’s daughter stated her now/2nd husband as FATHER on college application [which I personally subpoenaed & chatted to Drexel officials about – by the way, husband & I were surprised to see the daughter had drinking issue/sanction at college, etc.] – that fact about Joseph Flynn being listed as her father, very much pleased my husband  – he was greatly relieved as it is one more separating factor between him and this Drexel University student. It must be repeated that unlike the mother of these three [1 died we found out on Facebook supposedly while driving what we have been lead to believe was or might have been the dilapidated van her mother sold or gave her & 2 living] children, my husband NEVER abandoned them as she did for a weeks at a time when they were small and then gave my husband custody with only condition that she, their Mother, pay no child support and then rarely showed up for visitation weekend pick ups. My husband always paid the support that Court decided on – in fact until each had four years of college. True except for dead child, who he was forced to pay only two years college for because Mother lied about her really being in college – poor thing NEVER REALLY attended [I did subpoenas to her Community College myself & even chatted to her professors] – for the most part only registered and that fact, like so much else in her miserable life, the mother lied to Court in order to keep getting money from my husband [we have ALL Court transcripts]. I know – more WOWS. So you see we must explain to miscreants, evil doers, ignorant types – why indeed they can never ever legally say my husband is the father of “cult” gal ex-wife’s children. The REAL fact is that my husband officially – in Court – legally – 100%/FULLY disowned and disinherited all three children [going so far as to posthumously disinherit the deceased daughter] of  his ex-wife AND my husband for other reasons but also to further distance himself from those three children, legally – in Court [January 2012] took my last name of Solomon … which by the way changes his birth certificate and as such the name on his ex-wife’s children [dead & alive] birth certificates under father is NOT my husband’s REAL  LEGAL name any longer. As far as the disownment issue – that too was done in Court – multiple times and in many other venues … even the mother of the three children and her attorney acknowledged both the legal disinheritance and disownment in Court – on the record. It is 100% official – my husband is NOT the legal father of Deborah Perice Flynn’s three children. To this point – as my own lawyer explained – no matter what those idiots in Michigan say, Chester Michael Eliasz-SOLOMON is NOT the legal father of Michael Zachary [Zack] Eliasz, Genevieve Rose Eliasz nor the deceased Valerie Judith Eliasz … when/if anyone states otherwise they are defacto telling a lie and as such can be sued for “shedding a false light” on my husband – especially when they have been notified/warned about this. In other words, if one [my husband in this case] has legally disowned/disinherited someone, no one else may with that fore knowledge continue – especially in writing – to state otherwise. If idiot miscreants want to continue this lie on social media sites or elsewhere,my husband and I have no choice but to sue them in yet another Court action … they can think any stupid thing they like but they can NOT state it as a true fact any longer concerning who is or is not the children of my husband. Additionally – and this is ONLY applicable from us toward miscreants as they began back and forth [we & advisers saved ALL timelines plus we are extremely diligent as to what we write] – there are multiple ways we can and are planning to sue these horrible individuals [even possibly some of their children & that trashy talking mother-in-law] for shedding a false light on us – that is a very practical and specific and REAL litigation option that our very REAL attorneys are REALLY pursuing … one example is suggesting my pregnancies were fake – oh yes, they really did that but do not fret dear readers as we were sure to REALLY document everything – in fact had doctors do detailed official outline of our fertility treatments, conceptions [failed & successful], etc. – had notarized witness statements as well – nothing left to chance in my life, besides I love paperwork. Just in case miscreants reading this – one more very important point you need to know: you can NOT counter sue us because we ONLY reference that which you write, state or say and only REAL facts and minimally our “opinion” … where as you insist and post as if your words about us are true and factual despite our own words to the contrary and your sources being FULLY unsubstantiated and even illegal – as fake lie filled link short Michigan guy had on his Facebook page until recently … dam I am glad about going back to law school – thinking everyone should because there are miscreant bottom dwellers everywhere to be dealt with these days [FYI: More than one of my blog post were legal tutorials and shout outs to our enemies – law says no excuse as these were fair warnings and I know for a fact you miscreants read those very instructive words I shared AND anyway, ignorance is no defense in legal matters].

Both my husband and I have REAL wills that completely specifically and fully [by name and category] disinherit his ex-wife, her three children, my husband’s entire biologically family and some of my own – yes BOTH of us … in other words each has crossed disinherited the others just in case some fool thinks that if one of us is deceased and our REAL children [born to our marriage] do not survive us, than they might inherited from us. As I detailed in my blog post You Know Your An Heiress If… [10 August 2012] and others, even my husband’s dear 80+ year old father was legally disinherited in our wills for reason of the chance that we and our children would perish and he, senior father would then inherit something from us, pass away and his heirs [G-d forbid] would get our money and REAL property. To say the least my husband and I were thorough in an effort to have only those REALLY worthy as our heirs. There will NEVER be a way for our enemies to have further financial gain from us – trust me – we made sure of that. My husband went so far as to include in an attached testament the issue of our demise through anything other than natural causes being need for suspect and investigation on account of criminal vandalism by ex-wife’s three children to our home and other nefarious actions and troublesome behaviors/lifestyle choices and associations. My husband and not myself has insisted on extra security in our homes and soon [after my 2013 memoir Heiress Mommy … a Modern Super woman Life! published] personal body guards – presently a friend who is, shall we say, very capable, accompanies me/us most places (at my very protective husband’s insistence). All our REAL friends, family and colleagues have a notarized document stating our concern for our safety and names of those who would be suspect should we [even our pets/dog] ever be harmed. My husband’s REAL concern for our safety is reason until situation solved – lawsuits and any criminal charges complete – he and our advisers have decided no photos of our REAL children nor dates, times of their birth and certainly NEVER our exact REAL homes addresses – yes my dear supportive readers it is that serious an issue in my wise husband’s and others opinions. The REAL truth is we NEVER even gave most of these miscreants a second thought – it was they, not us who inserted themselves in our life … spewing lies, misinformation, slander, defamation and harassing us frequently [reason for soon to be filed lawsuits]. There have been phone [voice mail saved] threats and more – now we are told a disowned in-law idiot woman is stating she/they can “explore anything” about us … no, not true  as  explained in my last blog post stupid fat Michigan lady and especially not true if your husband or his buddy are looking stuff up at computer/IT companies [places they work that my brilliant husband – NOT me – researched and shared with lawyers & law enforcement] or you on medical websites at hospital where you work or your surgical assistant community college graduate gal pal works at and the same goes for what we have been told is your daughter’s real estate employer.  My husband who is famous Computer Data Architect and owned his own IT company at one time and my advisers tell me if any of those actions occurred at place of employment than computer jobs over forever and maybe nursing work as well – we shall see. I thought I was very salient in my previous law school 101 blog posts as to when, why and what one is allowed to look up and repeat about others without being either sued or possibly charged with criminal acts. The other issue is how creepy – you and your cohorts looking up stuff about us appear and then getting it 100% wrong and again posting lies and slander on Facebook  – thinking others would be very interested in your actions because as a friend of mine who is a very successful Wall Street investor once said about another creep like you  – to paraphrase:  if they are looking you up, they are looking me up too and that makes them dangerous people for anyone to associate with … you see our old property and everything else about us has nothing to so with any of you and as such, as law enforcement and attorneys who were told what you did/claimed, explained that could be considered a threatening action by you and your self titled fellow evil doers against us. My husband and I will NEVER let you get away with hurting us n any fashion – you all need to stop but then again there is already enough for very serious REAL legal action against each of you miscreants. Oy veh – when will these folks learn to stay in their little middle of middle life and leave those of us more worthy of G-d’s REAL life grandeur alone?

On the issue of and my certified genealogy husband having deleted/erasing permanently the ex-wife, her three children and most of his biologically family – what an idiot disowned/disinherited chubby sister-in-law is – you see stupid Michigan fat lady – one decides who and who is not on their family tree and as such and other similar sites are perfectly fine and legit and DEFINITELY “valid”- not as your simple minded Facebook posting suggests not very good on account of that option. You should be made aware of the fact that my REALLY brilliant [unlike your] husband is an expert [he translates 6 languages in fact and speaks at their conferences, etc. – see, I told you my husband got all the brains in his parents offspring group] – said he will be sure to let them know – by name – your insult about their website. Must also mention – we were  told you are REALLY into Disney as your Facebook profile photo choices … will tell my dear publicist and close friend as he knows Disney family personally – surely they will be flattered that a 50+ nurse is REALLY loving them, lol – of course we were also told you REALLY love something called SongPop – see that is why hubby and I have time for so much REAL work … blogs, books, etc. – no Facebook quizzes for us – we are more chess and classical music and REAL book reading types. Ok enough fun for now – no more making the obvious apparent on idiot evil doer former relatives – back to more serious parts of my tutorial for miscreants.

It is a REAL and true fact that as I have explained in other blog posts disinheritance goes back to biblical times – so be it that only children of the covenant – those REALLY legitimate shall inherit from the father and thus ONLY the Jewish children born of our marriage shall inherit from my husband and myself –  obvious that even the Bible [which for myself as a Jew is singular what the rest call Old Testament agrees with our decision on account of those children I had with my husband being the ONLY legitimate heirs]. For the Michigan scum that dare to to reference my faith – YES, YES, YES  my religious “leaders” AND YES, YES, YES my parents [in heaven] and ALL my REAL family are EXTREMELY proud of my knowledge of such things and equally of my/my wonderful husband’s REAL faith based lifestyles [yes darling followers another hint to anti-Semitics who dare to reference my faith and my beloved parents in their Facebook rants – my family, Jewish and non and my rabbi and my husband’s priest/a monseigneur who is my dear friend  – all think these miscreants quite loathsome and unworthy of G-d’s blessings … yes we have discussed these miscreants with just about everybody]. Let it be known in Michigan, Chicago and Pennsylvania that we Jews stick together and therefore when all these evil doers hateful anti Jewish remarks are known – in my book, interviews, Court depositions, etc. – none of them will ever be able to work for or with Jews again – we Jews protect one another at all costs. Equally non Jews we have shared miscreant’s own statements with tell husband and I that no matter what we have or have not done, these loathsome creatures are not folks they would ever want to know or work with. What baffles us is why they would ever involve – oh lets say their Chicago concierge small start up firm son-in-law and his wife/their school teacher [as I understand heavy beer drinking] daughter in this back and forth … after all, I know many wealthy Chicago Jews and they, to say the least, were not amused. Adage true – you DEFINITELY reap what you sow … neither I nor my husband dammed these idiots but they themselves as the Talmud explains by their own words and actions shall be defeated. I MUST include ALL in my 2013 memoir – that is how REAL book contracts work … so be it my REAL story will have to include [only a chapter or 2 as these miscreants quite unimportant in comparison to my REAL life] the REAL statements and actions by and from the miscreants. Oh my, sad isn’t it – that people we never cared about and never had any dealings with might very well have caused their entire family to be lessened just in attempting to hurt me – a real tragic scenario for them I fear. Once again, let it be known that neither I nor my husband EVER approached or mentioned or referred to these miscreants on social media sites – only emails to the now disowned family members in response to their betrayals and such were initiated by us and even those were usually in response to something they did or said first … as far as others – they and only they began this situation [we have saved proof] by posting threats and lies [even a illegal faux website on Michigan miscreant guy Facebook page from Arizona source that posed as REAL article about myself – Federal agents involved in that serious matter as it is possibly interstate internet law breaking] on social media pages – we were shocked to say the least and as the law states we are entitled to respond and thus it is us who is being harassed and NOT visa verse. We NEVER looked these idiots up – we were informed by colleagues, associates and REAL friends/family about their outrageous Facebook postings and only then did husband and I ever see their obsessive references about us – in other words, they are the ONLY guilty parties in this scenario … between my own law school classes and many lawyers involved in our life, my husband and I are ALWAYS careful and do ALL strictly within legal guidelines – which is NOT the same for miscreants. The Courts and law enforcement will be final judge in legal venues but G-d surely has found these evil types already guilty. Let me reference the so called New Testament – after all, it was written by we Jews for the most part … as the Michigan miscreants [not Chicago son of devil daughter who says no religion for his status, as does his sister and their mother belongs to a “cult” like faux spiritual “church”] who claim to be Christian – in their Bible it is written that the offending eye MUST be plucked out and so what my husband did by disowning and disinheriting and disassociating from their kind is just that.

Matthew 5:29
And if your right eye offend you, pluck it out, and cast it from you: for it is profitable for you that one of your members should perish, and not that your whole body should be cast into hell.

To conclude  – why is the genealogy of our AKC registered pure breed Labrador, Princess Java Argus shown here? You see – as with her, a DNA lineage while possible does not REALLY denote familial relationship. What I mean is should you get to meet our sweet doggie’s  Sire [father/sperm donor] he surely would not claim Java as his child … my husband is her REAL Daddy because he says so and as I explained in previous blog posts – our Lab is REALLY in our wills [provisions for her care in case we are gone, as will for any other dogs we add to our growing little dynastic realm in the future].  Oh yes, we do need to change her legal last name to our unique Eliasz-Solomon asap!!!

P.S. Two more very important facts to include here: First is that my husband opted out of wrongful death suit when his ex-wife’s daughter was killed June 2010 even though he was still paying child support for this 20 year old that as I stated above Mother lied about being full time college student & I confirmed via subpoenas & visit to the community college – except for credit amount that Mother claimed [bogus] as still owed on child support my husband received nothing as result of this death. However the Mother & 2 remaining siblings each received nearly $195,000.00 – from what our and other attorneys involved told us, this so called grieved Mother’s main concern was getting as much $$$ as possible for herself, her two remaining children/dead girl’s siblings and her attorney – amount her child support lawyer reaped was  shocking to all involved (including our lawyers & Court where child supporting hearing occurred  + ABA we were told). The other fact to know is my husband insisted the deceased girl’s 1/2 ashes he was given be returned to her ONLY parent, the Mother – we thought that the REALLY decent thing to do as she is NOT my husband’s child in any REAL sense – so the poor sad girl ‘s ashes were given back to the Mother – a child who from what we learned was quite lost/left Mother’s home at 18 & was searching for a REAL life elsewhere. May she rest in peace!!!

Note: Unlike the miscreant women I REALLY know who my children’s father is because, as I explained in blog post The Feminist Fertility Toolbox ™ [31 July 2012], we conceived [still have frozen embryos that we are seriously considering using gestational carrier to birth asap] through IVM … in other words my hubby’s considerable strong & virile sperm was marked & then used to fertilize my REALLY special eggs – no questions who my babies Daddy is and as my darling hubby often says about having REAL children at last … he was happy to finally have a woman with “REALLY good DNA’ to make REAL babies with” – me of course!!!

… just one final thing – reason you see this picture of a smiling/laughing me – someone just shared with us that loser Michigan women keep suggesting I am “jealous” of them – now that is a definite OMG – hilarious as my life is so much fuller and may I suggest better than theirs but unlike them I never assume [even though all my REAL family/friends think it so] that they are jealous of me … but now that I think about it, as my hubby stated so many times – I am quite a bit more attractive, sexier, smarter, brighter, more educated, more REALLY world traveled,  have greater friends – many who are famous  and very special  important people – I am REALLY well loved and one of the happiest women in the world – oh yes, with a REALLY exciting life – so possibly or what the hell – no question these bitches are DEFINITELY jealous of me. But oh well, if that fantasy of someone like myself being jealous of them is all they have to soothe their idiot souls – so be it but trust me, I would NEVER be jealous nor want any part of their small ignorant fake middle of middle Bubble Witch/SongPop playing, beer drinking, Red Robin “Gourmet” burger eating, born, live & die in same place life!!!

October 4, 2012

Ladies And Gentleman Welcome To The Debate – Oy Veh!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

So exactly how old were you – what school grade included the learning of debate skills? In the more formal setting – we were actually involved in debates against other classmates that involved a structure that is centuries old – rules and protocol specific and detailed. Being erudite, well read and clever of course helped but equally important, we students were taught, is the form and adherence to the debate process … gone apparently are these guidelines from the political debate world today. Lights, camera, action now equals hyperbole, misrepresentation and stagecraft for our political campaign debates – no pure intellectual analysis apparently allowed nor included any longer. We find ourselves at a proverbial slippery slope scenario – information being filtered through extreme partisan participants most times and therefore leaving the electorate baffled and angry – disenfranchised populace the final tragic result I fear.

The Oxford Union – the iconic debate forum has set the standard for academics and others – guidelines that must be adhered to and respected. Yes formality can be daunting but also liberating by allowing one to function in an exacting way – formulating strategies that lead to success within boundaries predetermined can prove a WINNING strategy. Why then do our present day, very well formally [some Ivy League] educated political candidates not take full advantage of the REAL debate structure? Oh my, the answers are both obvious and plentiful … the most readily understood is they want to win and think hyperbole, bullying and merely being forceful will do just that. Well, we the voters/debate viewers are the REAL culprit – we hunger for the drama – rally behind the thug – champion the one who, no matter the lies told, seems to be the debate winner.

In my personal and professional life there are times [as I am sure you my dear readers/followers are quite aware of by now] where debate was not an option on account of the opposing team being so loathsome, ignorant, sub-par, delusional and lie spewing. In my last blog post, I made slight reference to one of those pest miscreants quite trashy mother-in-law suggesting he debates me – now mind you, I am very sure these types know nothing of REAL debate structure – after great belly laughs, myself, husband and colleagues were rendered stunned by the very idea that those of such low status could even be entertaining the notion of verbally challenging me – so it is seems to be similarly in our current political national life … those least valued attempting to outwit those most capable. What is one to do, when like I and my husband, the other side is without REAL moral structure or any REAL intellectual capacity? The answer is of course, as my very strong, wise and determined husband, Chester Michael Eliasz-Solomon,  says often – you must take your gloves off, virtually “slap” the opponent across their face and make it evident you will not tolerate/accept their lies – not debate a person who runs from their position/falsely states their ideas like the REAL cowards they are.

The answer is always truth – yes – REAL truth – not ever what others think they can profess and convince the world is true. As my husband and I insist on in our little dynasty – as should all REALLY good people, including worthy politicians – is to never allow the debate to be won by threats and falsehoods. President Obama did what I once did and will NEVER do again … in the first Romney-Obama debate 3 October 2012], Barack Obama allowed his opponent, Mitt Romney to misrepresent both his own position and equally President Obama’s. There was a time in my own life – which wonderful and brilliant advisers had guided me toward – that I too allowed those lesser to lie and determine what was valid. Needless to say that will NEVER happen again … so it is that all who follow this blog have been privy to my posture and that of my husband that insist all those will be challenged when they attempt to win the REAL debate through obfuscating lies and untruths. My husband has zero tolerance for Mitt Romney Etch-A-Sketch campaign style; in fact my husband is firm that my “team” never allow that from those challenging us – he and I have learned, as I want President Obama to as well, that one must NEVER allow the enemy to define the moment. I am privileged to know and be friends with White House types – elected officials and their support teams … many have heard me pontificate this life philosophy – now I hope and pray they will do as I do and thwart the enemies at the gate – do this as if life itself depended on it because it often REALLY does!!!

P.S. As I often do – I want to reference one of my very erudite, wise & clever Mother’s quips. When discussing the adage about not lying down with dogs, as one might get up with fleas … my Mother countered that a better choice is to wear flea  repellent, get down with/challenge the dogs and really WIN the argument. Of course, I feel badly even referencing dogs as my sweet pooch does not have fleas and she, Princess Java Argus, is of a much finer quality/has far better character than the miscreant pests hubby & I need to defeat as of late [oh yes, also must tell you that our Labrador is also much, much cuter/classier looking/more shall we say, regal than their canines – just saying]. Ok – much more of that REAL truth in my 2013 memoir, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life!!!

October 3, 2012

Just A REAL Woman Wearing Hats … On REALLY Appropriate Occasions!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

Decided we all REALLY needed a bit of beauté et le plaisir considering that you dear readers so lovingly put up with my ongoing and admittedly at times tedious tutorials for and about those pest loser miscreants. As such I decided [sans full makeup] to model/share a few of my Fall 2012, Winter and Spring 2013 newly acquired couture hats and fascinators. Oh yes, isn’t my REAL ring [also in these photos] gorgeous?

See what wonderful things can happen when a REAL man, like my amazing, wonderful husband loves a REAL woman like moi. I included for edification of foe and friend alike a bit of the history of women’s hats – all here is meant for the enjoyment of  my nearly 5000 blog readers and followers … yes my darlings I REALLY  appreciate your time and effort to read and comment on my writing.

Even as a baby girl, a toddler, a young girl, teen and onward to my adult years – hats were part of wardrobe planning. So many pictures – so many references to this or late well placed hat – for style, for warmth, for protection from the elements – each a denotation of occasions and passing times in my life. This Fall 2012 and Winter, Spring/Summer 2013 fashion show catwalk collections have including, after a bit of absence from the fashion scene, an abundance of hats … some quite extreme and others very practical – all worth considering. So for those of you who REALLY appreciate that style can matter and who like myself know such things are not frivolous – here is hoping you always have a REAL home – a place to hang your hat. Of course, you who follow and support me must surely realize this post is going to be about more than great hats. I hope you find my words entertaining and my thoughts instructive and just find my hat pictures adorable.

As for the others, shall we say poseurs, who are I am told are nearly obsessed with my every word – please dear G-d have them buy a Thesaurus [oops – sorry miscreant “sub-par” under educated losers – you do know what that is – right?]. I suggest that because my REAL “internet ninja” and others protective of me have been routinely sharing your nearly illiterate Facebook postings with hubby and I – from what we can see there is no REAL debate possible as you miscreants so frequently bastardize the English language [definite reference to short “impotent” loser Michigan guy’s trashy mother-in-law thinking he could ever debate me – OMG  – hubby, friends & I laughed heartily at that suggestion – even my Philly now living in Italy, the beautiful smart NC goddess gal pal, was giggling on phone about these characters – WOW – transatlantic bad press for the miscreants – see the saying is correct – as my “pen” is truly mightier than a ” short sword”]. On one point even these ignorant folks should be able to understand what I am attempting to say here about something being bastardize because I know for a REAL and legal fact [I have the documents and so does the lawyer/M.S.I.A. cohort, et al.] that at least one [the daughter of devil ex-wife] of you have what was once called “bastard offspring” – you know no REAL Father – as in your children have been 100% REALLY legally disowned and disinherited and the man you claimed to be their father [my REAL husband & REAL father of my REAL children] had his name legally changed; I will explain as simply as possible for the miscreants to understand – that man’s now current REAL legal name is NOT the name on your 3 [1 dead and 2 alive] bastard children’s birth certificates; hence your children have NO REAL father nor a REAL paternal family any longer. Someone asked me recently why my husband’s ex-wife was not smart enough to fully comprehend how much my husband despises her and her children – this was as result of this lawyer friend listing the many REAL ways my husband has REALLY legally disavowed her and her offspring … do not know exactly was how I more or less answered and of course, lawyer friend and I agreed possibly delusional personality disorder or just plain stupidity being reason. Lets face if a man legally disowns and disinherits you and your children – tells everyone he was never married before me nor has any other children besides ours and even legally changes his last name to mine in part to further erase any connection to your children – well then, pretty insulting  – I am sure my REALLY wise blog followers will agree. Almost forgot – my certified genealogy husband also erased all from family trees – including the very popular … my poor darling frets that there might be some ancestry site out there on the internet that he missed in his determination to eliminate his ex-wife, her children and except for his parents Chester and Rosemary Eliasz, a couple of their siblings and  plus a few distant cousins, all his other biological family [look it up miscreants – ONLY denotes his parents as having had between them 3 other children, Child #1, #2, #3 and a full notation on my husband, who was their best child, is all you will find]. I guess you readers by now realize my husband and I are serious about ridding our unique Eliasz-Solomon family of these scum forever – now my biological relatives and the few cousins I approve of from my husband’s side are DEFINITELY in our life to stay and enjoy many happy times and blessings with us.

Anyway, back to the REAL me … not much makeup here [not my full face as they say] – these photos were done in my REAL  dressing room/walk in closet [room] in my REAL home [NOT our old 3100+ square foot $600,000 home that was criminally vandalized 2003 by children of devil’s daughter ex-wife and NOT small 1800 square feet under $190,000 like Michigan miscreant’s homes/same tiny footage for Pennsylvania miscreant who lives in under $290,000 home of her 2nd husband that she manipulated into marrying her when he was ill a little over 10 years ago – at least that is what she told my husband – go figure a chatty broad who lies, you never REALLY know]. By the way, our new homeS will have closets that are bigger than ALL the 3 miscreant losers homes put together – see you have to be a REALLY genius Masters Degree Computer Scientist, who is a  famous Data Architect like my hubby to REALLY look up the REAL facts about someone’s property. IMPORTANT FYI FOR MISCREANTS – here is yet another law school/legal tutorial for you: before you get the silly, child-like notion that we are harassing you – forget it . This is how it works: when one initiates a topic – as you did with insinuated lies and your usual misinformation on Facebook about our homes, etc, then we/our REAL lawyers may do likewise in-kind with impunity … see idiots, the adage “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is true even in jurist prudence. Oh yes, one thing more – we ALWAYS notify the Courts and such about our REAL situations – so if fat guy loser disowned/disinherited brother thinks he will inform anyone about us … knock yourself out – we are way ahead of you – every person/official was already informed about that threat from you and we keep each updated on all our REAL facts/situations. Actually, ALL Court officials, etc. have your names, contact information and voicemail threats, Facebook/Twitter rants, etc. – in other words, you cannot tell anyone anything that we have not already informed each about – FULLY!   None of this should surprise the miscreants – after all my very protective husband warned all his now legally disowned and fully disinherited former siblings in multiple emails [which by the way structure & strongly worded verbiage greatly impressed my publicist & attorneys] and those certified letters they keep refusing [a fact which detectives/lawyers found interesting – to say the least] that he would NEVER tolerate insults nor threats to/about myself, his wife and the mother of his ONLY REAL children.  I spend so much time with lawyers, judges and at Court Houses – that I am a sort of mascot … my Court Cop friends and I joke about hubby’s ex [one who saw ugly nasal broad said she was reason he would not want to marry but conversely knowing me, might make him reconsider because my hubby definitely “hit the jackpot” 2nd time around]. One sweet lady cop knitted U.S.A. flag winter caps for our REAL twin sons recently – many read my blog and they tell me I am great fun – of course, I also bring them goodies and funny stories routinely. Unlike miscreant losers all these REALLY fine people know the REAL truth … the good and the bad and REALLY get it. My husband, although himself born there suggests it must be that miscreants were born in Michigan – most still live there but I say no because I know REALLY great born and bred Michigan folks – has to be something else that makes these creeps so stupid and loathsome. So you see, my dear hubby and I are good at our REAL work …G-d I am smiling big time – such fun this has become for us because when you know – deep down in your heart and others say the same about you – that like my husband and I, that you are a REALLY good person – then, yes, there is a certain amount of joy in retribution against miscreant evil types.

PLEASE my dear followers, forgive me,  my snobbery about hubby and my amazing soon to be full time new homeS [not REALLY how I think of others] but I readily admit to  having just too much fun teasing sad pathetic loser types – an advisor recently suggested that venues like Architectural Digest,  Town & Country  and  Hampton magazines [we have online subscriptions to all 3] will surely want to do a spread on our new magnificent abodes when my memoir book is published in 2013 and he  suggested how irritated that would make loser miscreants but myself and gal pal who accompanied me to that meeting, virulently insisted those kind NEVER read A.D. ,  T.&C. nor Hamptons-anything – they are more US magazine types or maybe People magazine at best. I should feel badly about taking such pleasure in teasing these “little” middle of the middle of the middle loser types but if you knew them like I and my husband do – you dear supportive nearly 5000 for me and 28,000+ for my husband, Chester Michael Eliasz-Solomon’s blog followers would REALLY agree they are loathsome bottom dweller insignificant creatures – truly worthy of disdain. In fact many of you have called, written and such with full and REAL agreement that these creatures are REAL losers … so much fun when I bump into a REAL friend/acquaintance and they chat up about what I write concerning these bottom dwellers. Oh well – ALL will be in my 2013 memoir, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life! – my 100% REAL life story with only a bit but sufficiently detailed reference to these REALLY unfashionable creatures.

October 2, 2012

Your Scrotum Should Concern Our SCOTUS!!!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

Not being sarcastic dear readers/followers … thinking if my vagina and reproductive organs are going to be the concern of the Supreme Court Of The United States should Romney win in November 2012 and therefore have the opportunity to place extreme anti-women judges on the highest court in our great nation – well then – right back at you Scrotum fellows. You see if we REAL Americans are to be REALLY equal, I believe it is only fair that male genitalia and male reproductive parts be included in our national conversations. Because darlings – if  my [considerably attractive] body gets chatted up by and to SCOTUS, then it dam well better be ditto for you guys.

The REAL meaning of sarcasm is a cutting remark  [distinguished from irony according to most authorities – NOT what a idiot under educated Michigan “impotent” loser guy thinks it means … I know, enough – even here I just can not help myself – those miscreant creeps are just so dam easy to mock, lol]  but my being clever or using a sarcastic tone here does NOT mean there is no seriousness to the issues concerning gender and other such matters. What is REALLY important  is the topic of why this November 2012 election matters so much in reference to the Supreme Court. Trust me – as you all know, Presidents, Senators, Congress persons come and go – in fact frequently but oh baby, the justices stay around for a very long time – a life time residency on SCOTUS is their term in office and we are ALL subjects of their very powerful realm. The laws of this great land affect each and every U.S. citizen for generations – daily life often determined and structured by what the Court decides – so it is an imperative issue that denotes you REALLY care about who the next president will nominate/place on SCOTUS … made even more important and relevant because a few of our current sitting Court members are aged and therefore will most likely need to be replaced in the next administration’s term.

In other blog posts concerning politics and women I have written about my feminist progressive wonderful parents, my devoted feminist husband [who you know by now legally took my last name/had our children do the same], my supportive feminist male friends and colleagues as well … my life made easier and blessed by these REALLY pro women individuals. By the way, not ALL my referenced feminist friends and family are liberal nor Democrats but what they ALL are is REALLY conscious and caring about the rights of women here in U.S. and throughout the world. How can a man or a woman for that fact deny that those who are female are again/currently under attack – our reproductive rights at great risk on account of right wing extremist GOP operatives who are determined to go all the way to the Supreme Court to deny women abortion and birth control and, as I was able to conceive through, assisted reproductive medical services. The REAL question is why – why – why would anyone want to control every of the most intimate and personal aspects of a woman’s life? What possible reason can justify denying a pre adolescent girl who conceives through violent rape – possibly via incest – the right to terminate that pregnancy? Likewise what could be the impetus to stopping a woman like myself – with my/my husband’s own funds – from pursuing having children by fertility treatments methods like IVF and IVM? It is so perplexing – difficult to even contemplate the true reasons that men and yes women want to deny these basic and most inalienable rights to America women and in fact women throughout this vast world. I am sure the answers are varied – some nefarious and others most probably coming from what those individuals perceive as G-d’s intent [although how anyone can REALLY know what G-d is thinking is beyond me]. Well no matter the explanation and justification for wanting to control all of women’s existence – it MUST not be allowed – because this is that proverbial “slippery slope” so often referenced in political and social arguments. We are at the Waterloo of our times dear ladies – to the men who REALLY love us too – this battle must NOT be lost to the extremist fanatics. Too much is at stake – it is far too frightening to accept a nation/a world where the female population must adhere to the dictates of a minority hell bent on full and total control in accordance with their own perceived views of morality.

In my blog post I Say Vagina & You Can Too!!! [19 June 2012] I discussed, among other issues, GOP types being offended that the word vagina is used by politicians addressing abortion rights, etc.. Really – are you kidding me? Someone finds an anatomical description offensive but not vaginal probes prior to a legal pregnancy termination decision by a woman – go figure – what some folks think G-d would find objectionable is beyond me. These same individuals – men and women alike – do not seem to be offended by the plethora of Viagra ads and such nor the overt sexually oriented TV shows and movies abundant in our society … not that there is anything wrong with those fine America products. Are you thinking what I am always thinking concerning this contrast – yes it is HYPOCRITES. So I want to help – help these extremist get right with G-d by making fair and even the playing field and I want to do that by making scrotum topical and of major judicial concern … you know codifying under the laws of this great nation what one [men] can and can not do with and to their scrotum/reproductive parts – those plentiful spermatozoon should have their day in court too.

On a more realistic note – we, women and men who love us – MUST vote for the Presidential candidate, as well as those running for Senate and Congress who will absolutely 100% protect and defend the rights of ALL Americans .., I believe, without partisan prejudice, that currently the ONLY choice is therefore to reelect Barack Obama and elect other Democratic candidates – including and especially women running for office in 2012 – like my dear and amazing friend Kristin Cabral for Congress in Virginia. PLEASE vote as if your life depends on it this November because it REALLY does this time. May G-d bless ALL Americans and this great nation!!!

P.S. In my tell ALL memoir, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life! much will be included about the female AND male feminist in my life – how that REAL concern and determination that I and other women had FULL right and opportunities made my REALLY wonderful life possible – lucky me!!!

October 1, 2012

Why All REAL Women Are Carrie Bradshaw!!!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)

Lets see – my blog posts that reference genuineness … well there are the legal tutorials, the political diatribes, the shout outs to loser miscreant types, many about REALLY good marriages and REALLY true love, the faith based and REAL family and REAL friends topics. Ok – a lot of my writing deals with truth and reality – maybe it is from my own REAL life lessons or a bit of law school 101 but I assure you ALL I write is vetted, verified, documented and REAL my friends – Definitely REAL! Now you are asking what the hell Sex & The City’s Carrie Bradshaw have to do with all this REAL stuff I champion so often here on my blog … like me and like many women and men – Carrie deals with the REALITY of a life well lived. Yes there are great shoes and lots of sex but oh baby, let me assure you REAL women do wear REALLY great shoes while being REAL good wives, friends, mothers, etc.. So here goes – to ALL the Carries out there and all the REAL worthwhile men who love us – how to make it in this REALLY complex world via Carrie Bradshaw and friends philosophy.

When Carrie Bradshaw falls down on a REAL catwalk – we hear her say that when REAL people fall down, they get back up and [just] keep on walking. My sentiments exactly but I must add that whatever makes REAL people fall down in the first place makes them REALLY better and REALLY more special – in that lessons learned can bring great strength and amazing REAL opportunities. Well my darling readers/followers again I find myself somewhat limited in my ability to fully detail my own journey … as you are surely tired of reading about – those dam loser miscreants still have not been served with lawsuits papers [lawyers tell hubby & I that they are making sure case solid – as my law professors love to say: all i’s dotted & all t’s crossed; as far as any civil criminal charges, detectives tell us investigation moving forward – to be completed very soon] and then of course, my 2013 book contract obligations limit my scope here on my blog but trust me when I say dealing with those bottom dwellers has given moi even more get up and go – succeed even more on account of those pest enemies at our considerably fashionable gate. Like Carrie and friends there are the usurpers, miscreants and misanthropes to deal with in my life but also like the S&C gals I have REAL friends to love and protect me – rally and lift me up against all odds. Hopefully you read my blog post Goddess Crew [26 August 2012]  about my amazing gal pals who never let anyone hurt me – yes I/husband REALLY trademarked that and yes we are gal pals are REALLY considering a product line with that idea/logo. Just like those four REALLY good friends in the S&C series and subsequent movies, myself and my gal pals are deeply involved in one another’s life – ventures and finances included … always thinking of ways each of us can help the others succeed.

Now I need you dear readers to indulge me for a moment while I once again use my valuable time and energy to tutor the Michigan, Pennsylvania and Chicago miscreants – it relates to this blog post topic because the loser women I reference and the weak minded men in their life are as some represented in S&C story line – you know the losers, the drunks, the ugly types – so here goes miscreants – this is yet another lesson for you all to take very seriously: in order to REALLY 100% legally trademark/copyright here in U.S., EU and Canada one must file a REAL application plus pay REAL $$$ and then all must be sealed, mailed in letter form with Post Office stamp and placed in secure location, remaining forever unopened – as was done for myself and  my husband for ALL 30 REAL trademarks and pending copyrights we REALLY own + the iphone app design patent we have pending [no – idiot Michigan woman  – you can not just “say” nor write you have a trademark – OMG – do you not know any REAL lawyers … oh right, you probably don’t – sorry – my bad]. Oh yes, one more thing bottom dweller loser short Michigan guy – thank you – being called a bitch by an apparently/possibly impotent [look it up – impotent has many meanings besides what I can only assume is your limp phallus – assume because insecure short men like you it is said usually have that problem – just saying]  like yourself, is a major compliment – as my psychologist gal pal suggested – that must mean I am doing something very irritating to you  – getting under your skin – right?  FYI: You can NOT trademark a sentence form … so definitely NO, “That is one crazy bitch” will never be accepted in application – not that hubby and I ever thought you REALLY had the means or intelligence to file anyway but thanks for the chuckles. Oh my, almost forgot –  to our chubby now legally disowned/disinherited “sister-in-law” – NO idiot – you can NOT generate REAL documents like mine and my REALLY genius husband on the internet … can you not read woman? – look closely at our blog, Facebook, Twitter and legal papers we send you and your loser husband’s half sister and brother – they are ALL REAL and LEGAL documents but keep on writing your libel, slander, defaming remarks – I attempted to teach you with my blog posts that detailed what can and can not be written in order not to get sued but you just do not get it – see you in Court – maybe your brother can represent you for free. And now someone told us you reference our old home’s mortgage – such an idiot you are but then again why would people like you with small mid western cheap small homes understand investments and finance – seriously but that Facebook remark/misrepresentation has already been given to LA attorney handling all other REAL lawsuits against you and your cohorts – he found it very interesting and felt sure he was going to pursue the issue of you [as you posted on fb] finding things on “internet” about us – this Hollywood/Beverly Hills attorney chatted about how a judge/jury would feel about the fact that a disowned relative like yourself was looking our old home up on internet – even though you [again] got it wrong/lied about the REAL facts … I LOVE the law – so interesting and nuanced and easily used to defeat simple minded idiots. In fact, attorney explained that your “looking such things up on internet” [as I myself explained in previous blog posts] can be considered a threat to us and possibly be filled against you as doing other illegal actions – so you see, as Britney Spears old song says [paraphrase] “oops, YOU did it again” but for you, unlike that song, the did it again – is you screwed yourself royally AGAIN by doing and thinking falsely you “got” us [by the way, we have/are moving to new homeS – yes plural, as in more than 1 idiot fat lady]. My husband, lawyer and myself discussed who else you might be wrongly looking up on the internet … perhaps those doctors you so insulting discussed on Facebook when you and I were fb pals years ago [saved by the way by my REALLY computer genius hubby – think, especially the physicians who are Jewish like myself might be very interested in your diatribe against them]. One more thing fat Michigan scrap booking “lady” – when police and attorneys told us to send you and your equally fat husband registered mail – they wanted to know stat if you did not accept … which of course we did when we met with them – gave them your denied receipt letter; now the last letter we did so with was in reference to phone threats that were traced and believed to be from your husband – the first letter was our legal name change documents but you already know that we are legally Solomon because I m sure the woman you personally told me [when I first met you in 2003 in Michigan – a REAL fact which I am including in my sworn deposition against you & her] was a teenage tramp before she married my now husband and who your husband wished dead, along with her two remaining children after we called to tell him her daughter was dead in June 2010 [also in my REAL deposition] must have told you that her attorney got those REAL court documents … oh yes, you must also know that our REAL wills fully legally disown her, her children, you, your children, your husband, his half brother and sister and their spouses/children, all Eliasz cousins, your father-in-law Eliasz [because G-d forbid we and our REAL children pass & Dad Eliasz inherits our $ & then dies & any of you scum get our $]. See we REALLY despise you ALL and never want any of you to inherit anything from us ever. The other REAL thing you should know is that to the best of his knowledge my REALLY brilliant very talented genealogist husband erased/deleted ALL of you from and other sites – the only remaining reference is singularly as child 1 or 2, etc. for my husband’s parents denotation – you are ALL gone from REAL family records and when asked my husband says only that his parents had other children – look that up on the internet – that is if you can figure out how. Wow – right? – we are REALLY serious about bottom dwellers never being a part of our nor our REAL children’s life. Guess Sex & City ladies never had this much crap to deal with but then again, as an attorney suggested, it was  REAL gift to be rid of you all. By the way, we did include care $ for our sweet Labrador, Princess Java Argus in our will – proof we take REAL family relationships very seriously!

All right now – that is done – back to life lessons via Carrie Bradshaw and friends. Not ever being a big TV viewer, I did not see much of the series when first aired on HBO – of course, that did not mean I was unaware of the ground breaking style and topic of the Sex & The City series. Being a New York Times reader, as I am, one could not help but be involved with the the conversation that show was generating – I made it my business to watch a few episodes and then gal pals gifted entire taped seasons to me – insisting I, like them, would get it. Having  been married nearly all my adult life – I missed that single scene but many of my friends did not – being a a fully supportive friend, I listened and advised my own S&C gal pals as they struggled through the morass of single life. Then, of course, Bradshaw & Company grew up – married, divorced, had babies, got breast cancer, etc. – so their stories, like those of my own crowd became REALLY relevant to us all.

These days I relate quite well to the writer of the original essays that inspired the series, Candace Bushnell. Like her, my 2013 memoir, Heiress Mommy … a Modern Super Woman Life!, publisher decided I should have my blog essays published first – goal is end 2012 but now I want early 2013 publication for my blog book so I can complete my, shall we say, full post twin pregnancy “fix up” program in order to look REALLY great for interviews and such. Besides, G-d willing lawsuits will finally be active against those pest miscreants prior to publication – then I can include a few REAL life courtroom posts. Won’t that be interesting and full of drama … hubby and I have discussed at length with advisers what we will be saying on the stand. My other concern, is what REAL couture outfits we will be attired in the Courtroom – you know look good to do good philosophy at play. A few of my blog posts reference why clothes REALLY do matter – how appearances can affect REALLY important events. So baby you know moi is going to be perfectly turned out – coiffed and ready for my days in Court. All right, I admit the ‘bar” is not that high considering how the other women involved – those being sued and as percipient witnesses  – look and dress. One of the idiots at least attempts some personal presentation effort but still – believe me – especially the other two witches are really quite homely. Oh my, so unlike me to demean another woman – see these creeps bring out the very worse in everyone. Now enough of that   – lets get back to discussing REALLY worthwhile women.

So here, in the Sex & City four main characters – Carrie, Amanda, Charlotte and Samantha – we see women who are genuine – not perfect nor without vice. These ladies are proof that a woman can be REALLY wonderful and very successful – both personally and professionally. Of course, some have suggested that Carrie and her friends put far too much emphasis on style and material acquisitions – I say no they did not. Why should one not enjoy fashion, art, fine dining, et al. if it is available and certainly if not through ill gotten gains. The S&C women were genuine – REAL – without subterfuge and therefore perfectly entitled to have nice things – go nice places and live the so called good life. Now if these women were selfish and without REAL compassion – well then that would have presented a quite different scenario. I relate to these women in that fashion and style and art and gourmet dining and REAL luxury travel has been and will always be a part of my life – but I also am involved in many charities and care taking of REAL family and friends. So it is easy for me to comprehend why the series thought it acceptable that S&C gals were multi dimensional – I and most REALLY great women in my life are as well. Let me tell you that when hubby and I were choosing/designing our new homeS – my closet was as important as it was to Carrie when Big in the first Sex & City movie surprised his soon to be wife with a REALLY great NYC Penthouse walk in closet … not frivolous at all in my opinion. At the end of that same movie, the over voice of Carrie says it all quite well – love is what REALLY matters – of friends, spouses, children – if you are REAL you must surely agree!!!

P.S. Here is a personal story that I DEFINITELY plan to share with my Jewish compatriot, Sarah Jessica Parker, if blessed to meet her once moi & family are full time NYC residents [2013]: When my husband, Chester Michael Eliasz-Solomon & I first married in 2003, he was impressed with my nearly 500 pairs of mostly designer couture labeled & individual boxed shoes, boots & such. He would hear myself & my gal pals discuss Louboutins, Manolo Blahniks, Jimmy Choos, etc. & told me he was intrigued because as hubby dear explained to me – all the other women he had known wore, shall we say, pedestrian footwear [in fact his practice wife’s son wrote in his blog that she & her children shopped Boscov mostly – not that there is anything wrong with that, lol]. Once when I was complaining that my new Fall wardrobe left me needing new foot attire, hubby asked why a particular pair of Jimmy JEWS would not suffice … no he was not being anti-Semitic but was totally serious in thinking that was the brand name – I quickly explained that we JEWS wore that shoe but the name was Choo. Cute – right???


This is how ^^^ one cuts & paste – FYI to short “impotent” loser guy in Michigan who apparently [I am told by REAL “internet ninja” ] reads my blog – YEAH – now that is REALLY great because in law class we learn that this would equal something akin to his/they being fairly forewarned and as such having not ended their lies &  erroneous attacks can hence be sued more easily. By the way, it is NOT sarcasm when I state lawsuits coming & possibly civil criminal charges against these sad insignificant individuals. Oh yes, you should know – try to comprehend that one MUST be REALLY intelligent to fully have a sarcastic wit & you  Michigan folks and cohorts are definitely NOT intelligent – see you ALL in Court asap!!!