Archive for March 10th, 2013

March 10, 2013

Birthing History!

by Teréza Eliasz-Solomon (HeiressMommy™)


I was planning to begin this blog post by listing and detailing the current horrors being perpetrated against females throughout the world … acid in the face for perceived sexual promiscuity, bullet in the brain for going to school, vagina probed before being allowed to terminate a life threatening pregnancy, a 2012 U.S. political candidate suggesting rape not REAL if one gets pregnant during that act, etc., etc., etc.. My goal was to shock you my dear readers and then highlight why all REALLY caring people should care that this is National Women’s History Month in U.S.A. and that last week we celebrated International Women’s Day.  Here I sit in my home study – while my family is peacefully sleeping – accompanied by my usual companion, the BBC radio overnight broadcast on my beloved NPR. If you know me personally or follow/read my blog regularly, then you surely are aware that my life (to say the least) is one of REAL serendipitous delight and angst … by that I mean that so often the oddity of that which occurs or presents itself in my daily life is uniquely timely. And so it is in these early morning hours as I sit at my desk composing this post that the fine British voice announces that the next story will be on a sensitive topic concerning the nearly 30, 000 yearly female genitalia mutilation that are being performed in England amongst certain demographics of its immigrant population. No concentration possible now – not as I listen to details that I have read about before but remain still shocked and disgusted by on hearing how even infant females are being mutilated in the name of religious and cultural mores and perceived familial rights. Of course, the report ends and BBC moves onto politics and the world weather report. Hmm … REAL question is – how exactly do I have my thoughts move on now? You all know that I will find a way no matter how mournful I am now feeling because oh baby, I have lots to say on REAL feminism and REAL equality.

Many of my previous posts reference that both my parents were feminist … my Mother, Mary Rose L. Solomon born in 1914 being a early ERA supporter, NOW member and devotee of Ms. Magazine. My husband Chester M. Eliasz-Solomon legally taking my family last name and having our children do the same – more REAL testimony as to my pro-woman existence. Another REAL truth is that my erudite husband writes and comments almost as frequently as I do about the current attacks on women – the world situation and here in America where the extremist Tea Party types and GOP continually vote against important issues concerning women – like the recent controversy on Violence Against Women Act that they fought to sideline. So yes I am REALLY a lucky born, bred and living well the life of a REAL feminist – I am CEO, CFO and more of all things concerning my and my husband’s ventures. Fond of saying we are one another’s saving heroes and recipient heavy lifters in times of trouble – my husband rescues me and I him equally. Both of us are deeply concerned about the REAL current and seemingly growing “war on women“.  Why the push back now? Surely most modern men and women embrace REAL equality of the sexes and so the issue remains as to exactly what is causing so many to want to ignore the REAL increasing problems of violence, marginalization and lessening status for women in the world today. Economics most probably a part of some determined to take away the gains made during the last half century until today where more and more women are receiving professional degrees, heading Fortune 500 corporations and such – still no REAL grass roots efforts to secure our rights  or enact legislation and force Courts to find in favor of women in litigatory arenas. Now do not get me wrong – us gals are part of the REAL problem. We want it all but not to REALLY do it all … I wrote in another blog post that I do not do the “damsel in distress” routine. While yes I am surrounded by REALLY supportive men – men who without their presence in my life, most things would not be so easily possible. – there is to be stated and considered the caveat that I am equal in readiness to complete all required tasks and that my friends is REAL liberation.

I love all things jurisprudence … I took to studying law like the proverbial “fish takes to water“. I adore that the Supreme Court of the United States of America [SCOTUS] has three amazing current female members. Still why is it that the Equal Rights Amendment [ERA] I referenced at the beginning of this post  by mentioning that my own Mother who died in 1987 was supporting for years still has not passed into law – why is the journal our dear brilliant Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg assisted in founding, The Women’s Rights Law Reporter, still battling for that to occur? Well you are saying …blah, blah, blah – no my darling readers – no excuses any longer acceptable – no complex explanations will be tolerated. We need – no make that we must get laws on the national and international legal tomes making women REALLY equable and acts of violence against women REALLY punishable to the full extent of the law. Each of you must come to the full realization that equal rights for women liberate men as well – to that point ladies – no bullshit from us can any longer be tolerated either. You get what you give … can not be free to be you, if men are not also free – in other words, claiming as my husband’s ex-wife did the inability to work [in order to contribute her fair share to her other daughter’s discovered only part time college attendance] after her 20 year older daughter was killed but then partying and traveling only weeks later, is just not kosher. Be REAL or be denied is what we females must make our mantra … fair is fair as the saying goes and so we step up and we demand equability and then we live it for REAL. When a woman uses obfuscation of reality and seeks consideration solely on her status as a woman, she deters those of us striving and willing to do the work needed. Stay at home, work daily or a combination of both – all are valid feminist situations but not having it both ways … do or don’t do ladies but do not get in the way of REAL progress toward protective equal status for women. So my dear ladies  – excuses and justifications just will not cut it any longer – we need to move on, move up and rule all the days of our lives. While pushing forward remember that during the 2012 U.S. election cycle there was a rather popular poster that had these words: “Women brought all politicians into the world and we can vote them out of office too!”.  Yes indeed, we gals birth the world, make history and so we can make it REALLY equal once and for all time … here, there and everywhere REAL women and the men who REALLY love us must unite to make our place in this world safe, secure and REALLY ours!!!

P.S. In my finally soon published & long anticipated tell all memoir, Heiress Mommy … A Modern Super Woman Life! many REAL details of my feminist causes will be included. For now I ask that you to join me, Meryl Streep, Hillary Clinton and others to support and finance the building of Washington D.C. Women’s National History Museum – which I am proud to say, as of today, I am listed as a participating & contributing member – my first donation was made in honor of my late feminist Mother, Mary Rose Solomon, with my love & gratitude!!!

Note: May I recommend reading the new book by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, Lean Inyou can thank me later!